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Employment (2)

Birmingham City University: Birmingham, GB

2019-10-01 to present | Associate Professor
Source: Self-asserted source
David Hughes

Birmingham City University: Birmingham, West Midlands, GB

2016-10-01 to 2019-09-30 | Head of Department (Life Sciences)
Source: Self-asserted source
David Hughes

Works (38)

Genetic Associations With Acceleration, Change of Direction, Jump Height, and Speed in English Academy Football Players

Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
2024-02 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1064-8011
Contributors: Alexander B. T. McAuley; David C. Hughes; Loukia G. Tsaprouni; Ian Varley; Bruce Suraci; Ben Bradley; Joseph Baker; Adam J. Herbert; Adam L. Kelly
Source: Self-asserted source
David Hughes

Genetic Variations between Youth and Professional Development Phase English Academy Football Players.

2022-11-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Alexander B. T. McAuley; Hughes DC; Loukia Tsaprouni; Varley I; Suraci B; Joseph Baker; Adam Herbert; Adam Kelly
Source: Self-asserted source
David Hughes

Genetic associations with technical capabilities in English academy football players: a preliminary study.

The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness
2022-06-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Alexander B. T. McAuley; Hughes DC; Tsaprouni LG; Varley I; Suraci B; Baker J; Herbert AJ; Kelly AL
Source: Self-asserted source
David Hughes

The association of the <i>ACTN3</i> R577X and <i>ACE</i> I/D polymorphisms with athlete status in football: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Journal of sports sciences
2020-08-28 | Journal article
Contributors: Alexander B. T. McAuley; Hughes DC; Tsaprouni LG; Varley I; Suraci B; Thomas Roos; Adam Herbert; Adam Kelly
Source: Self-asserted source
David Hughes

Genetic association research in football: A systematic review.

European journal of sport science
2020-07-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Alexander B. T. McAuley; Hughes DC; Tsaprouni LG; Varley I; Suraci B; Thomas Roos; Adam Herbert; Adam Kelly
Source: Self-asserted source
David Hughes

The association of novel polymorphisms with stress fracture injury in Elite Athletes: Further insights from the SFEA cohort

Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport
2018-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Ian Varley; David C. Hughes; Julie P. Greeves; Trent Stellingwerff; Craig Ranson; William D. Fraser; Craig Sale
Source: check_circle

SNPs in the vicinity of P2X7R, RANK/RANKL/OPG and Wnt signalling pathways and their association with bone phenotypes in academy footballers

2018-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Ian Varley; David C. Hughes; Julie P. Greeves; William D. Fraser; Craig Sale
Source: check_circle

Increased Training Volume Improves Bone Density and Cortical Area in Adolescent Football Players

International Journal of Sports Medicine
2017-03-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Ian Varley; David Hughes; Julie Greeves; William Fraser; Craig Sale
Source: Self-asserted source
David Hughes via Crossref Metadata Search

Functional polymorphisms in the P2X7 receptor gene are associated with stress fracture injury

Purinergic Signalling
2016-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Ian Varley; Julie P. Greeves; Craig Sale; Eitan Friedman; Daniel S. Moran; Ran Yanovich; Peter J. Wilson; Alison Gartland; David C. Hughes; Trent Stellingwerff et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
David Hughes via Crossref Metadata Search

Athlome Project Consortium: a concerted effort to discover genomic and other “omic” markers of athletic performance

Physiological Genomics
2015 | Journal article
Contributors: Yannis P. Pitsiladis; Masashi Tanaka; Nir Eynon; Claude Bouchard; Kathryn N. North; Alun G. Williams; Malcolm Collins; Colin N. Moran; Steven L. Britton; Noriyuki Fuku et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
David Hughes via Crossref Metadata Search

RANK/RANKL/OPG pathway: Genetic associations with stress fracture period prevalence in elite athletes

2015-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Ian Varley; David C. Hughes; Julie P. Greeves; Trent Stellingwerff; Craig Ranson; William D. Fraser; Craig Sale
Source: Self-asserted source
David Hughes via Crossref Metadata Search

