Personal information
Prof. Dr. Ricardo Luiz Longo
CNPq Research Fellow level 1C
ORCID: 0000-0002-2738-7642
Prof. Longo is a Full Professor at Departamento de Química Fundamental at Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (dQF-UFPE) and has expertise in theoretical and computational chemistry and materials, especially, in the development of new methods for applications in lanthanide luminescence, spectroscopy (NMR, ESP, vibrational, electronic), reactivity, reaction mechanisms and dynamics, structures and suprastructures, adsorption, catalysis, chemical bonds. He has experience in coordinating large cooperative and collaborative research projects as coordinator of PRONEX/FACEPE-CNPq "Center for Excellence in Luminescence of Lanthanides: Integration Theory-Experiment (Núcleo de Excelência em Luminescência com Lantanídeos: Integração Teoria-Experimento)", 2008-12 to 2014-10, involving ca. 50 researchers (professors and students), of FACEPE/Multiuser "Multiuser Cluster Neumann II: A Hybrid HPC Laboratory for Modeling and Simulations" (Cluster Multiusuário Neumann II: Laboratório de Processamento Híbrido de Alto Desempenho de Modelagem e Simulação de Sistemas Complexos, Processamento de Imagens em Biomedicina e Medicina Assistida por Computação Científica, 2013-02 to 2016-07, and as vice-coordinator of the of the “Rede Nacional de Nanotecnologia Molecular e de Interfaces” (RENAMI) and of the INCT on “Nanotecnologia para Marcadores Integrados” INCT-INAMI, which involved hundreds of researchers (professors and students). In addition, he has experience with internationalization project as coordinator of PVE-CNPq (Special Visiting Researcher) "LUMinescent HYBRId MaTerials for Advanced Markers & Sensors - LUMHYBRIghT", which involved Prof. Luís Dias Carlos (Departamento de Física, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal), and ca 20 researchers (professors and students), including PhD and post-doctoral scholarships, 2013-11 to 2016-11.
Employment (1)
Education and qualifications (1)
Funding (1)