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Works (2)

Changing school cultures for mental wellbeing in Hong Kong: the potential of pedagogic practices that take power into account

Critical Public Health
2023-08-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Lynn Tang; P. F. Tsui; Angie K. Y. Shum; W. G. Leung; Daniel W. M. Lung; P. S. Ng; Kenus P. Y. Leung; Paul S. F. Yip
Source: Self-asserted source
Pik Fong Tsui

The impact of medium of instruction on Hong Kong non-Chinese speaking kindergarten children's learning Chinese

International Journal of Early Years Education
2022-04-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Shek Kam Tse; Emily Y. W. Pang; Heiken To; Pik Fong Tsui; Lu Sai Lam
Source: check_circle