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Spanish scholar, writer, teacher and literary translator. This ORCID profile focuses only on my scholarly work. For more information about my literary career, feel free to reach me at or my publisher Elena Medel at La Bella Varsovia / Anagrama at
As a poet, I have been the recipient of numerous literary prizes, including the Premio Nacional Miguel Hernández 2018 granted by the Ministry of Culture of Spain. I am the author of the essay "El arte de encender las palabras" (Barlin, 2023) and eight books of poetry: Corazonada (2023), Una pequeña personalidad linda (La Bella Varsovia, 2021); Los salmos fosforitos (La Bella Varsovia, 2017); La edad de merecer (La Bella Varsovia, 2015), translated to English by Kelsi Vanada as The Eligible Age (Song Bridge Press, 2018) and also published in Argentina (Zindo&Gafuri, 2018); and four other books, republished in Corazón tradicionalista: Poesía 2008-2011 (La Bella Varsovia, 2017). My work has been published into more than twenty-five collective anthologies, and I have been invited to more than thirty-five national and international literary festivals, readings, roundtable discussions, conferences and workshops.
I have taught extensively both in academic institutions (New York University and Brown University) and outside the academic realm (Cursiva / Penguin Random House, Crisi, La Casa Encendida, among other cultural institutions).
As a translator, I have translated from English into Spanish the poetry of Rachel Zucher (forthcoming in 2023 in Letraversal), Paul Legault (forthcoming in 2023 in Kriller71), and an anthology of American poets (Todos los ruiditos. Antología de Poesía Alt Lit, Pesopluma : Lima, 2018), and from Catalan to Spanish the poetry of Blanca Llum Vidal (Aquest amor que no és u / Este amor que no es uno, Ultramarinos : Barcelona, 2018).
Languages: Native Spanish; fluent in English, Catalan, and French; beginner of Portuguese and Romanian.