Personal information

Real-time IR, Disaster Informatics, Summarization, Event Detection, Machine Learning, Big Data Streams
United Kingdom


I am an active researcher in the areas of real-time IR, machine learning, big data stream processing and evaluation methodologies over streaming data, currently based within the IR Group of the IDA Section of the School of Computing Science at the University of Glasgow. My specialisms are: real-time IR technologies to enable users to efficiently and effectively find information in big data streams; the research and development of automatic (assistive) agents to detect events, extract knowledge and summarize information within big data streams; as well as methodologies to evaluate systems that process such streams.


Employment (8)

University of Glasgow: Glasgow, Glasgow, GB

2018 to present | Lecturer in Information Retrieval and Data Systems (Computing Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Richard McCreadie

University of Glasgow: Glasgow, Glasgow, GB

2018 to 2018 | Research Associate, BigDataStack H2020 Project, EU Project ID 779747, University of Glasgow (Computing Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Richard McCreadie

University of Glasgow: Glasgow, Glasgow, GB

2017 to 2017 | Research Associate, IMX DataLab Collaborative Innovation Project with Nucleus Financial, University of Glasgow. “Investment Management Extension” (Computing Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Richard McCreadie

University of Glasgow: Glasgow, Glasgow, GB

2014 to 2017 | Research Associate, SUPER FP7 Project, EU Grant Number 606853, University of Glasgow. (Computing Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Richard McCreadie

University of Glasgow: Glasgow, Glasgow, GB

2014 to 2014 | Research Assistant, SMART FP7 Project, EU Grant Number 287583, University of Glasgow (Computing Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Richard McCreadie

University of Glasgow: Glasgow, Glasgow, GB

2013 to 2014 | Research Assistant, EPSRC/DSTL ReDites Project, EP/L010690/1, University of Glasgow. "Real-time Detection, Tracking, Monitoring and Interpretation of Events in Social Media" (Computing Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Richard McCreadie

University of Glasgow: Glasgow, Glasgow, GB

2013 to 2013 | Research Assistant, TRIP Knowledge Exchange Project (IAA), University of Glasgow. (Computing Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Richard McCreadie

University of Glasgow: Glasgow, Glasgow, GB

2012 to 2012 | Research Assistant, EPSRC/DSTL CROSS Project, EP/J020664/1, University of Glasgow. "Real-time Story Detection Across Multiple Massive Streams" (Computing Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Richard McCreadie

Education and qualifications (2)

University of Glasgow: Glasgow, Glasgow, GB

2008-08-01 to 2012-08-01 | PhD: Information Retrieval (Computing Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Richard McCreadie

University of Glasgow: Glasgow, Glasgow, GB

2004-08-01 to 2008-08-01 | BSc Honors (Computing Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Richard McCreadie