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Works (2)

Cerebral Air Embolism after Central Venous Catheter Removal in a Patient with a Patent Foramen Ovale: A Case Report and Literature Review

Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
2019 | Journal article
Contributors: Hyoung Jin Hahn; Ghi Jai Lee; Ki Hwan Kim; Kyoung Eun Lee; Jae-Chan Shim; Dae Hyun Hwang; Ho Kyun Kim
Source: check_circle

MRI Findings of Accessory Popliteus Muscle: A Case Report

Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
2019 | Journal article
Contributors: Hyoung Jin Hahn; Jae-Chan Shim; Ki Hwan Kim; Kyoung Eun Lee; Dae Hyun Hwang; Ghi Jai Lee; Ho Kyun Kim
Source: check_circle