Personal information


Postdoctoral Research EXPERIENCE
Oct 2007 – Jun 2010 Postdoctoral Research Station of Mechanical Engineering,
Hunan University, China.
Postdoctoral Research Report: Theory and key technology of new type large-diameter rotating ball valve with double direction metal sealing

Nov 2004 –Dec 2006 Postdoctoral Research Station of Control Science and Engineering, Hunan University, China.
Postdoctoral Research Report: Intelligent information fusion theory and technology of neural network fuzzy reasoning and its application
Feb 2006 - Now Associate Professor, Professor of Energy and Power Engineering
College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering, Hunan University, China
Chief instructor of undergraduate courses:
(1)Engineering Thermodynamics A, Engineering Thermodynamics B
(2)Fluid Mechanics,
(3)Measuring and Testing Technology of Thermal Energy Engineering
(4)Engineering Thermodynamics B
Chief instructor of graduate courses:
(1)Advanced Combustion,
(2)Intelligent Fault Diagnosis on Thermal Power Equipments,
(3)Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics
Sep 2004 –Feb 2006 Lecturer of Energy and Power Engineering
College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering, Hunan University, China
Chief instructor of undergraduate courses:
(1)Engineering Thermodynamics A,
(2)Fluid Mechanics,
(2)Measuring and Testing Technology of Thermal Energy Engineering
(4)Principles of Heat Exchanger and Equipment
Jul 1997 – Aug 1999 Assistant Engineer of Vehicle Development
Technology Center of Xiangtan Electric Manufacturing Company, China
Aug 1999 –Sep 2004 College of Energy Science and Engineering, Central South University, China
Graduated with Doctors of Thermal Energy Engineering
Title of Doctor Paper: Application and Study on Operation Optimum and Intelligent Control of the Copper Refining Anode Furnace

Sep 1993 –Jul 1997 College of Automobile Engineering, Jilin University of Technology, China
Graduated with Bachelors of Thermal Energy Engineering