Personal information

Ge, GeSiSn, ellipsometry, CVD


Employment (3)

Institute of Semiconductors Chinese Academy of Sciences: Beijing, Beijing, CN

2021-05-01 to present
Source: Self-asserted source
Chi Xu

Arizona State University: Tempe, AZ, US

2015-09-01 to 2020-12-01 | Assistant Research Scientist (Physics Department)
Source: Self-asserted source
Chi Xu

Arizona State University: Tempe, AZ, US

2014-03-17 to 2015-08-31 | Postdoctoral scholar (Physics)
Source: Self-asserted source
Chi Xu

Education and qualifications (2)

Arizona State University: Tempe, AZ, US

2008-08-15 to 2013-12-18 | Ph.D. (Physics)
Source: Self-asserted source
Chi Xu

Peking University: Beijing, Beijing, CN

2004-09-01 to 2008-06-15 | B.S. (Physics)
Source: Self-asserted source
Chi Xu

Works (43)

Elucidating a proper framework for the determination of threading dislocation densities in semiconductor films: a comprehensive study based on Ge/Si(001)

Semiconductor Science and Technology
2024-12-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Chi Xu; Zhengjie Wu; Yue Li; Xiaoyu Wang; Xiyan Chang; Changjiang Xie; Caile Wang; Chen Chen; Yixin Wang; Hui Cong et al.
Source: check_circle

Preparation and loss analysis of Ge on Si SWIR optical strip waveguides

Applied Physics Letters
2024-08-26 | Journal article
Contributors: Xiaoyu Wang; Hui Cong; Changjiang Xie; Yue Li; Guoyin Xu; Yixin Wang; Chi Xu; Chunlai Xue
Source: check_circle

High-quality Ge1−xSnx (x = 0–0.11) realized by UHV-CVD using Ge2H6 and SnCl4: Materials growth, structural/optical properties, and prototype IR photodetectors

APL Materials
2024-07-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Changjiang Xie; Yue Li; Zhengjie Wu; Songsong Wu; Yixin Wang; Guangyang Lin; Cheng Li; Hui Cong; Chi Xu; Chunlai Xue
Source: check_circle

Epitaxial growth of high-quality Ge layers on Si with Ge2H6 under UHV-CVD conditions

Semiconductor Science and Technology
2024-01-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Changjiang Xie; Yue Li; Chi Xu; Yixin Wang; Hui Cong; Chunlai Xue
Source: check_circle

Synthesis of High Sn Content Ge1–x–ySixSny (0.1 < y < 0.22) Semiconductors on Si for MWIR Direct Band Gap Applications

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
2023-10-18 | Journal article
Contributors: John Kouvetakis; Patrick M. Wallace; Chi Xu; Dhruve A. Ringwala; Matthew Mircovich; Manuel A. Roldan; Preston T. Webster; Perry C. Grant; José Menéndez
Source: check_circle

Synthesis of short-wave infrared Ge1−ySny semiconductors directly on Si(100) via ultralow temperature molecular routes for monolithic integration applications

Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A
2022-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Chi Xu; Ting Hu; Aixin Zhang; Dhruve A. Ringwala; José Menéndez; John Kouvetakis
Source: check_circle

Gas source molecular epitaxy of Ge1−ySny materials and devices using high order Ge4H10 and Ge5H12 hydrides

Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films
2021-12-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Chi Xu; Ting Hu; Dhruve A. Ringwala; José Menéndez; John Kouvetakis
Source: check_circle

Extended Compositional Range for the Synthesis of SWIR and LWIR Ge1–ySny Alloys and Device Structures via CVD of SnH4 and Ge3H8

ACS Applied Electronic Materials
2021-08-24 | Journal article
Contributors: Matthew A. Mircovich; Chi Xu; Dhruve A. Ringwala; Christian D. Poweleit; José Menéndez; John Kouvetakis
Source: check_circle

Synthesis and Fundamental Studies of Si-Compatible (Si)GeSn and GeSn Mid-IR Systems with Ultrahigh Sn Contents

