Personal information


I have focused my research on the mechanics of earthquakes and faulting using an interdisciplinary approach that integrates geological, geophysical and experimental observations on earthquake processes. For me there is much learn by considering phenomena at the boundaries between different disciplines. Applied/unconventional aspects of my research include CO2 sequestration, oil/gas reservoir characterization and the mechanics of induced vs. triggered seismicity.

These activities have afforded me a very solid yet unusually broad scientific experience in the field of the mechanics of earthquakes and faulting demonstrated by:

From 2000, 92 papers (2 on Nature, 1 Nature Geoscience, 1 Nature Communications, 1 Science Advances, 6 in Geology), most of them as first author or having PhD or Post-Docs as first author. Total citations 4880; h-index 41 (source Scopus March 2022).

2005-2007: Nicola De Paola (Postdoc), now Professor at Durham UK;
2007-2011: Fabio Trippetta (PhD and Post-doc), now researcher at La Sapienza, Roma;
2014-2015: Marco Scuderi (Post-doc) from September 2019 RTDB in Sapienza;
2005-2008: Sergio Mantenuto (PhD); now employed at LEANE international;
2005-2009: Steve Smith (PhD, co-advised), now researcher at Dunedin NZ;
2011-2015: Brett Carpenter (Postdoc), now Professor at Oklahoma University;
2011-2015: Giuseppe Di Stefano (PhD); now senior technologist at INGV;
2011-2017: Telemaco Tesei (PhD and Post-Doc); from 11/2019 RTDB at Padova University;
2014-2017: Carolina Giorgetti (PhD); now Post-Doc at EPFL Lausanne;
2016-2020: Marco Mercuri (PhD); now RTdA in Sapienza;
2017-2021: Piercarlo Giacomel (PhD); now Post-Doc in Liverpool;
2019-20xx: Giacomo Pozzi post-doc at INGV working with BRAVA;
2020-20xx: Giuseppe Volpe (PhD).

From 2007 I have been the PI of several research project for a total budget of about 3.0 M.

From 2006, I have given 20 invited talks at international conferences including 5 invited talks at the American Geophysical Union fall meeting:

In addition, I have given the following key-note lectures at prestigious international schools.
a) Collettini C. Frictional behavior of “weak” phyllosilicate-rich faults (2009). 8th International School on Friction and Faults, Erice, Italy
b) Collettini C. Seismic vs. aseismic deformation in faults and experiments (2014). Cargese school on Earthquake mechanics.
c) Collettini C. Fault strength, and the slip behaviour of fluid pressurized experimental faults (2017). Second Cargese school on Earthquake mechanics
d) Collettini C. Fault structure, reaction softening and the weakness of mature faults (2018). Gordon Research Conference in Rock Deformation US.

2001: Student Paper Award American Geophysical Union
2002: SPE-EAGE-Assomineraria Gustavo Sclocchi PhD Theses Award, special mention
2005-2010 Most cited article in Journal of Structural Geology, Collettini et al., 2006.
2008: Shell Prize for the work Smith, Collettini and Holdsworth, JSG, 2008
2010: Seventh Framework Programme “Ideas”, ERC
2011: Ramsay medal for the paper: Smith, Holdsworth, Collettini C. (2011). GSA Bulletin
2013: Excellence in reviewing from Elsevier

Within the Dipartimenti di Eccellenza MIUR-grant 2018-2022, I have been supervising the activities for the development of a new rock mechanics laboratory at Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, in Sapienza. Within this project I have been supervising the activities that have allowed the development of the BRAVA2.0 apparatus. With the ERC GLASS grant I have directed a research group composed of engineers, physics, geologists and seismologists to build a new rock deformation apparatus, named BRAVA.


Employment (1)

Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza: Roma, Lazio, IT

2013-07-01 to present | Prof. (Scienze della Terra)
Source: Self-asserted source
cristiano collettini

Peer review (7 reviews for 7 publications/grants)

Review activity for Communications earth & environment. (1)
Review activity for Earth and planetary science letters. (1)
Review activity for Geophysical research letters. (1)
Review activity for Journal of geophysical research. (1)
Review activity for Nature communications (1)
Review activity for Tectonics. (1)
Review activity for Tectonophysics. (1)