Rankl/rank/opg Pathway

Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
2014-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Craig Sale; David C. Hughes; Julie P. Greeves; Trent Stellingwerff; Craig Ranson; William D. Fraser; Ian Varley
Source: Self-asserted source
David Hughes via Crossref Metadata Search

Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in the P2X7 Receptor Gene are Associated with Stress Fracture Risk

Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
2014-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Ian Varley; David C. Hughes; Julie P. Greeves; Trent Stellingwerff; Craig Ranson; William D. Fraser; Craig Sale
Source: Self-asserted source
David Hughes via Crossref Metadata Search

Identification of novel breast cancer-associated transcripts by UniGene database mining and gene expression analysis in normal and malignant cells.

Genes, chromosomes & cancer
2013-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Laversin SA; Phatak VM; Powe DG; Li G; Miles AK; Hughes DC; Ball GR; Ellis IO; Gritzapis AD; Missitzis I et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
David Hughes via Europe PubMed Central

Expression of transglutaminase-2 isoforms in normal human tissues and cancer cell lines: dysregulation of alternative splicing in cancer

Amino Acids
2011-11 | Journal article
Contributors: V. M. Phatak; S. M. Croft; S. G. Rameshaiah Setty; A. Scarpellini; D. C. Hughes; R. Rees; S. McArdle; E. A. M. Verderio
Source: Self-asserted source
David Hughes via Crossref Metadata Search

Low-Cost QCM Sensor System for Screening Semen Samples

Journal of Sensors
2010 | Journal article
Contributors: Michael I. Newton; Shaun Atherton; Robert H. Morris; Simon M. Stanley; Carl R. Evans; David C. Hughes; Glen McHale
Source: Self-asserted source
David Hughes via Crossref Metadata Search


Proceedings of the International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices
2009 | Conference paper
Source: Self-asserted source
David Hughes via Crossref Metadata Search

<i>ZP</i> genes in avian species illustrate the dynamic evolution of the vertebrate egg envelope

Cytogenetic and Genome Research
2007-08-02 | Journal article
Contributors: D.C. Hughes
Source: Self-asserted source
David Hughes via Crossref Metadata Search

Cracking the egg: increased complexity in the zona pellucida

Human Reproduction
2005-01 | Journal article
Contributors: S.J. Conner
Source: Self-asserted source
David Hughes via Crossref Metadata Search

Isolation and mapping the chicken zona pellucida genes: An insight into the evolution of orthologous genes in different species

Molecular Reproduction and Development
2004 | Journal article
Contributors: Jacqueline Smith; Ian R. Paton; David C. Hughes; David W. Burt
Source: Self-asserted source
David Hughes via Crossref Metadata Search

Four zona pellucida glycoproteins are expressed in the human

Human Reproduction
2004-07-01 | Journal article
Contributors: L. Lefievre
Source: Self-asserted source
David Hughes via Crossref Metadata Search

Svp1p defines a family of phosphatidylinositol 3,5-bisphosphate effectors.

The EMBO Journal
2004-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Dove SK; Piper RC; McEwen RK; Yu JW; King MC; Hughes DC; Thuring J; Holmes AB; Cooke FT; Michell RH et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
David Hughes via Europe PubMed Central

Analysis of fish ZP1/ZPB homologous genes--evidence for both genome duplication and species-specific amplification models of evolution

2003-09-01 | Journal article
Contributors: S. Conner; D. Hughes
Source: Self-asserted source
David Hughes via Crossref Metadata Search

Vac14 controls PtdIns(3,5)P(2) synthesis and Fab1-dependent protein trafficking to the multivesicular body.

Current biology : CB
2002-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Dove SK; McEwen RK; Mayes A; Hughes DC; Beggs JD; Michell RH
Source: Self-asserted source
David Hughes via Europe PubMed Central

Functional genomics in reproductive medicine.

