Personal information
Dr Marcin Poprawski is a researcher & senior lecturer at Humak University of Applied Sciences in Helsinki (Finland). He formerly worked at AMU University of Poznan (Poland) in the Institute of Cultural Studies of the Faculty of Anthropology and Cultural Studies.
He is a leader of the Finnish team in Horizon Europe Project ‘EKIP European Cultural and Creative Industries Policy Platform’ 2023-2027 led by Lund University.
The territory of his research, publishing and teaching activities belong to the shared land of cultural management, cultural policies, sustainability values, festivals, local cultural ecosystems, organisational cultures of arts, heritage and creative organisations, audience engagement, aesthetics, creative processes, and organization. He is coordinating COSM (Culture, Organisation and Sustainability Management, a set of courses offered by Humak University to Finnish and international MA students of Cultural Management and related studies.
He is a member of: the editorial board of The Journal of Cultural Management and Cultural Policy (Fachverband Kulturmanagement, Germany) the advisory board of the European Journal of Cultural Management and Policy (ENCATC, B), the editorial advisory board of the Cultural Policy, Management and Entrepreneurship journal (TACPS, Taiwan), the Scientific Committee of the International Conference on Cultural Policy Research (ICCPR) conference series. He served 2013-2018 as a Vice-president of ENCATC Network (Brussels) a leading international network on cultural policy and cultural management. He worked as an expert of the EECN European Expert Network on Culture - delivering commissioned analyses to the European Commision (2021-2022).
He was a guest lecturer at: Sibelius Academy - UniArts Helsinki (FIN), Universita del Salento (Lecce, Italy), ZHAW (Zurich, CH), EUV (Frankfurt/O., DE), DAMU (Prague, CZ), JAMU (Brno, CZ), Malmo University (SWE), Leuphana University (DE) and the Heritage Academy of the International Cultural Centre & University of Economics in Cracow (PL).
He was an expert of the Association of Polish Cities, he worked for NU Foundation in Poznan, he was a director of the AMU Audience Development Postgraduate Diploma and director of the AMU ROK Culture Observatory research centre in Poznan, he was a co-editor in chief of the Connecting Audiences Polska Magazine. He worked for 17 years as a music manager in private, public and civic organisational settings, including 8 years as a music festival director and 3 years as a general manager of a public music institution.
Employment (2)
Professional activities (1)
Funding (1)
Works (18)