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Works (3)

XPS and TEM characterization of oxides formed in simulated primary water on steam generator tubes made of Ni based alloy

Corrosion Science
2025-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Nathan Ribière; Jérôme Esvan; Nathalie Engler; Daniel Brimbal; Milan Skocic; Éric Andrieu; Christine Blanc; Lydia Laffont
Source: check_circle

An XPS and TEM study of the composition and structure of native oxides on the inner surface of as-received Ni base alloy steam generator tubes

Applied Surface Science
2024-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Nathan Ribière; Jérôme Esvan; Nathalie Engler; Daniel Brimbal; Milan Skocic; Éric Andrieu; Christine Blanc; Lydia Laffont
Source: check_circle

Multi-scale characterization of the inner surface of as-received steam generator tubes and correlation with the Ni release in primary water

Corrosion Science
2023-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Nathan Ribière; Nathalie Engler; Daniel Brimbal; Milan Skocic; Éric Andrieu; Christine Blanc; Lydia Laffont
Source: check_circle