Personal information


Education and qualifications (2)

Universidade Estadual de Campinas: Campinas, SP, BR

2020-09-01 to present | Master (Communications Department (Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering))
Source: Self-asserted source
Gabriel Caumo Vaz

Universidade Paulista: Jundiaí, SP, BR

2013-01 to 2017-12 | Electrical Engineer
Source: Self-asserted source
Gabriel Caumo Vaz

Works (40)

Investigating the Accuracy of Satellite Images in the Simulation of Runoff Caused by Snow Melting in the Balikhli Chai Catchment Area

2024 | Book chapter
Contributors: Navid Razmjooy; Sama Abdolhosseynzade; Gabriel Gomes de Oliveira; Gabriel Caumo Vaz; Yuzo Iano
Source: check_circle

Technology and Information: Data Augmentation Applied to Industry in Modern Times

2024 | Book chapter
Contributors: Gabriel Caumo Vaz; Gabriel Gomes de Oliveira; Rangel Arthur; Yuzo Iano
Source: check_circle

EfficientUNetViT: Efficient Breast Tumor Segmentation Utilizing UNet Architecture and Pretrained Vision Transformer

2024-09 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Shokofeh Anari; Gabriel Gomes de Oliveira; Ramin Ranjbarzadeh; angela alves; Gabriel Caumo Vaz; Malika Bendechache
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Case Study on Urban Mobility in the USA. Applying Multivariate Linear Regression.

2024-09-14 | Conference paper
Contributors: Gabriel Gomes de Oliveira; Angela Maria Alves; Gabriel Caumo Vaz; Navid Razmjooy; Tien Anh Tran
Source: check_circle

Theory of Blockchain and Smart Healthcare: Highlights.

2024-09-14 | Conference paper
Contributors: Suja A. Alex; J.Jesu Vedha Nayahi; Gabriel Caumo Vaz; Yuzo Iano; Euclides Lourenco Chuma; Gabriel Gomes de Oliveira; Angela Maria Alves
Source: check_circle

Sensor Network Based on Raspberry Pi for Safety System in Coal Mines

2024-05-17 | Conference paper
Contributors: Gabriel Gomes de Oliveira; Angela Maria Alves; Gabriel Caumo Vaz; R. Ravi; R. Mallika Pandeeswari; S. Kannadhasan
Source: check_circle

5G - Automation of Vertical Systems in the Industry 4.0

2023 | Book chapter
Contributors: Daniel Izario; João Brancalhone; Yuzo Iano; Gabriel Gomes de Oliveira; Gabriel Caumo Vaz; Karine Izario
Source: check_circle
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6G Networks: An Innovative Approach, but with Many Challenges and Paradigms, in the Development of Platforms and Services in the Near Future

2023 | Book chapter
Contributors: Antonio Carlos Demanboro; David Bianchini; Yuzo Iano; Gabriel Gomes de Oliveira; Gabriel Caumo Vaz
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

A Study about Automated Optical Inspection: Inspection Algorithms Applied in Flexible Manufacturing Printed Circuit Board Cells Using the Mahalanobis Distance Method 1

2023 | Book chapter
Contributors: Daniel Katz Bonello; Yuzo Iano; Umberto Bonello Neto; Gabriel Gomes de Oliveira; Gabriel Caumo Vaz
Source: check_circle
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Design and Fabrication of Human-Powered Vehicle - A Measure for Healthy Living

2023 | Book chapter
Contributors: Y. Thiagarajan; G. Palanivel; I. D. Soubache; Gabriel Gomes de Oliveira; Yuzo Iano; Gabriel Caumo Vaz; Himanshu Monga
Source: check_circle
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Identification and Analysis of Bacterial Species Present in Cow Dung Fed Microbial Fuel Cell

2023 | Book chapter
Contributors: Y. Thiagarajan; Gabriel Gomes de Oliveira; Yuzo Iano; Gabriel Caumo Vaz
Source: check_circle
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Mathematical Modeling: A Conceptual Approach of Linear Algebra as a Tool for Technological Applications

2023 | Book chapter
Contributors: Leonardo Bruscagini de Lima; Yuzo Iano; Gabriel Gomes de Oliveira; Gabriel Caumo Vaz; Alecssander Daniel de Almeida; Gustavo Bertozzi Motta; Gabriel Matsumoto Villaça; Matias Oliveira Schwarz; Pedro Y. Noritomi
Source: check_circle
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Proposal of Mathematical Models for a Continuous Flow Electric Heater

2023 | Book chapter
Contributors: Alex Restani Siegle; Yuzo Iano; Gabriel Gomes de Oliveira; Gabriel Caumo Vaz
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Regulatory Aspects of 5G and Perspectives in the Scope of Scientific and Technological Policy