Human fertility (Cambridge, England)
2002-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Barratt CL; Hughes DC; Afnan M; Brewis IA
Source: Self-asserted source
David Hughes via Europe PubMed Central

Alternative Splicing of the Human VEGFGR-3/FLT4 Gene as a Consequence of an Integrated Human Endogenous Retrovirus

Journal of Molecular Evolution
2001-08 | Journal article
Contributors: David C. Hughes
Source: Self-asserted source
David Hughes via Crossref Metadata Search

MIRs as agents of mammalian gene evolution

Trends in Genetics
2000-02 | Journal article
Contributors: David C. Hughes
Source: Self-asserted source
David Hughes via Crossref Metadata Search

A deletion on Chromosome 4 cosegregates with the whirler deafness mutation: exclusion of Orm1 as a candidate

Mammalian Genome
2000-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Adam J.W. Paige; Brent W. Kiernan; Anabel Varela; Michael J.C. Rogers; David Hughes; Karen P. Steel; Steve D.M. Brown
Source: Self-asserted source
David Hughes via Crossref Metadata Search

Identification of the true human orthologue of the mouse Zp1 gene: evidence for greater complexity in the mammalian zona pellucida?

Biochimica et biophysica acta
1999-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Hughes DC; Barratt CL
Source: Self-asserted source
David Hughes via Europe PubMed Central

Mutations in the human alpha-tectorin gene cause autosomal dominant non-syndromic hearing impairment.

Nature genetics
1998-05 | Journal article
PMID: 9590290
Contributors: Verhoeven K; Van Laer L; Kirschhofer K; Legan PK; Hughes DC; Schatteman I; Verstreken M; Van Hauwe P; Coucke P; Chen A et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
David Hughes via Europe PubMed Central

Mapping of the alpha-tectorin gene (TECTA) to mouse chromosome 9 and human chromosome 11: a candidate for human autosomal dominant nonsyndromic deafness.

1998-02 | Journal article
PMID: 9503015
Contributors: Hughes DC; Legan PK; Steel KP; Richardson GP
Source: Self-asserted source
David Hughes via Europe PubMed Central

Paradigms and paradoxes: mouse (and human) models of genetic deafness.

Audiology & neuro-otology
1997 | Journal article
PMID: 9390817
Contributors: Hughes DC
Source: Self-asserted source
David Hughes via Europe PubMed Central

Cloning and sequencing of the mouse Gli2 gene: localization to the Dominant hemimelia critical region.

1997-01 | Journal article
PMID: 9027508
Contributors: Hughes DC; Allen J; Morley G; Sutherland K; Ahmed W; Prosser J; Lettice L; Allan G; Mattei MG; Farrall M et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
David Hughes via Europe PubMed Central

A screen for RAS mutations in individuals at risk of secondary leukaemia due to occupational exposure to petrochemicals.

Leukemia research
1995-05 | Journal article
PMID: 7769829
Contributors: Taylor C; Hughes DC; Zappone E; Cazzola M; Carter G; Jacobs A; Padua RA
Source: Self-asserted source
David Hughes via Europe PubMed Central

Rearrangement of the Human mel Gene, the rab 8 Homologue, in Human Malignant Melanomas

The Superfamily of ras-Related Genes
1991 | Other
Part of ISBN: 9781468460209
Contributors: Rose Ann Padua; David Hughes; Elaine Nimmo; Peter Schrier; Keith Johnson
Source: Self-asserted source
David Hughes via Crossref Metadata Search

RAS mutations in patients following cytotoxic therapy for lymphoma.

1990-03 | Journal article
PMID: 2179819
Contributors: Carter G; Hughes DC; Clark RE; McCormick F; Jacobs A; Whittaker JA; Padua RA
Source: Self-asserted source
David Hughes via Europe PubMed Central

ras mutations in human melanotic lesions: K-ras activation is a frequent and early event in melanoma development.

Oncogene research
1989 | Journal article
PMID: 2691957
Contributors: Shukla VK; Hughes DC; Hughes LE; McCormick F; Padua RA
Source: Self-asserted source
David Hughes via Europe PubMed Central

Activation of Ha-ras in human chronic granulocytic and chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia

Leukemia Research
1988-01 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0145-2126
Contributors: John Gow; David Hughes; Christine Farr; Terry Hamblin; David Oscier; Robert Brown; Rose Ann Padua
Source: Self-asserted source
David Hughes via Crossref Metadata Search