Personal information
He has total experience of about 31 years. His areas of interest are water resources engineering, geospatial technologies including GIS, GPS and Remote Sensing. His Research area is Flood Mitigation and Management under Geospatial Platform. He has acted as Dean (Faculty Welfare), Associate Dean (Faculty Welfare), Central Public Information Officer and Professor In-charge Training and Placement Cell of the Institute. He has published about 90 research papers in peer-reviewed, Scopus indexed, SCI indexed journals as well as International and National Conferences of repute. He has completed 01 research projects and 10 consultancy projects. He has guided 5 Ph. D. research Scholar and is supervising 10 Ph.D. Research Scholars at present. He is member of 5 technical societies. He has delivered 20 expert lectures. He has visited countries like UK, Canada and Thailand for presenting papers in international conferences.