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Professional activities (1)

Physikalische Gesellschaft zu Berlin: Berlin, DE

2018-12 | Carl Ramsauer Prize
Source: Self-asserted source
Christopher Nicholson

Works (16)

Observation of the metallic mosaic phase in 1T−TaS2 at equilibrium

Physical Review Materials
2023-06-14 | Journal article
Contributors: Björn Salzmann; Elina Hujala; Catherine Witteveen; Baptiste Hildebrand; Helmuth Berger; Fabian O. von Rohr; Christopher W. Nicholson; Claude Monney
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Carrier-Density Control of the Quantum-Confined 1T−TiSe2 Charge Density Wave

Physical Review Letters
2023-05-31 | Journal article
Contributors: T. Jaouen; A. Pulkkinen; M. Rumo; G. Kremer; B. Salzmann; C. W. Nicholson; M.-L. Mottas; E. Giannini; S. Tricot; P. Schieffer et al.
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Field-induced ultrafast modulation of Rashba coupling at room temperature in ferroelectric α-GeTe(111)

Nature Communications
2022-10-27 | Journal article
Contributors: Geoffroy Kremer; Julian Maklar; Laurent Nicolaï; Christopher W. Nicholson; Changming Yue; Caio Silva; Philipp Werner; J. Hugo Dil; Juraj Krempaský; Gunther Springholz et al.
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Excited-state band structure mapping

Physical Review B
2022-02-17 | Journal article
Contributors: M. Puppin; C. W. Nicholson; C. Monney; Y. Deng; R. P. Xian; J. Feldl; S. Dong; A. Dominguez; H. Hübener; A. Rubio et al.
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Coherent Modulation of Quasiparticle Scattering Rates in a Photoexcited Charge-Density-Wave System

Physical Review Letters
2022-01-14 | Journal article
Contributors: J. Maklar; M. Schüler; Y. W. Windsor; C. W. Nicholson; M. Puppin; P. Walmsley; I. R. Fisher; M. Wolf; R. Ernstorfer; M. A. Sentef et al.
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Electron-momentum dependence of electron-phonon coupling underlies dramatic phonon renormalization in YNi2B2C

Nature Communications
2022-01-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Philipp Kurzhals; Geoffroy Kremer; Thomas Jaouen; Christopher W. Nicholson; Rolf Heid; Peter Nagel; John-Paul Castellan; Alexandre Ivanov; Matthias Muntwiler; Maxime Rumo et al.
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Direct measurement of key exciton properties: Energy, dynamics, and spatial distribution of the wave function

Natural Sciences
2021-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Shuo Dong; Michele Puppin; Tommaso Pincelli; Samuel Beaulieu; Dominik Christiansen; Hannes Hübener; Christopher W. Nicholson; Rui Patrick Xian; Maciej Dendzik; Yunpei Deng et al.
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Probing the interplay between lattice dynamics and short-range magnetic correlations in CuGeO3 with femtosecond RIXS

npj Quantum Materials
2021-05-21 | Journal article
Contributors: E. Paris; C. W. Nicholson; S. Johnston; Y. Tseng; M. Rumo; G. Coslovich; S. Zohar; M. F. Lin; V. N. Strocov; R. Saint-Martin et al.
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Nonequilibrium charge-density-wave order beyond the thermal limit

Nature Communications
2021-05-03 | Journal article
Contributors: J. Maklar; Y. W. Windsor; C. W. Nicholson; M. Puppin; P. Walmsley; V. Esposito; M. Porer; J. Rittmann; D. Leuenberger; M. Kubli et al.
Source: check_circle

Uniaxial strain-induced phase transition in the 2D topological semimetal IrTe2

Communications Materials
2021-03-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Christopher W. Nicholson; Maxime Rumo; Aki Pulkkinen; Geoffroy Kremer; Björn Salzmann; Marie-Laure Mottas; Baptiste Hildebrand; Thomas Jaouen; Timur K. Kim; Saumya Mukherjee et al.
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Long-ranged Cu-based order with $$d_{z^2}$$ orbital character at a YBa2Cu3O7/ manganite interface

npj Quantum Materials
2021-02-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Roxana Gaina; Christopher W. Nicholson; Maxime Rumo; Subhrangsu Sarkar; Jarji Khmaladze; Eugenio Paris; Yi Tseng; Wenliang Zhang; Teguh C. Asmara; Daniel McNally et al.
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Unveiling the complete dispersion of the giant Rashba split surface states of ferroelectric α−GeTe(111) by alkali doping

Physical Review Research
2020-07-22 | Journal article
Contributors: G. Kremer; T. Jaouen; B. Salzmann; L. Nicolaï; M. Rumo; C. W. Nicholson; B. Hildebrand; J. H. Dil; J. Minár; G. Springholz et al.
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Examining the surface phase diagram of IrTe2 with photoemission

Physical Review B
2020-06-04 | Journal article
Contributors: M. Rumo; C. W. Nicholson; A. Pulkkinen; B. Hildebrand; G. Kremer; B. Salzmann; M.-L. Mottas; K. Y. Ma; E. L. Wong; M. K. L. Man et al.
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Role of a higher-dimensional interaction in stabilizing charge density waves in quasi-one-dimensional NbSe3 revealed by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy

Physical Review B
2020-01-13 | Journal article
Contributors: C. W. Nicholson; E. F. Schwier; K. Shimada; H. Berger; M. Hoesch; C. Berthod; C. Monney
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Time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy of solids in the extreme ultraviolet at 500 kHz repetition rate

Review of Scientific Instruments
2019-02 | Journal article
Contributors: M. Puppin; Y. Deng; C. W. Nicholson; J. Feldl; N. B. M. Schröter; H. Vita; P. S. Kirchmann; C. Monney; L. Rettig; M. Wolf et al.
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Beyond the molecular movie: Dynamics of bands and bonds during a photoinduced phase transition

2018-11-16 | Journal article
Contributors: C. W. Nicholson; A. Lücke; W. G. Schmidt; M. Puppin; L. Rettig; R. Ernstorfer; M. Wolf
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