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Employment (1)

The University of South Australia: Adelaide, AU

Source: check_circle
The University of South Australia

Works (12)

Australian automotive workers and community leaders interview dataset following 2017 assembly plant closures

Scientific Data
2025-01-16 | Journal article
Contributors: Jacob Irving; Andrew Beer; Sally Weller; Tom Barnes; Lynette Washington; Helen Dinmore
Source: check_circle

Labour market preferences of retrenched Australian auto industry workers for job quality and meaningful work*

Economic Record
2024 | Journal article | Author
Part of ISSN: 0013-0249




Contributors: Lynette Washington; Akshay Vij; Weller, Sally; Onur, Ilke; Jacob Irving
Source: check_circle
The University of South Australia

Life after retrenchment: the impact of education, income and employment status as social determinants of mental and physical health

Contemporary Social Science
2024-12-10 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2158-2041
Part of ISSN: 2158-205X
Contributors: J. Ratcliffe; J. Song; J. Irving; H. Dinmore; I. Onur; G. Chen
Source: Self-asserted source
Jacob Irving

Just transitions in the Australian automotive sector?

Contemporary Social Science
2024-06-28 | Journal article
Contributors: Andrew Beer; Sally Weller; Helen Dinmore; Julie Ratcliffe; Ilke Onur; David Bailey; Tom Barnes; Jacob Irving; Sandy Horne; Josefina Atienza et al.
Source: check_circle

Agency and the structural determinants of regional growth: towards a retheorisation

Regional Studies
2024-05-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Helen Dinmore; Andrew Beer; Jacob Irving; Markku Sotarauta
Source: check_circle

Pandemic Regional Recovery Index: An Adaptable Tool for Decision-Making on Regions

2023 | Book chapter
Contributors: J. Irving; K. Waters; T. Clower; W. Rifkin
Source: check_circle

Housing plus: futures 2030 research project final report

2022 | Report | Author
Contributors: Jessica Porter; Peters, Kristine; Jacob Irving; Andrew Beer; Sandy Horne
Source: check_circle
The University of South Australia

Plant closures in Australia’s automotive industry: continuity and change

Regional Studies, Regional Science
2022-12-31 | Journal article
Contributors: Jacob Irving; Andrew Beer; Sally Weller; Tom Barnes
Source: check_circle

Wave 1 Report of the Longitudinal Survey of Retrenched Workers

UniSA Business
2022-11-19 | Report
Contributors: Jacob Irving; Helen Dinmore; Andrew Beer; Sally Weller; Tom Barnes; Julie Ratcliffe; Ilke Onur; Akshay Vij
Source: Self-asserted source
Jacob Irving

Housing Plus: Futures 2030 Research Project, Desk Research Findings

2021 | Report | Author
Contributors: Andrew Beer; Sandy Horne; Jacob Irving; Jessica Porter; Peters, Kristine
Source: check_circle
The University of South Australia

Theory, methods and innovation in the study of place leadership: a review of the opportunity

Handbook on City and Regional Leadership
2021 | Book chapter
Source: Self-asserted source
Jacob Irving

Long term population decline and the impacts of COVID-19 in South Australia’s regions

Australian Population Studies
2021-11-27 | Journal article
Contributors: Jacob Irving; Sandy Horne; Andrew Beer
Source: check_circle