Personal information

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Costa Rica


Employment (1)

Universidad de Costa Rica: San Jose, San José, CR

2007 to present | Professor (Facultad de Odontología)
Source: Self-asserted source
Karol Ramirez

Education and qualifications (4)

Ohio State University: Columbus, OH, US

2012 to 2015 | PhD (Biosciences, College of Dentistry)
Source: Self-asserted source
Karol Ramirez

University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine: San Juan, PR

2010 to 2012 | MS
Source: Self-asserted source
Karol Ramirez

Pontificia Universidad Javeriana: Bogota, CO

2004 to 2006 | Periodontist
Source: Self-asserted source
Karol Ramirez

Universidad Latina de Costa Rica: San Jose, San José, CR

1997 to 2001 | DDS
Source: Self-asserted source
Karol Ramirez

Professional activities (4)

Universidad de Costa Rica: San José, CR

2021 to present | Health Area Representative (ProMotion and Tenure Committee )
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Karol Ramirez

International Association for Dental Research: Alexandria, VA, US

2020-01-20 to present | IADR Member
Source: Self-asserted source
Karol Ramirez

Universidad de Costa Rica: San José, CR

2020 to present | Chair (Ethical Scientific Committee )
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Karol Ramirez

Universidad de Costa Rica: San José, CR

2016 to present | Health Area (Ethical Scientific Committee )
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Karol Ramirez

Works (24)

The Relationship Between Dental Anxiety and Oral Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients with Periodontitis

2024-11-22 | Journal article
Contributors: Nicole Padilla-Fonseca; Agatha Araya-Castillo; María Paula Arias-Campos; Ana Paula Solís-Rivera; Jeniffer Jiménez-Matarrita; Karol Ramírez
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Ethical Principles in Dental Research of Behavioral and Social Factors

Odovtos - International Journal of Dental Sciences
2024-04-03 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2215-3411
Part of ISSN: 1659-1046
Contributors: Karol Ramírez
Source: Self-asserted source
Karol Ramirez

Evolution of Regulatory Governance for Human Research in Costa Rica

Odovtos - International Journal of Dental Sciences
2024-03-13 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2215-3411
Part of ISSN: 1659-1046
Contributors: Karol Ramírez
Source: Self-asserted source
Karol Ramirez

Changes in oral health-related quality of life before and after dental treatment in 8–12-year-old Costa Rican schoolchildren

Frontiers in Dental Medicine
2023 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 26734915
Contributors: Jiménez-Lobo, J.; Batista-Cárdenas, D.; Aguilar-Cubillo, A.; Gómez-Fernández, A.; Ramírez, K.
Source: Self-asserted source
Karol Ramirez via Scopus - Elsevier
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Perception of Oral Health-related Quality of Life Before the First Step and After the Second Step of Periodontal Therapy

Universitas Odontologica
2023-12-29 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2027-3444
Part of ISSN: 0120-4319
Contributors: Andrés Fernández-Gudiño; María Amalia Cruz-Morera; Mariana Vega-Cruz; Sofía Quesada-Romero; Juan Ignacio Alvarado-Echeverría; Mercedes Vargas-Godínez; Lucía Piedra-Hernández; Adrián Gómez-Fernández; Karol Ramírez
Source: Self-asserted source
Karol Ramirez

Ansiedad dental antes del primer paso y después del segundo paso del tratamiento de la periodontitis

Revista Facultad de Odontología Universidad de Antioquia
2023-11-20 | Journal article | Author
Part of ISSN: 2145-7670
Contributors: Daniela Sanabria; Katherine Redondo Gómez; Johnny Artavia; Jose Torres-Venegas; Antonio Cubillo; Dylan Solórzano; Lucia Piedra; Adrian Gomez-Fernandez; Karol Ramirez
Source: check_circle
Universidad de Antioquia - Sistema de Revistas
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Dental anxiety and oral health-related quality of life before and after non-surgical periodontal treatment

Clinical Oral Investigations
2023-07-24 | Journal article
Contributors: Lucía Piedra-Hernández; Daniela Batista-Cárdenas; Adrián Gómez-Fernández; Karol Ramírez
Source: check_circle

Gingival State and Presence of Red Complex Bacteria in 12-Year-Old Schoolchildren

Odovtos - International Journal of Dental Sciences
2022-03-30 | Journal article
Contributors: Alberto Vega-Chin; Sandra Silva de la Fuente; Adrián Gómez-Fernández; Lucía Ortiz-Acuña; Alexa Mora-González; Rosibel Rodríguez-Masís; Karol Ramírez
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 3)‎

Ethical Orientation to Conduct Research Involving Human Participants During COVID-19 Outbreak

Odovtos - International Journal of Dental Sciences
2021 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 22153411 16591046
Contributors: Ramirez, K.
Source: Self-asserted source
Karol Ramirez via Scopus - Elsevier
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Antibacterial and Antifungal Capacity of Three Commercially Available Mouthwashes with Different Concentrations of Chlorhexidine

Odovtos - International Journal of Dental Sciences
2021-08-13 | Journal article
Contributors: Daniel Chavarría-Bolaños; Vicente Esparza-Villalpando; Karol Ramírez
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 3)‎

