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Polymer, high-performance polymers, monomers, senosry polymers, chemosensors, polymer chemosensors


I am full professor of the Department of Chemistry at the University of Burgos, Spain. I carried out my doctoral studies at the Institute of Polymer Science & Technology, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), receiving his PhD in Chemistry at the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain in 1995. I have co-author of more than 100 peer reviewed scientific publications and has a number of patents (>15), along with co-author books and books chapters. My principal areas of research are high performance materials, functional polymers, and sensory polymers as sensing materials for water environments.


Education and qualifications (3)

Universidad Complutense de Madrid: Madrid, Comunidad de Madrid, ES

1992 to 1995 | PhD in Chemsitry
Source: Self-asserted source
J.M. Garcia

Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas: Madrid, Madrid, ES

1991 to 1992 | MSc in Polymer Science and Technology
Source: Self-asserted source
J.M. Garcia

Universidad de Valladolid: Valladolid, Castilla y León, ES

1986 to 1991 | BSc in Chemistry
Source: Self-asserted source
J.M. Garcia

Peer review (40 reviews for 21 publications/grants)

Review activity for ACS applied materials & interfaces. (2)
Review activity for ACS applied nano materials. (1)
Review activity for ACS applied polymer materials. (2)
Review activity for ACS omega. (1)
Review activity for Advanced Materials Technologies (1)
Review activity for Analytical chemistry. (2)
Review activity for Comprehensive reviews in food science and food safety. (1)
Review activity for European polymer journal. (1)
Review activity for Food chemistry. (2)
Review activity for Industrial & engineering chemistry research. (1)
Review activity for Journal of polymer research. (3)
Review activity for Journal of polymer research. (4)
Review activity for Journal of polymer science (3)
Review activity for Journal of polymer science. (4)
Review activity for Macromolecular chemistry and physics. (3)
Review activity for Macromolecules. (1)
Review activity for Materials today chemistry. (1)
Review activity for Polymer chemistry. (1)
Review activity for Polymer engineering and science. (2)
Review activity for Polymer reviews. (1)
Review activity for Sensors and actuators. (3)