Chemistry of Materials
2019-12-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Chi Xu; Dhruve Ringwala; Duo Wang; Lei Liu; Christian D. Poweleit; Shery L. Y. Chang; Houlong L. Zhuang; José Menéndez; John Kouvetakis
Source: check_circle

Mid-infrared (3–8 μm) Ge1−ySny alloys (0.15 &lt; y &lt; 0.30): Synthesis, structural, and optical properties

Applied Physics Letters
2019-05-27 | Journal article
Contributors: Chi Xu; Patrick M. Wallace; Dhruve A. Ringwala; Shery L. Y. Chang; Christian D. Poweleit; John Kouvetakis; José Menéndez
Source: check_circle

Doping dependence of the optical dielectric function in n-type germanium

Journal of Applied Physics
2019-02-28 | Journal article
Contributors: Chi Xu; John Kouvetakis; José Menéndez
Source: check_circle

Fabrication of Ge:Ga Hyperdoped Materials and Devices Using CMOS-Compatible Ga and Ge Hydride Chemistries

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
2018-10-31 | Journal article
Contributors: Chi Xu; Patrick M. Wallace; Dhruve A. Ringwala; José Menéndez; John Kouvetakis
Source: check_circle

Deviations from Vegard's law in semiconductor thin films measured with X-ray diffraction and Rutherford backscattering: The Ge1-ySny and Ge1-xSix cases

Journal of Applied Physics
2017-09-28 | Journal article
Contributors: Chi Xu; Charutha L. Senaratne; Robert J. Culbertson; John Kouvetakis; José Menéndez
Source: check_circle

Synthesis and optical properties of (GaAs)yGe5-2y alloys assembled from molecular building blocks

Applied Physics Letters
2017-09-18 | Journal article
Contributors: P. E. Sims; P. M. Wallace; Chi Xu; C. D. Poweleit; B. Claflin; J. Kouvetakis; J. Menéndez
Source: check_circle

Molecular epitaxy of pseudomorphic Ge1−y Sn y (y = 0.06–0.17) structures and devices on Si/Ge at ultra-low temperatures via reactions of Ge4H10 and SnD4

Semiconductor Science and Technology
2017-02-01 | Journal article
Contributors: P M Wallace; C L Senaratne; Chi Xu; P E Sims; J Kouvetakis; J Menéndez
Source: check_circle

Experimental doping dependence of the lattice parameter in n -type Ge: Identifying the correct theoretical framework by comparison with Si

Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
2016 | Journal article


Contributors: Xu, C.; Senaratne, C.L.; Kouvetakis, J.; Menéndez, J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Chi Xu via Scopus - Elsevier

Optical properties of Ge-rich G e1-x S IX alloys: Compositional dependence of the lowest direct and indirect gaps

Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
2016 | Journal article


Contributors: Xu, C.; Gallagher, J.D.; Senaratne, C.L.; Menéndez, J.; Kouvetakis, J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Chi Xu via Scopus - Elsevier

Ultralow Resistivity Ge:Sb heterostructures on Si Using Hydride Epitaxy of Deuterated Stibine and Trigermane

ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces
2016 | Journal article


Contributors: Xu, C.; Senaratne, C.L.; Sims, P.; Kouvetakis, J.; Menéndez, J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Chi Xu via Scopus - Elsevier

CMOS compatible in-situ n-type doping of ge using new generation doping agents P(MH<inf>3</inf>)<inf>3</inf> and As(MH<inf>3</inf>)<inf>3</inf> (M=Si, Ge)

ECS Transactions
2015 | Conference paper


Contributors: Xu, C.; Gallagher, J.D.; Senaratne, C.L.; Sims, P.E.; Kouvetakis, J.; Menéndez, J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Chi Xu via Scopus - Elsevier

Compositional dependence of optical interband transition energies in GeSn and GeSiSn alloys

Solid-State Electronics
2015 | Journal article


Contributors: Xu, C.; Senaratne, C.L.; Kouvetakis, J.; Menéndez, J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Chi Xu via Scopus - Elsevier

