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Dr. Heresh Amini is a global environmental health scientist (researcher and educator). His research interests range from assessing environmental exposures by monitoring, satellite observations, and development of advanced computational models, to studying their short or long-term health effects using various epidemiological study designs, causal inference, and geo-spatial epidemiology. Dr. Amini has advanced skills in spatial data science, planetary-scale geographical information systems, satellite observations, big spatial data, machine learning, and cloud computing, such as Microsoft Azure. Google Earth Engine with Java Script API is a tool that he uses for planetary-scale geographical data analysis, and R is a programming language that he frequently works with. To date, Heresh has received several research grants as PI (e.g. Boston-based HEI New Investigator Award, $500,000, to study health effects of ultrafine particles in Copenhagen, Denmark), and as co-investigator. He has mentored postdoc, doctoral and master students so far at several institutions.
- Expertise: spatial data science, exposure assessment, spatio-temporal modeling, air pollution epidemiology, environmental epidemiology methods, planetary-scale geographical information systems, applied machine learning, satellite observations, big data and cloud computing, such as Microsoft Azure, Google Earth Engine, statistical analysis, R, epidemiology, causal inference, geospatial epidemiology.
- Publications:
- Currently principal investigator of Copenhagen Ultrafine Particles and Health (COUPH) study (50%). Visit:
- Associate Professor, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, United States. Feb 2023 - Present
- Assistant Professor, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Aug 2019 - Feb 2023
- “Environmental Epidemiology” course coordinator and lead-lecturer, University of Copenhagen. 2019 - Present
- Consultant to World Health Organization (WHO). 2021
- Temporary advisor to WHO. 2017 and 2019
- Associate Editor, International Journal of Public Health. 2020 - Present
- Frequent peer-reviewer for ~40 journals. 2013 - Present
- Frequent grant applications reviewer. 2018 - Present