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Member of the Tutorial Education Program (PET) - PHARMACY during graduation, which advocates academic activities that address actions of a teaching, research and extension nature. B.Sc. Pharmacy, graduated in the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM) (2009-2013); M.Sc. in Pharmaceutical Science by UFAM, focusing on Orthohantavirus epidemiology and diagnosis (2014-2016); and PhD in Basic and Applied Immunology by UFAM, focusing on humoral characterization of flavivirus and SARS-CoV-2 infections (2017-2021). Since 2014 working on epidemiology, diagnosis and immunology against endemic and emerging infectious pathogens. Currently, fellow researcher at Instituto Leônidas & Maria Deane (ILMD), Fiocruz Amazônia, involved in projects which aimed arbovirus diagnosis and distribution on Amazon and also about immune response against COVID-19 in the state of Amazonas.