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Computer Science, Software Architecture, Software Development, Project Management, Software Engineering
Brazil, France


Ph.D. student in Computer Science at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) in Brazil, under the joint supervision of Université Bretagne Sud (UBS) in France, with an emphasis on executable software architectures. Over 25 years of experience in project management and system development in both the public and private sectors. Currently works as an educator at the Federal Institute of Education, Science, and Technology of Pernambuco (IFPE).


Employment (8)

Federal Institute of Education, Science, and Technology of Pernambuco (IFPE): Barreiros, PE, BR

2018-01 to present | Professor
Source: Self-asserted source
Tales Viglioni

Federal Institute of Education, Science, and Technology of Alagoas (IFAL): Palmeira dos Índios, Santana do Ipanema, AL, BR

2017-02 to 2018-01 | Professor
Source: Self-asserted source
Tales Viglioni

Dataprev: João Pessoa, PB, BR

2010-08 to 2017-02 | IT Analyst (Development Unit of Paraiba)
Source: Self-asserted source
Tales Viglioni

iDez: João Pessoa, PB, BR

2011-08 to 2013-02 | Professor
Source: Self-asserted source
Tales Viglioni

Politec: Brasília, DF, BR / João Pessoa, PB, BR

1999-05 to 2010-08 | Project Leader and Systems Analyst
Source: Self-asserted source
Tales Viglioni

Ibratec: João Pessoa, PB, BR

2002 to 2003 | Professor
Source: Self-asserted source
Tales Viglioni

EMBRATUR - Brazilian Tourist Board: Brasília, DF, BR

1996-12 to 1999-05 | Head of Production and Support Division
Source: Self-asserted source
Tales Viglioni

Brasilia IT Services: Brasília, DF, BR

1995-12 to 1996-12 | Software Programmer
Source: Self-asserted source
Tales Viglioni

Education and qualifications (6)

University of Southern Brittany (UBS): Vannes, Morbihan/Bretagne, FR

2023-09-01 to 2026-01-31 | PhD in systems and computing (Institut de Recherche en Informatique et Systèmes Aléatoires (IRISA))
Source: Self-asserted source
Tales Viglioni

Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte: Natal, RN, BR

2022-02-01 to 2026-01-31 | PhD in Computer Science (Department of Informatics and Applied Mathematics)
Source: Self-asserted source
Tales Viglioni

Centro Universitário Claretiano: Batatais, SP, BR

2019 to 2019 | Licensee in Computer Science
Source: Self-asserted source
Tales Viglioni

Universidade Federal de Pernambuco Centro de Informática: Recife, PE, BR

2013 to 2015 | Master in Computer Science (Center of Informatics)
Source: Self-asserted source
Tales Viglioni

Universidade Católica de Brasília: Brasília, DF, BR

1999 to 2000 | Specialist in Software Development in Client/Server Platform
Source: Self-asserted source
Tales Viglioni

Faculdade Alvorada: Brasília, DF, BR

1995-02 to 1998-12 | Data Processing Technologist (Faculty of Informatics and Data Processing)
Source: Self-asserted source
Tales Viglioni

Works (4)

The Execution Perspective in Software Architecture Descriptions: A Systematic Mapping

2024 | Book chapter
Contributors: Tales Viglioni; Thais Batista; Everton Cavalcante; Flavio Oquendo
Source: check_circle

A Performance Evaluation Model for Project Management Office Based on a Multicriteria Approach

Procedia Computer Science
2016 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1877-0509
Source: Self-asserted source
Tales Viglioni

Avaliação de Desempenho de Escritórios de Projetos de Software Baseada em uma Abordagem Multicritério

2015-06-17 | Dissertation or Thesis
Source: Self-asserted source
Tales Viglioni

Project Management in Light of Cognitive Biases: A Public Sector IT Organization Case

10th European Conference on Management Leadership and Governance ECMLG 2014
2014-01 | Conference paper
Source: Self-asserted source
Tales Viglioni