Dental Caries in 12-Year-Old Schoolchildren who Participate in a Preventive and Restorative Dentistry Program

Odovtos - International Journal of Dental Sciences
2021-06-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Karol Ramírez; Adrián Gómez-Fernández
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 3)‎

Gingival Health Related to Intake of Different Types of Foods and Body Mass Index in 12-year-old Schoolchildren,Salud gingival y su relación con la ingesta de diferentes tipos de alimentos y el índice de masa corporal en escolares de 12 años

Odovtos - International Journal of Dental Sciences
2020 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 22153411 16591046
Contributors: Ramírez, K.; Gómez-Fernández, A.; Rojas, M.; Rojas-Guzmán, R.; Solano-Sanabria, M.; Villalobos-Méndez, C.; Gómez, G.
Source: Self-asserted source
Karol Ramirez via Scopus - Elsevier
Preferred source (of 2)‎

A protocol to perform systemic lipopolysacharide (Lps) challenge in rats,Protocolo para realizar reto sistémico con lipopolisacárido (LPS) en ratas

Odovtos - International Journal of Dental Sciences
2019 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 22153411 16591046
Contributors: Ramírez, K.; Quesada-Yamasaki, D.; Fornaguera-Trías, J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Karol Ramirez via Scopus - Elsevier
Preferred source (of 2)‎


Odovtos - International Journal of Dental Sciences
2019 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 22153411 16591046
Contributors: Ramirez, K.
Source: Self-asserted source
Karol Ramirez via Scopus - Elsevier
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Microglial recruitment of IL-1β-producing monocytes to brain endothelium causes stress-induced anxiety

Molecular Psychiatry
2018 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 14765578 13594184
Contributors: McKim, D.B.; Weber, M.D.; Niraula, A.; Sawicki, C.M.; Liu, X.; Jarrett, B.L.; Ramirez-Chan, K.; Wang, Y.; Roeth, R.M.; Sucaldito, A.D. et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Karol Ramirez via Scopus - Elsevier

Prevalence of gingivitis and calculus in 12-year-old Puerto Ricans: A cross-sectional study

BMC Oral Health
2018 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 14726831
Contributors: Elias-Boneta, A.R.; Ramirez, K.; Rivas-Tumanyan, S.; Murillo, M.; Toro, M.J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Karol Ramirez via Scopus - Elsevier

Stress-induced microglia activation and monocyte trafficking to the brain underlie the development of anxiety and depression

Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences
2017 | Book


Contributors: Ramirez, K.; Fornaguera-Trìas, J.; Sheridan, J.F.
Source: Self-asserted source
Karol Ramirez via Scopus - Elsevier

GABAergic modulation with classical benzodiazepines prevent stress-induced neuro-immune dysregulation and behavioral alterations

Brain, Behavior, and Immunity
2016 | Journal article


Contributors: Ramirez, K.; Niraula, A.; Sheridan, J.F.
Source: Self-asserted source
Karol Ramirez via Scopus - Elsevier

Antidepressant imipramine diminishes stress-induced inflammation in the periphery and central nervous system and related anxiety- and depressive- like behaviors

Brain, Behavior, and Immunity
2016-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Karol Ramirez; John F. Sheridan
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Imipramine attenuates neuroinflammatory signaling and reverses stress-induced social avoidance

Brain, Behavior, and Immunity
2015 | Journal article


Contributors: Ramirez, K.; Shea, D.T.; McKim, D.B.; Reader, B.F.; Sheridan, J.F.
Source: Self-asserted source
Karol Ramirez via Scopus - Elsevier

Guest Editorial

Odovtos - International Journal of Dental Sciences
2015-11-29 | Journal article
Contributors: Karol Ramirez
Source: check_circle

Neuroimmunological Responses to Social Isolation

Odovtos - International Journal of Dental Sciences
2015-11-29 | Journal article
Contributors: Karol Ramirez DDS, MSc, PhD
Source: check_circle

Dentogingival complex: Dimension based on biotypes

Puerto Rico Health Sciences Journal
2013 | Journal article


Contributors: Ramírez, K.; García-Rodríguez, O.; Murillo-Arocho, M.; Fernández-López, O.; Elías-Boneta, A.R.
Source: Self-asserted source
Karol Ramirez via Scopus - Elsevier

Efficacy in reducing dentine hypersensitivity of a regimen using a toothpaste containing 8% arginine and calcium carbonate, a mouthwash containing 0.8% arginine, pyrophosphate and PVM/MA copolymer and a toothbrush compared to potassium and negative control regimens: An eight-week randomized clinical trial

Journal of Dentistry
2013 | Journal article


Contributors: Elias Boneta, A.R.; Ramirez, K.; Naboa, J.; Mateo, L.R.; Stewart, B.; Panagokos, F.; De Vizio, W.
Source: Self-asserted source
Karol Ramirez via Scopus - Elsevier

Peer review (7 reviews for 6 publications/grants)

Review activity for Diagnostics. (2)
Review activity for Healthcare. (1)
Review activity for International journal of environmental research and public health (1)
Review activity for Journal of personalized medicine. (1)
Review activity for Medicina. (1)
Review activity for The journal of evidence-based dental practice. (1)