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Dr. Yu-Long Wang received his M.D. degree at 2009 from Fudan University, and has completed his research training at Baylor College of Medicine and clinical training at UT M.D.Anderson Cancer Center. As the deputy director and chief surgeon at Department of Head and Neck Surgery of Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center, Dr.Wang have received 4 grants from Chinese Nature Science Foundation (NSFC) and Young Investigate Award from IFHNOS (International Federation of Head Neck Oncology Society). Dr. Wang has published 75 papers and 4 text books, of which 26 papers indexed by SCI were first or corresponding author. The papers have been cited 965 times and H index is 19. The Management of Salivary Gland Malignancy: ASCO Guideline (J Clin Oncol. 2021 Jun 10;39(17):1909-1941) have cited 2 papers of Dr.Wang AND our research works have changed the world guideline for cancer management. The major achievement of thyroid cancer research is listed as:
1. The first single cell transcriptome analysis of papillary thyroid cancer which identified the ecosystem of PTC initiation and progression, published at Nature Communications2021,12 (1), 1-18.
2. The first research of PD-L1 expression of PTC, published at ATA (American Thyroid Association) official journal, Thyroid 2017,27 (4), 537-545. The first research paper for identification the PTC susceptibility gene loci of Chinese patients, which published at Journal of Medical Genetics2013,50 (10), 689-695.
3. Design the new operative method to reconstruct the recurrent laryngeal nerve after thyroid surgery published at IFHNOS official Journal Head & Neck (2022,44(3):805-809 )as the cover paper.
4. The first paper of RET/PTC and BRAF mutation of Chinese PTC patients published at English literature (Cancer Letters 2008, 263 (1), 44-52).
5. The board member of China Society of Clinical Oncology (CSCO) guideline for Persistent/ Recurrent and Metastatic DTC (Differentiated Thyroid Cancer) 2019, and CSCO guideline for DTC 2021.