Crystalline (Al&lt;inf&gt;1-x&lt;/inf&gt;B&lt;inf&gt;x&lt;/inf&gt;)PSi&lt;inf&gt;3&lt;/inf&gt; and (Al&lt;inf&gt;1-x&lt;/inf&gt;B&lt;inf&gt;x&lt;/inf&gt;)AsSi&lt;inf&gt;3&lt;/inf&gt; tetrahedral phases via reactions of Al(BH&lt;inf&gt;4&lt;/inf&gt;)&lt;inf&gt;3&lt;/inf&gt; and M(SiH&lt;inf&gt;3&lt;/inf&gt;)&lt;inf&gt;3&lt;/inf&gt; (M = P, As)

Chemistry of Materials
2015 | Journal article


Contributors: Sims, P.; Aoki, T.; Favaro, R.; Wallace, P.; White, A.; Xu, C.; Menendez, J.; Kouvetakis, J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Chi Xu via Scopus - Elsevier

Doping of direct gap Ge<inf>1-y</inf>Sn<inf>y</inf> Alloys to attain electroluminescence and enhanced photoluminescence

ECS Transactions
2015 | Conference paper


Contributors: Senaratne, C.L.; Gallagher, J.D.; Xu, C.; Sims, P.E.; Menéndez, J.; Kouvetakis, J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Chi Xu via Scopus - Elsevier

Enhanced performance designs of group-IV light emitting diodes for Mid IR photonic applications

ECS Transactions
2015 | Conference paper


Contributors: Gallagher, J.D.; Senaratne, C.L.; Xu, C.; Wallace, P.M.; Menéndez, J.; Kouvetakis, J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Chi Xu via Scopus - Elsevier

GeSn$\backslash$ textit ${$pin$}$ diodes: from pure Ge to direct-gap materials

Bulletin of the American Physical Society
2015 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Chi Xu

New GeSi doping strategies based on P (SiH $ _ ${$3$}$) _ ${$3$}$ $ for next-generation CMOS technologies

Bulletin of the American Physical Society
2015 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Chi Xu

Non-conventional routes to SiGe:P/Si(100) materials and devices based on -SiH<inf>3</inf> and -GeH<inf>3</inf> derivatives of phosphorus: Synthesis, electrical performance and optical behavior

Semiconductor Science and Technology
2015 | Journal article


Contributors: Xu, C.; Gallagher, J.D.; Sims, P.; Smith, D.J.; Menéndez, J.; Kouvetakis, J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Chi Xu via Scopus - Elsevier

Suppressed Incomplete Ionization of Shallow Donors in Germanium

Bulletin of the American Physical Society
2015 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Chi Xu

Ge1−x−ySixSny light emitting diodes on silicon for mid-infrared photonic applications

Journal of Applied Physics
2015-10-07 | Journal article
Contributors: J. D. Gallagher; C. Xu; C. L. Senaratne; T. Aoki; P. M. Wallace; J. Kouvetakis; J. Menéndez
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Non-radiative recombination in Ge1−ySny light emitting diodes: The role of strain relaxation in tuned heterostructure designs

Journal of Applied Physics
2015-06-28 | Journal article
Contributors: J. D. Gallagher; C. L. Senaratne; C. Xu; P. Sims; T. Aoki; D. J. Smith; J. Menéndez; J. Kouvetakis
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Development of light emitting group IV ternary alloys on Si platforms for long wavelength optoelectronic applications

Chemistry of Materials
2014 | Journal article


Contributors: Jiang, L.; Xu, C.; Gallagher, J.D.; Favaro, R.; Aoki, T.; Menéndez, J.; Kouvetakis, J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Chi Xu via Scopus - Elsevier

Strain measurements of Ge epilayers on Si by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry

Bulletin of the American Physical Society
2014 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Chi Xu

Synthesis and optical properties of Sn-rich Ge1-X -ySi xSny materials and devices

Thin Solid Films
2014 | Journal article


Contributors: Xu, C.; Beeler, R.T.; Jiang, L.; Gallagher, J.D.; Favaro, R.; Menéndez, J.; Kouvetakis, J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Chi Xu via Scopus - Elsevier

