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Works (44)

Fine Structure of Tremor Migrations Beneath the Kii Peninsula, Southwest Japan, Extracted With a Space‐Time Hough Transform

Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth
2023-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Kodai Sagae; Hisashi Nakahara; Takeshi Nishimura; Kazutoshi Imanishi
Source: check_circle

Long‐Living Earthquake Swarm and Intermittent Seismicity in the Northeastern Tip of the Noto Peninsula, Japan

Geophysical Research Letters
2023-04-28 | Journal article
Contributors: Y. Amezawa; Y. Hiramatsu; A. Miyakawa; K. Imanishi; M. Otsubo
Source: check_circle

Long-living Earthquake Swarm and Intermittent Seismicity in the Northeastern Tip of the Noto Peninsula, Japan

2023-01-17 | Preprint
Contributors: Yuta Amezawa; Yoshihiro Hiramatsu; Ayumu Miyakawa; Kazutoshi Imanishi; Makoto Otsubo
Source: check_circle

Fine structure of tremor migrations beneath the Kii Peninsula, Southwest Japan, extracted with a space-time Hough transform

2022-12-14 | Preprint
Contributors: Kodai Sagae; Hisashi Nakahara; Takeshi Nishimura; Kazutoshi Imanishi
Source: check_circle

Stress Map of Japan: Detailed Nationwide Crustal Stress Field Inferred From Focal Mechanism Solutions of Numerous Microearthquakes

Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth
2022-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Takahiko Uchide; Takahiro Shiina; Kazutoshi Imanishi
Source: check_circle

Driving stress and seismotectonic implications of the 2013 Mw5.8 Awaji Island earthquake, southwestern Japan, based on earthquake focal mechanisms before and after the mainshock

Earth, Planets and Space
2020-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Kazutoshi Imanishi; Makiko Ohtani; Takahiko Uchide
Source: check_circle

Driving stress and seismotectonic implications of the 2013 Mw5.8 Awaji Island earthquake, southwestern Japan, based on earthquake focal mechanisms before and after the mainshock

2020-10-15 | Preprint
Contributors: Kazutoshi Imanishi; Makiko Ohtani; Takahiko Uchide
Source: check_circle

Driving stress and seismotectonic implications of the 2013 Mw5.8 Awaji Island earthquake, southwestern Japan, based on earthquake focal mechanisms before and after the mainshock

2020-09-22 | Preprint
Contributors: Kazutoshi Imanishi; Makiko Ohtani; Takahiko Uchide
Source: check_circle

Driving Stress and Seismotectonic Implications of the 2013 Mw5.8 Awaji Island Earthquake, Southwestern Japan, Based on Earthquake Focal Mechanisms Before and After the Mainshock

2020-07-07 | Preprint
Contributors: Kazutoshi Imanishi; Makiko Ohtani; Takahiko Uchide
Source: check_circle

Seismic Potential Around the Northeastern Edge of the Longmenshan Fault Zone as Inferred from Seismological Observations

Pure and Applied Geophysics
2020-01-21 | Journal article
Contributors: Reiken Matsushita; Kazutoshi Imanishi; Makiko Ohtani; Yasuto Kuwahara; Jiuhui Chen; Shengli Ma
Source: check_circle

Detection Method for Pairs of P and S Waves of Deep Low‐Frequency Earthquakes Using a 3‐D Array in the Tokai Area of the Nankai Subduction and Its Application to Hypocenter Determination

Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems
2018-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Sadaomi Suzuki; Makoto Okubo; Kazutoshi Imanishi; Naoto Takeda
Source: check_circle

Underestimation of Microearthquake Size by the Magnitude Scale of the Japan Meteorological Agency: Influence on Earthquake Statistics

Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth
2018-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Takahiko Uchide; Kazutoshi Imanishi
Source: check_circle

Non‐self‐similar source property for microforeshocks of the 2014 Mw 6.2 Northern Nagano, central Japan, earthquake

Geophysical Research Letters
2017-06-16 | Journal article
Contributors: Kazutoshi Imanishi; Takahiko Uchide
Source: check_circle

Characteristics of the surface ruptures associated with the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake sequence, central Kyushu, Japan

Earth, Planets and Space
2016-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Yoshiki Shirahama; Masayuki Yoshimi; Yasuo Awata; Tadashi Maruyama; Takashi Azuma; Yukari Miyashita; Hiroshi Mori; Kazutoshi Imanishi; Naoto Takeda; Tadafumi Ochi et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Kazutoshi Imanishi via Crossref Metadata Search

The 2016 Kumamoto–Oita earthquake sequence: aftershock seismicity gap and dynamic triggering in volcanic areas

Earth, Planets and Space
2016-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Takahiko Uchide; Haruo Horikawa; Misato Nakai; Reiken Matsushita; Norio Shigematsu; Ryosuke Ando; Kazutoshi Imanishi
Source: Self-asserted source
Kazutoshi Imanishi via Crossref Metadata Search

Small Earthquakes Deviate from the Omega‐Square Model as Revealed by Multiple Spectral Ratio Analysis

Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America
2016-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Takahiko Uchide; Kazutoshi Imanishi
Source: Self-asserted source
Kazutoshi Imanishi via Crossref Metadata Search

Determination of focal mechanisms of nonvolcanic tremor using S wave polarization data corrected for the effects of anisotropy

Geophysical Research Letters
2016-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Kazutoshi Imanishi; Takahiko Uchide; Naoto Takeda
Source: Self-asserted source
Kazutoshi Imanishi via Crossref Metadata Search

Stress fields in and around metropolitan Osaka, Japan, deduced from microearthquake focal mechanisms

2015-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Reiken Matsushita; Kazutoshi Imanishi
Source: Self-asserted source
Kazutoshi Imanishi via Crossref Metadata Search

Stress drop variations among small earthquakes before the 2011 Tohoku-oki, Japan, earthquake and implications for the main shock

Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth
2014-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Takahiko Uchide; Peter M. Shearer; Kazutoshi Imanishi
Source: Self-asserted source
Kazutoshi Imanishi via Crossref Metadata Search

Investigating the role of the Itoigawa-Shizuoka tectonic line towards the evolution of the Northern Fossa Magna rift basin

2014-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Yannis Panayotopoulos; Naoshi Hirata; Hiroshi Sato; Aitaro Kato; Kazutoshi Imanishi; Yasuto Kuwahara; Ikuo Cho; Tetsuya Takeda; Youichi Asano
Source: Self-asserted source
Kazutoshi Imanishi via Crossref Metadata Search

Temporal slip change based on curved slickenlines on fault scarps along Itozawa fault caused by 2011 Iwaki earthquake, northeast Japan

2013-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Makoto Otsubo; Norio Shigematsu; Kazutoshi Imanishi; Ryosuke Ando; Miki Takahashi; Takashi Azuma
Source: Self-asserted source
Kazutoshi Imanishi via Crossref Metadata Search

Slickenlines on fault scarps caused by an earthquake in Iwaki-city (Fukushima Prefecture, Japan) on 11 April 2011

The Journal of the Geological Society of Japan
2012 | Journal article
Contributors: Makoto Otsubo; Norio Shigematsu; Miki Takahashi; Takashi Azuma; Kazutoshi Imanishi; Ryosuke Ando
Source: Self-asserted source
Kazutoshi Imanishi via Crossref Metadata Search

Unusual shallow normal-faulting earthquake sequence in compressional northeast Japan activated after the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake

Geophysical Research Letters
2012-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Kazutoshi Imanishi; Ryosuke Ando; Yasuto Kuwahara
Source: Self-asserted source
Kazutoshi Imanishi via Crossref Metadata Search

Source parameters of microearthquakes on an interplate asperity off Kamaishi, NE Japan over two earthquake cycles

Geophysical Journal International
2012-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Naoki Uchida; Toru Matsuzawa; William L. Ellsworth; Kazutoshi Imanishi; Kouhei Shimamura; Akira Hasegawa
Source: Self-asserted source
Kazutoshi Imanishi via Crossref Metadata Search

Enhanced detection capability of non-volcanic tremor using a 3-level vertical seismic array network, VA-net, in southwest Japan

Geophysical Research Letters
2011-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Kazutoshi Imanishi; Naoto Takeda; Yasuto Kuwahara; Naoji Koizumi
Source: Self-asserted source
Kazutoshi Imanishi via Crossref Metadata Search

Possibility of M w 9.0 mainshock triggered by diffusional propagation of after-slip from M w 7.3 foreshock

Earth, Planets and Space
2011-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Ryosuke Ando; Kazutoshi Imanishi
Source: Self-asserted source
Kazutoshi Imanishi via Crossref Metadata Search

Depth-dependent stress field in and around the Atotsugawa fault, central Japan, deduced from microearthquake focal mechanisms: Evidence for localized aseismic deformation in the downward extension of the fault

Journal of Geophysical Research
2011-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Kazutoshi Imanishi; Yasuto Kuwahara; Tetsuya Takeda; Takashi Mizuno; Hisao Ito; Kiyoshi Ito; Hiroo Wada; Yoshikatsu Haryu
Source: Self-asserted source
Kazutoshi Imanishi via Crossref Metadata Search

Erratum to: Seismicity and crustal structure in the vicinity of the southern Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line

Earth, Planets and Space
2010-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Yannis Panayotopoulos; Naoshi Hirata; Hiroshi Sato; Takaya Iwasaki; Aitaro Kato; Kazutoshi Imanishi; Yasuto Kuwahara; Ikuo Cho
Source: Self-asserted source
Kazutoshi Imanishi via Crossref Metadata Search

Seismicity and crustal structure in the vicinity of the southern Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line

Earth, Planets and Space
2010-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Yannis Panayotopoulos; Naoshi Hirata; Hiroshi Sato; Takaya Iwasaki; Aitaro Kato; Kazutoshi Imanishi; Yasuto Kuwahara; Ikuo Cho
Source: Self-asserted source
Kazutoshi Imanishi via Crossref Metadata Search

Stress field in the source region after the 2007 Mw 6.6 Niigataken Chuetsu-oki earthquake deduced from aftershock focal mechanisms: Implication for a pre-mainshock stress field

