Personal information

Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Aging, Biomarkers
United States, France


I graduated from Harvard University with a PhD in Systems Biology in May 2021. My PhD thesis was about studying the multidimensionality of aging with deep learning-based age predictors.
Before that I did my undergraduate in France at Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, where I majored in Mathematics and Physics, before completing a M.Phil in Bioengineering at the University of Cambridge.


Employment (6)

Harvard Medical School: Boston, MA, US

2015-09 to 2021-08 | Research Assistant (Department of Biomedical Informatics)
Source: Self-asserted source
Alan Le Goallec

Harvard Medical School: Boston, MA, US

2017-01 to 2017-03 | Teaching Assistant for "Data Science for Medical Decision Making" (Department of Biomedical Informatics)
Source: Self-asserted source
Alan Le Goallec

University of Cambridge: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, GB

2014-09 to 2015-08 | Research Assistant (Department of Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
Alan Le Goallec

Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Cambridge, MA, US

2014-04 to 2014-08 | Research Assistant (Department of Mechanical Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
Alan Le Goallec

University of Cambridge: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, GB

2013-11 to 2014-03 | Research Assistant (Department of Zoology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Alan Le Goallec

Tongji University: Shanghai, Shanghai, CN

2012-04 to 2012-07 | Research Assistant (College of Environmental Science & Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
Alan Le Goallec

Education and qualifications (3)

Harvard University: Cambridge, MA, US

2015-09 to present | Ph.D and M.S (Systems Biology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Alan Le Goallec

University of Cambridge: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, GB

2014-09 to 2015-08 | M.Phil (Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
Alan Le Goallec

Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees: Paris, Île-de-France, FR

2011-09 to 2015-08 | M.S and B.S (Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
Alan Le Goallec

Professional activities (3)

Crimson EMS: Cambridge, MA, US

2017-01 to present | EMT
Source: Self-asserted source
Alan Le Goallec

Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Cambridge, MA, US

2018-07 | 2nd Place at Harvard vs. MIT Case Competition
Source: Self-asserted source
Alan Le Goallec

The Lynch Foundation: Boston, Massachusetts, US

2015 | Lynch Foundation Fellowship
Source: Self-asserted source
Alan Le Goallec

Works (13)

Using deep learning to predict abdominal age from liver and pancreas magnetic resonance images

Nature Communications
2022-04-13 | Journal article
Contributors: Alan Le Goallec; Samuel Diai; Sasha Collin; Jean-Baptiste Prost; Théo Vincent; Chirag J. Patel
Source: check_circle

Comparing the genetic and environmental architecture of blood count, blood biochemistry and urine biochemistry biological ages with machine learning

2021-07-07 | Other
Contributors: Alan Le Goallec; Samuel Diai; Théo Vincent; Chirag J. Patel
Source: check_circle

Predicting age from hearing test results with machine learning reveals the genetic and environmental factors underlying accelerated auditory aging

2021-07-07 | Other
Contributors: Alan Le Goallec; Samuel Diai; Théo Vincent; Chirag J. Patel
Source: check_circle

Deep learning of fundus and optical coherence tomography images enables identification of diverse genetic and environmental factors associated with eye aging

2021-06-29 | Preprint
Contributors: Alan Le Goallec; Samuel Diai; Sasha Collin; Théo Vincent; Chirag J. Patel
Source: check_circle

Using deep learning to predict age from liver and pancreas magnetic resonance images allows the identification of genetic and non-genetic factors associated with abdominal aging

2021-06-29 | Other
Contributors: Alan Le Goallec; Samuel Diai; Sasha Collin; Jean-Baptiste Prost; Théo Vincent; Chirag J. Patel
Source: check_circle

Predicting age from 100,000 one week-long 100Hz wrist accelerometer records of physical activity

2021-06-25 | Other
Contributors: Alan Le Goallec; Sasha Collin; M’Hamed Jabri; Samuel Diai; Théo Vincent; Chirag J. Patel
Source: check_circle

Using deep learning to predict brain age from brain magnetic resonance images and cognitive tests reveals that anatomical and functional brain aging are phenotypically and genetically distinct

2021-06-25 | Other
Contributors: Alan Le Goallec; Samuel Diai; Sasha Collin; Théo Vincent; Chirag J. Patel
Source: check_circle

Using deep learning to analyze the compositeness of musculoskeletal aging reveals that spine, hip and knee age at different rates, and are associated with different genetic and non-genetic factors

2021-06-22 | Other
Contributors: Alan Le Goallec; Samuel Diai; Sasha Collin; Théo Vincent; Chirag J. Patel
Source: check_circle

Predicting arterial age using carotid ultrasound images, pulse wave analysis records, cardiovascular biomarkers and deep learning

2021-06-21 | Other
Contributors: Alan Le Goallec; Sasha Collin; Samuel Diai; Théo Vincent; Chirag J. Patel
Source: check_circle

Dissecting heart age using cardiac magnetic resonance videos, electrocardiograms, biobanks, and deep learning

2021-06-16 | Other
Contributors: Alan Le Goallec; Jean-Baptiste Prost; Sasha Collin; Samuel Diai; Théo Vincent; Chirag J. Patel
Source: check_circle

Analyzing the multidimensionality of biological aging with the tools of deep learning across diverse image-based and physiological indicators yields robust age predictors

2021-04-26 | Other
Contributors: Alan Le Goallec; Sasha Collin; Samuel Diai; Jean-Baptiste Prost; M’Hamed Jabri; Théo Vincent; Chirag J. Patel
Source: check_circle

A systematic machine learning and data type comparison yields metagenomic predictors of infant age, sex, breastfeeding, antibiotic usage, country of origin, and delivery type

PLOS Computational Biology
2020-05-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Alan Le Goallec; Nicola Segata; Braden T. Tierney; Jacob M. Luber; Evan M. Cofer; Aleksandar D. Kostic; Chirag J. Patel
Source: check_circle

Age-dependent co-dependency structure of biomarkers in the general population of the United States

2019-02 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1945-4589
Contributors: Alan Le Goallec; Chirag J. Patel
Source: Self-asserted source
Alan Le Goallec via Crossref Metadata Search