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Works (5)

Perceived identity threat and brand advocacy responses to different types of brand-related attacks

Internet Research
2024-09-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Junyun Liao; Jiawen Chen; Yanghong Hu; Raffaele Filieri; Xiaoliang Feng; Wei Wang
Source: check_circle

Understanding local consumers' reactions to perceived unfair product recalls of foreign brands: a relative deprivation perspective

Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics
2023-11-13 | Journal article
Contributors: Junyun Liao; Siying He; Yanghong Hu; Jiawen Chen; Xuebing Dong
Source: check_circle

Social free sampling: engaging consumer through product trial reports

Information Technology & People
2023-05-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Junyun Liao; Jiawen Chen; Fei Jin
Source: check_circle

Motivation for users' knowledge-sharing behavior in virtual brand communities: a psychological ownership perspective

Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics
2022-11-22 | Journal article
Contributors: Ying Jiang; Junyun Liao; Jiawen Chen; Yanghong Hu; Peng Du
Source: check_circle

Understanding the antecedents and outcomes of brand community-swinging in a poly-social-media context: a perspective of channel complementarity theory

Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics
2022-02-14 | Journal article
Contributors: Junyun Liao; Jiawen Chen; Xuebing Dong
Source: check_circle