Earth, Planets and Space
2009-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Kazutoshi Imanishi; Yasuto Kuwahara
Source: Self-asserted source
Kazutoshi Imanishi via Crossref Metadata Search

Bridging the gap between seismically and geodetically detected slow earthquakes

Geophysical Research Letters
2008-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Satoshi Ide; Kazutoshi Imanishi; Yasuhiro Yoshida; Gregory C. Beroza; David R. Shelly
Source: Self-asserted source
Kazutoshi Imanishi via Crossref Metadata Search

Seismology Inside the Fault Zone: Applications to Fault-Zone Properties and Rupture Dynamics

Scientific Drilling
2007-11 | Journal article
Contributors: William L. Ellsworth; Peter E. Malin; Kazutoshi Imanishi; Steven W. Roecker; Robert Nadeau; Volker Oye; Clifford H. Thurber; Felix Waldhauser; Namoi L. Boness; Stephen H. Hickman et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Kazutoshi Imanishi via Crossref Metadata Search

Source parameters of a M4.8 and its accompanying repeating earthquakes off Kamaishi, NE Japan: Implications for the hierarchical structure of asperities and earthquake cycle

Geophysical Research Letters
2007-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Naoki Uchida; Toru Matsuzawa; William L. Ellsworth; Kazutoshi Imanishi; Tomomi Okada; Akira Hasegawa
Source: Self-asserted source
Kazutoshi Imanishi via Crossref Metadata Search

Source scaling relationships of microearthquakes at Parkfield, CA, determined using the SAFOD Pilot Hole Seismic Array

Earthquakes: Radiated Energy and the Physics of Faulting
2006 | Other
Contributors: Kazutoshi Imanishi; William L. Ellsworth
Source: Self-asserted source
Kazutoshi Imanishi via Crossref Metadata Search

The seismicity, fault structures, and stress field in the seismic gap adjacent to the 2004 Mid-Niigata earthquake inferred from seismological observations

Earth, Planets and Space
2006-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Kazutoshi Imanishi; Yasuto Kuwahara; Tetsuya Takeda; Yoshikatsu Haryu
Source: Self-asserted source
Kazutoshi Imanishi via Crossref Metadata Search

Measurements of spectral similarity for microearthquakes in western Nagano, Japan

Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth
2006-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Anupama Venkataraman; Gregory C. Beroza; Satoshi Ide; Kazutoshi Imanishi; Hisao Ito; Yoshihisa Iio
Source: Self-asserted source
Kazutoshi Imanishi via Crossref Metadata Search

Off-fault aftershocks of the 2005 West Off Fukuoka Prefecture Earthquake: Reactivation of a structural boundary?

Earth, Planets and Space
2006-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Kazutoshi Imanishi; Yasuto Kuwahara; Yoshikatsu Haryu
Source: Self-asserted source
Kazutoshi Imanishi via Crossref Metadata Search

Earthquake source parameters determined by the SAFOD Pilot Hole seismic array

Geophysical Research Letters
2004-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Kazutoshi Imanishi; William L. Ellsworth; Stephanie G. Prejean
Source: Self-asserted source
Kazutoshi Imanishi via Crossref Metadata Search

Detection of a slow slip event from small signal in GPS data

Geophysical Research Letters
2004-03-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Tamao Sato; Kazutoshi Imanishi; Naoyuki Kato; Takeshi Sagiya
Source: Self-asserted source
Kazutoshi Imanishi via Crossref Metadata Search

An inversion method to analyze rupture processes of small earthquakes using stopping phases

Journal of Geophysical Research
2002 | Journal article
Contributors: Kazutoshi Imanishi
Source: Self-asserted source
Kazutoshi Imanishi via Crossref Metadata Search

Deep structure of the Nagamachi-Rifu fault deduced from small aperture seismic array observations

Earth, Planets and Space
2002-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Kazutoshi Imanishi; Hisao Ito; Yasuto Kuwahara; Yutaka Mamada; Takanobu Yokokura; Naomi Kano; Kazuo Yamaguchi; Akiko Tanaka
Source: Self-asserted source
Kazutoshi Imanishi via Crossref Metadata Search

Estimates of fault dimensions for small earthquakes using stopping phases

Geophysical Research Letters
1998-08-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Kazutoshi Imanishi; Minoru Takeo
Source: Self-asserted source
Kazutoshi Imanishi via Crossref Metadata Search

Correction to “Three-stage rupture process of the 28 December 1994 Sanriku-Oke Earthquake”

Geophysical Research Letters
1996-03-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Tamao Sato; Kazutoshi Imanishi; Masahiro Kosuga
Source: Self-asserted source
Kazutoshi Imanishi via Crossref Metadata Search

Three-stage rupture process of the 28 December 1994 Sanriku-Oki Earthquake

Geophysical Research Letters
1996-01-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Tamao Sato; Kazutoshi Imanishi; Masahiro Kosuga
Source: Self-asserted source
Kazutoshi Imanishi via Crossref Metadata Search

Peer review (2 reviews for 1 publication/grant)

Review activity for Earth, planets and space. (2)