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Works (4)

Repurposing research data for commercial use: POPIA, a foil or a facilitator?

South African Journal of Science
2023-08-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Beverley Townsend; Amy Gooden; Marietjie Botes; Donrich Thaldar
Source: check_circle

Toward an open access genomics database of South Africans: Legal considerations

South African Journal of Science
2023-08-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Donrich Thaldar; Amy Gooden; Dusty-Lee Donnelly
Source: check_circle

The multidimensional legal nature of personal genomic sequence data: A South African perspective

Frontiers in Genetics
2022-11-09 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1664-8021
Contributors: Donrich W. Thaldar; Beverley A. Townsend; Dusty-Lee Donnelly; Marietjie Botes; Amy Gooden; Joanne van Harmelen; Bonginkosi Shozi
Source: Self-asserted source
Amy Gooden

Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing in South Africa: Stumbling Over the First Legal Hurdle?

Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal
2022-07-27 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1727-3781
Contributors: Amy Gooden; Donrich Thaldar
Source: Self-asserted source
Amy Gooden
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