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Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung: Helgoland, DE

2022-07-01 to present | Senior scientist
Source: Self-asserted source
Cedric Leo Meunier

Works (50 of 59)

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Future Arctic: how will increasing coastal erosion shape nearshore planktonic food webs?

Limnology and Oceanography Letters
2025-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Gabriel A. Juma; Cédric L. Meunier; Emily M. Herstoff; Anna M. Irrgang; Michael Fritz; Caroline Weber; Hugues Lantuit; Inga V. Kirstein; Maarten Boersma
Source: check_circle

Prey dynamics as a buffer: enhancing copepod resilience to ocean alkalinity enhancement

Environmental Research Letters
2025-02-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Amrita Bhaumik; Giulia Faucher; Merle Henning; Cédric L Meunier; Maarten Boersma
Source: check_circle

Low‐frequency noise affects development and movement patterns of a calanoid copepod

Limnology and Oceanography
2025-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Nelly Tremblay; Gabriel A. Juma; Emily M. Herstoff; Cédric L. Meunier; Maarten Boersma
Source: check_circle

Nutritional thermal ecology: investigating the combined influence of temperature and nutrient availability on plant‐ectotherm trophic interactions

2024-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Cédric L. Meunier; Inga V. Kirstein; Felix Weber; Ann Marielle Evarita; Cecilia Laspoumaderes; Maarten Boersma
Source: check_circle

Toxic effects of the emerging Alexandrium pseudogonyaulax (Dinophyceae) on multiple trophic levels of the pelagic food web

Harmful Algae
2024-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Kristof Möller; Urban Tillmann; Magdalena Pöchhacker; Elisabeth Varga; Bernd Krock; Francesco Porreca; Florian Koch; Thomas M. Harris; Cédric L. Meunier
Source: check_circle

Concurrent global change and marine heatwaves disturb phototrophic more than heterotrophic protist diversity

2024-09-16 | Preprint
Contributors: Antonia Ahme; Inga Kirstein; Cédric Meunier; Sylke Wohlrab; Uwe John
Source: check_circle

Effects of bottom‐up factors on growth and toxin content of a harmful algae bloom dinoflagellate

Limnology and Oceanography
2024-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Kristof Möller; Silke Thoms; Urban Tillmann; Bernd Krock; Florian Koch; Ilka Peeken; Cédric L. Meunier
Source: check_circle

Less variability when growing faster? Experimental assessment of the relationship of growth rate with functional traits of the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum

2024-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Helena Cornelia Laurentia Klip; Cédric Léo Meunier; Maarten Boersma
Source: check_circle

Global change alters coastal plankton food webs by promoting the microbial loop: An inverse modelling and network analysis approach on a mesocosm experiment

Science of The Total Environment
2024-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Julien Di Pane; Pierre Bourdaud; Sabine Horn; Hugo Duarte Moreno; Cédric Léo Meunier
Source: check_circle

Identification of tipping years and shifts in mesozooplankton community structure using multivariate analyses: a long-term study in southern North Sea

ICES Journal of Marine Science
2024-04-25 | Journal article
Contributors: J Di Pane; M Boersma; R Marques; M Deschamps; U Ecker; C L Meunier; Rubao Ji
Source: check_circle

Major shift in the copepod functional community of the southern North Sea and potential environmental drivers

ICES Journal of Marine Science
2024-04-25 | Journal article
Contributors: M M Deschamps; M Boersma; C L Meunier; I V Kirstein; K H Wiltshire; J Di Pane; Rubao Ji
Source: check_circle

Response of the meso- and macro-zooplankton community to long-term environmental changes in the southern North Sea

ICES Journal of Marine Science
2024-04-25 | Journal article
Contributors: R Marques; S A Otto; J Di Pane; M Boersma; C L Meunier; K H Wiltshire; C Möllmann; J Renz; Rubao Ji
Source: check_circle

How are the impacts of multiple anthropogenic drivers considered in marine ecosystem service research? A systematic literature review

