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Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Huelva (Spain) since 1995. Invited professor at the Technical University of Hamburg (Germany). Director of the Chemical Engineering Department in the University of Huelva (2007-2015). Director of the R&D Services at the University of Huelva (2000-2002). Coordinator of the PhD studies on “Complex Fluid Engineering” at the University of Huelva (2003-07). External examiner of the University of Wales for the “Environmental Management” and “Environmental Science” studies (2003-2006). Director of the postgraduate program on “Formulation and Product Engineering” of the University of Huelva (2006-2008). Director of the Chemical Process and Product Technology Research Center (Pro2TecS) (2015 - present).
The research activity has been focused on Colloids, Emulsion Technology, Rheology, Processing of non-Newtonian Fluids, Lubricants, Biopolymers and Product Development, in general. Researcher in more than 50 research projects sponsored by the administration and the industry, author of more than 170 papers in peer reviewed journals, author of several reviews on Emulsion Rheology and Lubricating Greases, co-author of several chapters in specialized books, co-editor of 4 books on Rheology, author of more than 170 communications in International Conferences. Honoured with the Andalusian government award for young researchers (2003).
Vice-president (2006-present) of the Spanish Rheological Society and member of the Real Sociedad Española de Física y Química. Member of the Organizing Committee of “Eurorheo 2002-01, Joint Meeting of British, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish Rheologists” (Málaga, Spain, 2002), “Ibereo-08, Iberian Meeting on Rheology” (Madrid, Spain, 2008), “Ibereo-11, Iberian Meeting on Rheology” (Caparica, Portugal, 2011) and “XVIth International Congress on Rheology” (Lisbon, 2012).