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Associate professor Erik Kyrkjebø is a robotic researcher and scholar in engineering cybernetics. His research interests spans from modelling and motion control of mechanical systems, with a particular interest in robotics and maritime vehicles, to student-active online learning methods in engineering. His current focus is on physcial Human-Robot Interaction and Cooperation: How can we estimate human motions and intentions to aid in the physical cooperation with robots? How can we control the physical interaction between robots and humans to allow for role-switching between leaders and followers? How can the robot learn a cooperative behaviour in a physical human-robot interaction? He currently supervises three PhD-students on these subjects.
He is currently the PI of the 4.5 M€ Teknoløft Sogn og Fjordane-project financed by the Research Council of Norway and other partners. The project has the ambition to double the industry-relevant research activity in the region Sogn og Fjordane through building and strenghtening the research groups in Robotics at HVL and Big Data at the partner Vestlandsforsking. He is also involved in other externally funded research project on collaborative robots for AGVs (CoBotAGV) and robotic handling of surgical instruments (FoT). He is currently heading the research group on Robotics at HVL.
Associate professor Kyrkjebø is the author of more than 30 scientific papers on modelling, motion control, and reinforcement learning for robots and martitime vehicles. He has been the PI of several externally funded robotics projects at HVL, and was during his 10 years as a researcher, research leader and senior scientist at SINTEF the PI of numerous projects and proposal toghether with industry partners such as Statoil (now Equinor), ABB and Elkem, and participated in several international research projects.