Journal of Applied Ecology
2024-03-16 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0021-8901
Part of ISSN: 1365-2664
Contributors: Liliana Solé; Emma I. Zandt; Christian Buschbaum; Cédric Léo Meunier
Source: Self-asserted source
Cedric Leo Meunier

Higher temperature, increased CO2, and changing nutrient ratios alter the carbon metabolism and induce oxidative stress in a cosmopolitan diatom

Limnology and Oceanography
2024-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Hugo Duarte Moreno; Sebastian Rokitta; Nelly Tremblay; Maarten Boersma; Elisabeth Groß; Helena C. L. Klip; Karen H. Wiltshire; Cédric L. Meunier
Source: check_circle

Are all copepods the same? Variation in copepod stoichiometry with taxonomy, ontogeny, latitude, and habitat

2023-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Emily M. Herstoff; Cédric L. Meunier; Maarten Boersma; Stephen Baines
Source: check_circle

How sharp is the knife? Herbivore and carnivore sensitivity to resource stoichiometric quality

2023-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Cédric L. Meunier; Maarten Boersma; Steven A. J. Declerck; Cecilia Laspoumaderes
Source: check_circle

In situ cell division and mortality rates of SAR11, SAR86, Bacteroidetes , and Aurantivirga during phytoplankton blooms reveal differences in population controls

2023-06-29 | Journal article
Contributors: Jan D. Brüwer; Luis H. Orellana; Chandni Sidhu; Helena C. L. Klip; Cédric L. Meunier; Maarten Boersma; Karen H. Wiltshire; Rudolf Amann; Bernhard M. Fuchs; Jean-Baptiste Raina
Source: check_circle

Dissolved storage glycans shaped the community composition of abundant bacterioplankton clades during a North Sea spring phytoplankton bloom

2023-04-17 | Journal article
Contributors: Chandni Sidhu; Inga V. Kirstein; Cédric L. Meunier; Johannes Rick; Vera Fofonova; Karen H. Wiltshire; Nicola Steinke; Silvia Vidal-Melgosa; Jan-Hendrik Hehemann; Bruno Huettel et al.
Source: check_circle

Smaller herring larval size-at-stage in response to environmental changes is associated with ontogenic processes and stress response

Conservation Physiology
2023-01-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Léa J Joly; Maarten Boersma; Carolina Giraldo; David Mazurais; Lauriane Madec; Sophie Collet; José-Luis Zambonino-Infante; Cédric L Meunier; John Mandelman
Source: check_circle

River discharge-related nutrient effects on North Sea coastal and offshore phytoplankton communities

Journal of Plankton Research
2022-11-23 | Journal article
Contributors: Elisabeth Groß; Julien Di Pane; Maarten Boersma; Cédric L Meunier
Source: check_circle

A common temperature dependence of nutritional demands in ectotherms

Ecology Letters
2022-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Cecilia Laspoumaderes; Cedric L. Meunier; Amaru Magnin; Johanna Berlinghof; James J. Elser; Esteban Balseiro; Gabriela Torres; Beatriz Modenutti; Nelly Tremblay; Maarten Boersma
Source: check_circle

Environmentally induced functional shifts in phytoplankton and their potential consequences for ecosystem functioning

Global Change Biology
2022-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Julien Di Pane; Karen Helen Wiltshire; Matthew McLean; Maarten Boersma; Cédric Léo Meunier
Source: check_circle

An integrated multiple driver mesocosm experiment reveals the effect of global change on planktonic food web structure

Communications Biology
2022-03-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Hugo Duarte Moreno; Martin Köring; Julien Di Pane; Nelly Tremblay; Karen H. Wiltshire; Maarten Boersma; Cédric L. Meunier
Source: check_circle

A systematic study of zooplankton-based indices of marine ecological change and water quality: Application to the European marine strategy framework Directive (MSFD)

Ecological Indicators
2022-02 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1470-160X
Source: Self-asserted source
Cedric Leo Meunier

Leveraging differences in multiple prey traits allows selective copepods to meet their threshold elemental ratios

Limnology and Oceanography
2021-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Emily M. Herstoff; Cédric L. Meunier; Maarten Boersma; Stephen B. Baines
Source: check_circle

