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Works (3)

Concentration dependence of two-photon absorption in PMMA polymeric films doped with rhodamine laser dyes

Journal of the Optical Society of America B
2020-10-01 | Journal article
Contributors: J. K. Asane; M. A. Noginov
Source: check_circle

Effect of strong coupling on photodegradation of the semiconducting polymer P3HT

2019-03-20 | Journal article
Contributors: Vanessa N. Peters; Md Omar Faruk; Joshua Asane; Rohan Alexander; D’angelo A. Peters; Srujana Prayakarao; Sangeeta Rout; M. A. Noginov
Source: check_circle

Optical properties of nanoporous gold foams

AIP Advances
2018-09 | Journal article
Contributors: J. K. Asane; Z. Qi; M. M. Biener; V. Liberman; M. A. Noginov
Source: check_circle