2023 | Book chapter
Contributors: Antonio Carlos Demanboro; David Bianchini; Yuzo Iano; Gabriel Gomes de Oliveira; Gabriel Caumo Vaz
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Revision of the 5G Concept Rollout and Its Application in Smart Cities: A Study Case in South America

2023 | Book chapter
Contributors: Pablo Minango; Yuzo Iano; Euclides Lourenço Chuma; Gabriel Caumo Vaz; Gabriel Gomes de Oliveira; Juan Minango
Source: check_circle
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Security in Smart Home Using Blockchain

2023 | Book chapter
Contributors: Gabriel Gomes de Oliveira; Lucas Alves Rodrigues de Sá; Yuzo Iano; Gabriel Caumo Vaz
Source: check_circle

Sentiment Analysis in the Ecuadorian Presidential Election

2023 | Book chapter
Contributors: Juan Carlos Minango Negrete; Yuzo Iano; Pablo David Minango Negrete; Gabriel Caumo Vaz; Gabriel Gomes de Oliveira
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Sentiment and Emotions Analysis of Tweets During the Second Round of 2021 Ecuadorian Presidential Election

2023 | Book chapter
Contributors: Juan Carlos Minango Negrete; Yuzo Iano; Pablo David Minango Negrete; Gabriel Caumo Vaz; Gabriel Gomes de Oliveira
Source: check_circle
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Study About the Applicability of Low Latency in HAS Transmission Systems

2023 | Book chapter
Contributors: Paolo Rodrigo de Oliveira Bacega; Yuzo Iano; Bruno Campos Simoni de Carvalho; Gabriel Caumo Vaz; Gabriel Gomes de Oliveira; Euclides Lourenço Chuma
Source: check_circle
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Technology for Electric Bus in the Brazilian Scenario: Focus on the Adoption of National Components

2023 | Book chapter
Contributors: Lilian Regis Laraia; Yuzo Iano; Ricardo Takahira; Luiz Vicente Figueira de Mello Filho; Gabriel Gomes de Oliveira; Gabriel Caumo Vaz
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

The BFS Method in a Cloud Environment for Analyzing Distributed Energy Resource Management Systems

2023 | Book chapter
Contributors: Adolfo Blengini Neto; Yuzo Iano; Gabriel Gomes de Oliveira; Gabriel Caumo Vaz; Fabiana Silva Podeleski; Higor de Paula Kolecha; Marcius F. H. de Carvalho
Source: check_circle
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LatentCluster: Clustering GANs Latent Space for Massive Conditional Sampling

2023-08-11 | Conference paper
Contributors: Matheus Henrique Soares Pinheiro; Yuzo Iano; Gabriel Gomes De Oliveira; Gabriel Caumo Vaz; Euclides Loureno Chuma; Adolfo Blengini Neto
Source: check_circle

System for PCB Defect Detection Using Visual Computing and Deep Learning for Production Optimization

IET Circuits, Devices & Systems
2023-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Gabriel Gomes de Oliveira; Gabriel Caumo Vaz; Marcos Antonio Andrade; Yuzo Iano; Leandro Ronchini Ximenes; Rangel Arthur; Paolo Marconcini
Source: check_circle

A Simple Approach for Short-Term Hydrothermal Self Scheduling for Generation Companies in Restructured Power System

2022 | Book chapter
Contributors: Y. Thiagarajan; Baburao Pasupulati; Gabriel Gomes de Oliveira; Yuzo Iano; Gabriel Caumo Vaz
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Application and Requirements of AIoT-Enabled Industrial Control Units

2022 | Book chapter
Contributors: Everton Hideo Nishimura; Yuzo Iano; Gabriel Gomes de Oliveira; Gabriel Caumo Vaz
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Data Security, Privacy, and Regulatory Issues: A Conceptual Approach to Digital Transformation to Smart Cities

2022 | Book chapter
Contributors: Leonardo Bruscagini de Lima; Yuzo Iano; Pedro Y. Noritomi; Gabriel Gomes de Oliveira; Gabriel Caumo Vaz
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Horizontal Curves with Transition. The Use of This Methodology for the Calculation of a Road Project in the City of Campinas/SP - Brazil

2022 | Book chapter
Contributors: Gabriel Gomes de Oliveira; Yuzo Iano; Gabriel Caumo Vaz; Euclides Lourenço Chuma; Pablo David Minango Negrete; Daniel Rodrigues Ferraz Izario
Source: check_circle
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Institutional Development Index (IDI): Calculation for Municipalities in the Metropolitan Region of Campinas (Brazil)