Toward Improved Model Capacities for Assessment of Climate Impacts on Coastal Bentho-Pelagic Food Webs and Ecosystem Services

Frontiers in Marine Science
2021-07-07 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2296-7745
Source: Self-asserted source
Cedric Leo Meunier

Maturation of the digestive system of Downs herring larvae (Clupea harengus, Linnaeus, 1758): identification of critical periods through ontogeny

Marine Biology
2021-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Léa J. Joly; Christophe Loots; Cédric L. Meunier; Maarten Boersma; Sophie Collet; Valérie Lefebvre; José-Luis Zambonino-Infante; Carolina Giraldo
Source: check_circle

Environmental impacts on single-cell variation within a ubiquitous diatom: The role of growth rate

2021-05-07 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1932-6203
Source: Self-asserted source
Cedric Leo Meunier

Metabarcoding analysis suggests that flexible food web interactions in the eukaryotic plankton community are more common than specific predator–prey relationships at Helgoland Roads, North Sea

ICES Journal of Marine Science
2021-04-09 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1054-3139
Part of ISSN: 1095-9289
Source: Self-asserted source
Cedric Leo Meunier

Zooplankton-Phytoplankton Interactions in a Changing World

Zooplankton ecology
2020 | Book chapter
Source: Self-asserted source
Cedric Leo Meunier

Biology of Salpa thompsoni: editorial comment on the highlight article by Lüskow et al. (2020)

Marine Biology
2020-12 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0025-3162
Part of ISSN: 1432-1793
Source: Self-asserted source
Cedric Leo Meunier

A matter of time and proportion: the availability of phosphorus-rich phytoplankton influences growth and behavior of copepod nauplii

Journal of Plankton Research
2020-09-11 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0142-7873
Part of ISSN: 1464-3774
Source: Self-asserted source
Cedric Leo Meunier

Effects of low-frequency noise and temperature on copepod and amphipod performance

5th International Conference on the Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life
2020-07-31 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Cedric Leo Meunier

Does prey elemental stoichiometry influence copepod movement over ontogeny?

Limnology and Oceanography
2019-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Emily M. Herstoff; Stephen B. Baines; Maarten Boersma; Cédric L. Meunier
Source: check_circle

You are not always what you eat—Fatty acid bioconversion and lipid homeostasis in the larvae of the sand mason worm Lanice conchilega

2019-06-06 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1932-6203
Source: Self-asserted source
Cedric Leo Meunier

Acclimation and adaptation of the coastal calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa to ocean acidification: a long-term laboratory investigation

Marine Ecology Progress Series
2019-06-04 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0171-8630
Part of ISSN: 1616-1599
Source: Self-asserted source
Cedric Leo Meunier

Winter river discharge may affect summer estuarine jellyfish blooms

Marine Ecology Progress Series
2018 | Journal article


Contributors: Amorim, K.; Mattmüller, R.M.; Algueró-Muñiz, M.; Meunier, C.L.; Alvarez-Fernandez, S.; Boersma, M.; Morais, P.; Teodósio, M.A.
Source: Self-asserted source
Cedric Leo Meunier via Scopus - Elsevier

Nutrient optimization of tree growth alters structure and function of boreal soil food webs

Forest Ecology and Management
2018-11 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0378-1127
Contributors: Nadia I. Maaroufi; Kristin Palmqvist; Lisbet H. Bach; Stef Bokhorst; Antonia Liess; Michael J. Gundale; Paul Kardol; Annika Nordin; Cédric L. Meunier
Source: Self-asserted source
Cedric Leo Meunier via Crossref Metadata Search

To share or not to share? Phytoplankton species coexistence puzzle in a competition model incorporating multiple resource-limitation and synthesizing unit concepts

Ecological Modelling
2018-09 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0304-3800
Contributors: Subrata Sarker; Ulrike Feudel; Cédric L. Meunier; Peter Lemke; Partha S. Dutta; Karen H. Wiltshire
Source: Self-asserted source
Cedric Leo Meunier via Crossref Metadata Search