Frustrated incomplete donor ionization in ultra-low resistivity germanium films

Applied Physics Letters
2014-12-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Chi Xu; C. L. Senaratne; J. Kouvetakis; J. Menéndez
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Band gap-engineered group-IV optoelectronic semiconductors, photodiodes and prototype photovoltaic devices

ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology
2013 | Journal article


Contributors: Beeler, R.T.; Gallagher, J.; Xu, C.; Jiang, L.; Senaratne, C.L.; Smith, D.J.; Menéndez, J.; Chizmeshya, A.V.G.; Kouvetakis, J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Chi Xu via Scopus - Elsevier

Fundamental band gap and direct-indirect crossover in Ge 1-x-ySixSny alloys

Applied Physics Letters
2013 | Journal article


Contributors: Gallagher, J.D.; Xu, C.; Jiang, L.; Kouvetakis, J.; Menéndez, J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Chi Xu via Scopus - Elsevier

New strategies for Ge-on-Si materials and devices using non-conventional hydride chemistries: The tetragermane case

Semiconductor Science and Technology
2013 | Journal article


Contributors: Xu, C.; Beeler, R.T.; Jiang, L.; Grzybowski, G.; Chizmeshya, A.V.G.; Menéndez, J.; Kouvetakis, J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Chi Xu via Scopus - Elsevier

Optical properties of Ge1x-ySixSny alloys with y &gt; x: Direct bandgaps beyond 1550 nm

Applied Physics Letters
2013 | Journal article


Contributors: Xu, C.; Jiang, L.; Kouvetakis, J.; Menéndez, J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Chi Xu via Scopus - Elsevier

(Si) 5-2y(AlP) y alloys assembled on Si(100) from Al-P-Si 3 building units

Applied Physics Letters
2012 | Journal article


Contributors: Watkins, T.; Jiang, L.; Xu, C.; Chizmeshya, A.V.G.; Smith, D.J.; Menéndez, J.; Kouvetakis, J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Chi Xu via Scopus - Elsevier

Compositional dependence of the absorption edge and dark currents in Ge1-x-ySixSny/Ge(100) photodetectors grown via ultra-low-temperature epitaxy of Ge4H10, Si 4H10, and SnD4

Applied Physics Letters
2012 | Journal article


Contributors: Beeler, R.T.; Xu, C.; Smith, D.J.; Grzybowski, G.; Menéndez, J.; Kouvetakis, J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Chi Xu via Scopus - Elsevier

Molecular synthesis of high-performance near-ir photodetectors with independently tunable structural and optical properties based on Si-Ge-Sn

Journal of the American Chemical Society
2012 | Journal article


Contributors: Xu, C.; Beeler, R.T.; Grzybowski, G.J.; Chizmeshya, A.V.G.; Smith, D.J.; Menéndez, J.; Kouvetakis, J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Chi Xu via Scopus - Elsevier

Ultra-low-temperature epitaxy of ge-based semiconductors and optoelectronic structures on Si(100): Introducing higher order germanes (Ge <inf>3</inf>H <inf>8</inf>, Ge <inf>4</inf>H <inf>10</inf>)

Chemistry of Materials
2012 | Journal article


Contributors: Grzybowski, G.; Jiang, L.; Beeler, R.T.; Watkins, T.; Chizmeshya, A.V.G.; Xu, C.; Menéndez, J.; Kouvetakis, J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Chi Xu via Scopus - Elsevier

Photoluminescence from heavily doped GeSn:P materials grown on Si(100)

Applied Physics Letters
2011 | Journal article


Contributors: Grzybowski, G.; Jiang, L.; Mathews, J.; Roucka, R.; Xu, C.; Beeler, R.T.; Kouvetakis, J.; Meńndez, J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Chi Xu via Scopus - Elsevier

Direct-gap photoluminescence with tunable emission wavelength in Ge 1-y Sny alloys on silicon

Applied Physics Letters
2010 | Journal article


Contributors: Mathews, J.; Beeler, R.T.; Tolle, J.; Xu, C.; Roucka, R.; Kouvetakis, J.; Meńndez, J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Chi Xu via Scopus - Elsevier

Peer review (3 reviews for 1 publication/grant)

Review activity for ACS applied electronic materials. (3)