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Professor Huang-Ping Yu, MD, PhD, works as the Professor of Department of Anesthesiology of Linkou Chang Gung Medical Center (around 3,700 ward beds). In addition, Professor Yu is appointed as the member of Editorial Board of international Shock, Life, Current Drug Metabolism, and Frontiers in Medicine journals (SCI). He has over 130 publications of book chapters, original articles and review papers being published in the English peer review journals. He is an invited reviewer for peer review journals including Critical Care Medicine, PLoS ONE, Journal of Surgical Research, World Journal of Gastroenterology, Pharmacological Research, Mediators of Inflammation and etc. Professor Yu’s research fields include Anesthesiology, Critical Care Medicine, Hemorrhagic Shock, Sepsis, and Inflammation. Professor Yu’s studies investigating the mechanism of therapeutic reagents-induced improvement of organ function and the potential use of therapeutic reagents after trauma/sepsis to prevent organ dysfunction, therefore represent a novel and innovative approach for maintaining organ function under those conditions.