The craving for phosphorus in heterotrophic dinoflagellates and its potential implications for biogeochemical cycles

Limnology and Oceanography
2018-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Cédric L. Meunier; Santiago Alvarez‐Fernandez; Alessandra Ö. Cunha‐Dupont; Carla Geisen; Arne M. Malzahn; Maarten Boersma; Karen H. Wiltshire
Source: check_circle

Bioenergetics of the copepod Temora longicornis under different nutrient regimes

Journal of Plankton Research
2018-05 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0142-7873
Contributors: R M Franco-Santos; H Auel; M Boersma; M De Troch; C L Meunier; B Niehoff
Source: Self-asserted source
Cedric Leo Meunier via Crossref Metadata Search

Allochthonous carbon is a major driver of the microbial food web - A mesocosm study simulating elevated terrestrial matter runoff

Marine Environmental Research
2017 | Journal article


Contributors: Meunier, C. L.; Liess, A.; Andersson, A.; Brugel, S.; Paczkowska, J.; Rahman, H.; Skoglund, B.; Rowe, O. F.
Source: Self-asserted source
Cedric Leo Meunier via ResearcherID

An operational framework for the advancement of a molecule-to-biosphere stoichiometry theory

Frontiers in Marine Science
2017 | Journal article


Contributors: Cherif, M.; Faithfull, C.; Guo, J.; Meunier, C.L.; Sitters, J.; Uszko, W.; Vasconcelos, F.R.
Source: Self-asserted source
Cedric Leo Meunier via Scopus - Elsevier

Aquatic nutrient cycling

Oxford Bibliographies in Ecology
2017 | Journal article


Contributors: Meunier, Cédric Leo; Boersma, Maarten
Source: Self-asserted source
Cedric Leo Meunier via ResearcherID

Direct and indirect effects of near-future pCO(2) levels on zooplankton dynamics

Marine and Freshwater Research
2017 | Journal article


Contributors: Meunier, C. L.; Alguero-Muniz, M.; Horn, H. G.; Lange, J. A. F.; Boersma, M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Cedric Leo Meunier via ResearcherID
Preferred source (of 2)‎

From elements to function: Toward unifying ecological stoichiometry and trait-based ecology

Frontiers in Environmental Science
2017 | Journal article


Contributors: Meunier, C.L.; Boersma, M.; El-Sabaawi, R.; Halvorson, H.M.; Herstoff, E.M.; Van de Waal, D.B.; Vogt, R.J.; Litchman, E.
Source: Self-asserted source
Cedric Leo Meunier via Scopus - Elsevier

Impact of nitrogen deposition on forest and lake food webs in nitrogen-limited environments

Global Change Biology
2016 | Journal article


Contributors: Meunier, C. L.; Gundale, M. J.; Sanchez, I. S.; Liess, A.
Source: Self-asserted source
Cedric Leo Meunier via ResearcherID

Temperature driven changes in the diet preference of omnivorous copepods: no more meat when it's hot?

Ecology Letters
2016 | Journal article


Contributors: Boersma, M.; Mathew, K. A.; Niehoff, B.; Schoo, K. L.; Franco-Santos, R. M.; Meunier, C. L.
Source: Self-asserted source
Cedric Leo Meunier via ResearcherID

Temperature-driven changes in the diet preference of omnivorous copepods: no more meat when it's hot? Aresponse to Winder et al

Ecology Letters
2016 | Journal article


Contributors: Boersma, M.; Mathew, K. A.; Niehoff, B.; Schoo, K. L.; Franco-Santos, R. M.; Meunier, C. L.
Source: Self-asserted source
Cedric Leo Meunier via ResearcherID

Withstanding multiple stressors: ephyrae of the moon jellyfish (Aurelia aurita, Scyphozoa) in a high-temperature, high-CO2 and low-oxygen environment

Marine Biology
2016 | Journal article


Contributors: Alguero-Muniz, M.; Meunier, C. L.; Holst, S.; Alvarez-Fernandez, S.; Boersma, M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Cedric Leo Meunier via ResearcherID
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