Personal information
Ana Rita Lado Ribeiro (ARLR) is Principal Researcher at at LSRE-LCM (FEUP) and has a great expertise in Analytical Chemistry and Environmental Science & Engineering and has exceptional skills in the field of Water Monitoring & Treatment. She was Postdoctoral researcher (2014-18), Doctoral Researcher (2019-2022), and Assistant Researcher (2023) at LSRE-LCM (FEUP) and visiting researcher at Loughborough University, UK (2018). Currently, she is Executive Editor of Chemical Engineering Science (Elsevier) and Associate/SI Editor of Chemical Engineering Journal Advances (Elsevier).
Dr Ribeiro research interests include: (i) the development of analytical methods (achiral and chiral) for analysis of contaminants of emerging concern in the environment by liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) and gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS); (ii) the development of novel miniaturized sample preparation methodologies; (iii) the removal of contaminants of emerging concern (organic pollutants, antibiotic resistant bacteria and resistance genes) in water/wastewater by biological treatments and advanced oxidation processes (AOPs); (iv) the identification of metabolites (biodegradation) and reaction by-products (AOPs); (v) environmental policy; (vi) membrane technologies; and (vii) risk assessment.
She initiated a research theme at LCM in the Department of Chemical Engineering (LSRE-LCM/FEUP): Analytical Tools for Environmental Monitoring. ARLR has participated as team member in several research projects and recently she was awarded with a European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant (ERA-ARE, Project Ref. 101039270). She is Principal Investigator (PI) of a national financed project (STAR, Ref. 2022.02842.PTDC), FEUP PI of another national funded project (ENANTIOTOX) at LSRE-LCM, and was PI of a national funded project (SAMPREP, Ref. POCI-01-0145-FEDER-030521). Moreover, she is Member of the Management Committee (MC Substitute) of WaterTOP COST Action CA18225 (Taste and Odor in early diagnosis of source and drinking Water Problems). Moreover, she has co-authored 2 patent requests, > 80 publications in JCR indexed journals and 10 chapters in books or in book series with peer review (h-index 37), presenting her work in highly ranked international conferences.
ARLR was recognized as a cross-field Highly Cited Researcher (2021) by the Institute for Scientific Information at Clarivate, for the production of multiple highly-cited papers that rank in the top 1% by citations; is among the top 2% of cited scientists in the subfield of Environmental Science, based on the impact of Scopus citations of scientists in 2019/20/21; and was awarded with the FEUP Scientific Recognition Award 2019 and 2020. In 2020, 6 of her publications of the preceding 5 years were ranked in Web of Science as top 1% highly cited papers in the academic field of Environment/Ecology. Most of her articles are published in JCR indexed journals ranked as top 5% (Environ Sci) or top 10% (Anal Chem). One co-authored paper published in Water Research, was selected by Science for Environment Policy (European Commission's Environment Directorate-General) and Water JPI Newsletter (10/2016).
ARLR has been co-/supervisor of 5 PhD students (Chem and Bio Eng PhD Program, Env Eng PhD Program, FEUP), co-/supervisor of the dissertations of 9 students from the Integrated Masters in Environ/Chem Eng/Bioengineering at FEUP, as well as the research work of 2 Postdocs, 2 visiting Postdoc, 9 PhD visiting students (Chem Eng, FEUP), and many granted researchers and undergraduate students.
ARLR was Portuguese delegate in the Seed Group of ‘Water JPI Knowledge Hub’ Water4SDGs KH; Management Committee member of COST Action CA18225 WaterTOP; and Core Team member/ECIs facilitator in COST Action CA17133 Circular City. Moreover, she has been member of some societies/networks in the field of chemistry and environmental sciences, namely: IWA, ACS; IAEAC; SPQ, EFB, EuChemS-DAC Sample Preparation Study Group and Network.
ARLR has been evaluator of international projects (Horizon Europe, France, Croatia, Chile, Argentina), referee of several peer-reviewed international journals and conference proceedings and was awarded as referee with Elsevier and Publons prizes. She is/was member of the Editorial Board of 5 scientific journals and Guest Editor of 9 Special Issues (4 Elsevier, 1 MDPI journals).