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Jo River (River) is a social scientist with expertise in participatory research and education with industry and community stakeholders, including people with lived (and living) experience of mental distress, alcohol and other drug (AOD) use, psychosocial disability, chronic illness, social marginalisation and/or trauma. River uses community development principles and participatory, qualitative and arts-based methods to ensure research is grounded in community priorities and relevant and resonant to those most impacted by research-informed policy and services. This involves drawing on approaches such as co-production and co-design to centre shared and equitable decision-making and continuous participation throughout all stages of the research process, as well as arts-based methods and co-designed interventions and education for real-world translation and dissemination of research findings.
River was awarded the 2022 Deans Academic Excellence Social Justice and Equity FoH UTS, and they have been invited by lead agencies to develop participatory research frameworks and fidelity criteria to build capacity in co-design and co-production research across the sector. They are internationally recognised for their research on the structural determinants of mental health and co-design methodologies, and undertake research to strengthen health and healthcare delivery across Australia, the Western Pacific, and Thailand with IMPACCT UTS, the World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre, UTS, and Mahidol University.
Employment (4)
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Funding (44)
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