2022 | Book chapter
Contributors: Celso Fabricio Correia de Souza; Yuzo Iano; Gabriel Gomes de Oliveira; Gabriel Caumo Vaz; Valéria Sueli Reis; Josué Mastrodi Neto
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Intelligent Mobility: A Proposal for Modeling Traffic Lights Using Fuzzy Logic and IoT for Smart Cities

2022 | Book chapter
Contributors: Gabriel Gomes de Oliveira; Yuzo Iano; Gabriel Caumo Vaz; Pablo David Minango Negrete; Juan Carlos Minango Negrete; Euclides Lourenço Chuma
Source: check_circle

IoT - From Industries to Houses: An Overview

2022 | Book chapter
Contributors: Gabriel Caumo Vaz; Yuzo Iano; Gabriel Gomes de Oliveira
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Prop Walls: A Contextualization of the Theme in a Case Study in the City of Campinas (Brazil)

2022 | Book chapter
Contributors: Gabriel Gomes de Oliveira; Yuzo Iano; Gabriel Caumo Vaz; Euclides Lourenço Chuma; Pablo David Minango Negrete; Juan Carlos Minango Negrete
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Proposal MPPT Algorithm Using the Kalman Filter

2022 | Book chapter
Contributors: Domingos Teixeira da Silva Neto; Jéssica Fernandes Alves; Polyane Alves Santos; Gabriel Gomes de Oliveira; Gabriel Caumo Vaz; Yuzo Iano; Lucas dos Santos Ribeiro
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Structural Analysis of Bridges and Viaducts Using the IoT Concept. An Approach on Dom Pedro Highway (Campinas - Brazil)

2022 | Book chapter
Contributors: Gabriel Gomes de Oliveira; Yuzo Iano; Gabriel Caumo Vaz; Euclides Lourenço Chuma; Pablo David Minango Negrete; Juan Carlos Minango Negrete
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Telemanagement and Its Benefits to Energy, Environment, and Society: A Case Study in Street Lighting

2022 | Book chapter
Contributors: Juliana P. da S. Ulian; Luiz Carlos Pereira da Silva; Gabriel Gomes de Oliveira; João Guilherme Ito Cypriano; Yuzo Iano; Gabriel Caumo Vaz
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

The Use of the Elman Preconditioner in the Early Iterations of Interior Point Methods

2022 | Book chapter
Contributors: Ingrid Araújo Sampaio; Yuzo Iano; Aurelio Ribeiro Leite de Oliveira; Lino Marcos da Silva; Rinaldo Vieira da Silva Júnior; Gabriel Gomes de Oliveira; Gabriel Caumo Vaz; Polyane Alves Santos; Kelem Christine Pereira Jordão
Source: check_circle
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Intelligent Transportation: Application of Deep Learning techniques in the search for a sustainable environment

2022 the 5th International Conference on Big Data and Internet of Things
2022-08-12 | Conference paper
Contributors: Gabriel Gomes De Oliveira; Yuzo Iano; Gabriel Caumo Vaz; Euclides Loureno Chuma; Rangel Arthur
Source: Self-asserted source
Gabriel Caumo Vaz

Novelty Sensor for Detection of Wear Particles in Oil Using Integrated Microwave Metamaterial Resonators With Neodymium Magnets

IEEE Sensors Journal
2022-06-01 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1530-437X
Part of ISSN: 1558-1748
Part of ISSN: 2379-9153
Contributors: Euclides L. Chuma; Yuzo Iano; Leonardo Lorenzo Bravo Roger; Gabriel Gomes de Oliveira; Gabriel Caumo Vaz
Source: Self-asserted source
Gabriel Caumo Vaz

Digital Garbage Bin Monitoring System (DGBMS)

2021 | Book chapter
Contributors: Thiagarajan Yogamoorthi; Vania Vieira Estrela; Thierry Oscar Edoh; Navid Razmjooy; Abdeldjalil Khelassi; Henrique Rego Monteiro da Hora; Gabriel Gomes de Oliveira; Gabriel Caumo Vaz; Yuzo Iano
Source: check_circle

Energy Use in Urban Areas Using Neodymium Magnets

2021 | Book chapter
Contributors: Roger Prior Gregio; Yuzo Iano; Lia Toledo Moreira Mota; Gabriel Caumo Vaz; Gabriel Gomes de Oliveira; Diego Arturo Pajuelo Castro; Carolina Fernandes Frangeto
Source: check_circle

Safety Management Applied to Smart Cities Design

2021 | Book chapter
Contributors: Telmo Cardoso Lustosa; Yuzo Iano; Gabriel Gomes de Oliveira; Gabriel Caumo Vaz; Valéria Sueli Reis
Source: check_circle

Peer review (10 reviews for 1 publication/grant)

Review activity for PloS one. (10)