Personal information
Correspondence address: Department of Botany and Microbiology, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Giza 12613, Egypt.
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Tel.: +202 35676651 (Office), +202 37278556 (Res.) and +2 01222430272 (Mobile)
ORCID identifier: The 16-digit number is 0000-0002-5286-7998 and full ORCID iD and the link to public record is
Graduate of Cairo University (B.Sc. & M.Sc.) and Alberta University, Canada (M.Sc. & Ph.D.). Leading a research group in the field of plant ecology and environmental sciences. Supervision of about 70 Ph.D. and M.Sc. students in different universities and research institutes in Egypt and other countries. Research areas cover interdisciplinary subjects of population and community ecology, phytoremediation of polluted ecosystems, biodiversity and protected area management, climate change, conservation ecology, biological interactions, molecular ecology, and environmental impact assessment. Published about 2020 publications, edited and co-authored 4 books and two encyclopedias. Implemented some research programs in Egypt and other Arab countries (Libya, Qatar and Saudi Arabia and Sudan). National coordinator and director of some research projects. Teaching about 10 graduate and undergraduate courses in Egyptian and other Arab and Canadian universities. Visiting fellow to some British, Chinese and Canadian universities and research institutes. Editor, Journal of Forestry Research (Springer Verlag) and editor –in-chief of Egyptian Journal of Botany. Undertaken many refereeing work for international scientific journals published by Elsevier, Springer Verlag, John Wiely, Academic Press, etc. Coordinated, facilitated and participated in many training courses, workshops, public awareness programs in the fields of conservation, biodiversity, protected areas, sustainable development and colour economy, environmental communication and education, and other environmental fields. Participated in about 120 international conferences, workshops and task force meetings on environmental subjects and plant ecology in about 30 countries in five continents. Environmental advisor and resource person for many international organizations in the field of environment and conservation of biodiversity resources (UNEP, UNESCO, CEDARE, Arab League, ICARDA, EEAA, FAO, AOAD, etc.). Former Head of Environmental Impact Assessment Sector (Ministry of Environment). External examiner for Ph. D. and M. Sc. degrees in many Universities. Referee for promotion of university staff members and project evaluation and follow up in some regional universities. English-Arabic translation of environmental articles for Scientific American Journal. Participated in preparation of global and regional environmental outlook-UNEP (GEO-2, GEO-3, SOE-North Africa and SOE-Arab Region), prepared sections on biodiversity, forests, lands and multilateral/ international agreements. Reviewer in Millennium Ecosystem Assessment &IPBES. Fellow of the World Academy of Art and Science, International jury for the International Slow Food Award, Vice-President of the national committee for conservation of nature and natural resources and Environment council, Academy of Scientific Research and Technology. Member in the Supreme Technical Committee (biodiversity and protected areas), Minister of Environment, Egypt. Regional Coordinator of the International Allelopathy Society, and member of some national and international academic societies concerned with environment and biodiversity resources. Winner of national prizes; State prize in environmental research and education (2003), State prize for encouragement in biological science (2000) and State prize for environment protection in the field of biodiversity and protected areas (1997), Cairo University Prize for Excellency in Research (2006), International publications award- Cairo University (since 2006 till now), and Silver Medal of Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations-FAO (2002). Principal investigator and national advisor of many national and regional research projects in Egypt, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Libya and Sudan. Member of many national councils and committees. Former Deputy Chair of Syndicate for Scientific Professions-Egypt.