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Works (10)

Why your help is unhelpful: A multistage mediation model exploring mechanisms linking unhelpful workplace social support to work engagement.

Journal of Occupational Health Psychology
2024-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Ian M. Hughes; Cheryl E. Gray; Andrea Bazzoli; Sara M. Stavely
Source: check_circle

When help is draining: Investigating the importance of various unhelpful workplace social support exchanges to psychological strain.

International Journal of Stress Management
2024-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Ian M. Hughes; Cheryl E. Gray
Source: check_circle

The other side of emotional support: The moderating role of personality in the relations between emotionally‐valenced support elicitation experiences and strain

Applied Psychology
2024-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Ian M. Hughes; Lindsey M. Freier
Source: check_circle

Working, scrolling, and worrying: Doomscrolling at work and its implications for work engagement

Computers in Human Behavior
2024-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Ian M. Hughes; Melissa G. Keith; Juseob Lee; Cheryl E. Gray
Source: check_circle

Informational Justice, Organizational Communication, and Job Insecurity in the Early Stages of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Journal of Personnel Psychology
2024-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Ian M. Hughes; Melissa G. Keith; Christopher M. Gallagher
Source: check_circle

They were uncivil, and now I am too: A dual process model exploring relations between customer incivility and instigated incivility

Stress and Health
2023-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Ian M. Hughes; Juseob Lee; Junyoung Hong; Richard Currie; Steve M. Jex
Source: check_circle

It's just (family) business: The impact of familial work experience on perceived qualification and hireability during the selection process

International Journal of Selection and Assessment
2023-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Ian M. Hughes; Marie Childers
Source: check_circle

“Your help isn’t helping me!” Unhelpful workplace social support, strain, and the role of individual differences

Occupational Health Science
2022-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Ian M. Hughes; Lindsey M. Freier; Clare L. Barratt
Source: check_circle

From Social Burden to Support Elicitation: Development and validation of a new measure of workplace support elicitation experiences

2021-09-08 | Preprint
Contributors: Christopher M Gallagher; Ian Hughes; Melissa Keith
Source: check_circle

Bearing the Burden: Outcomes and Moderators of Social Burden in the Workplace

Occupational Health Science
2020-06-22 | Journal article
Contributors: Christopher M. Gallagher; Ian M. Hughes
Source: check_circle