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Mornay Roberts-Lombard is a dedicated academic with more than 33 years of experience in the higher education sector of South Africa. His passion for people development, research and teaching goes beyond his normal job description, contributing to his lifelong desire to secure positive change. He holds a PhD in Business Management and has authored journal articles published in international and South African journals, has made numerous contributions to textbooks and regularly presents papers at national and international conferences. He is a deputy editor for the European Business Review and section editor for the Acta Commercii Journal, both SCOPUS indexed journals. He has supervised numerous masters and doctoral students to completion and examines dissertations and theses on a regular basis for both South African and international universities. Mornay has been invited as a visiting academic to the Brunel University in London, United Kingdom, the Australian Institute of Higher Education in Sydney, Australia, and the Technische Hochschule in Nüremberg, Germany. He also served as a visiting professor to the Leiria Polytechnic in Portugal between 2015-2019 and the Uganda University of Technology in Kampala between 2014-2019. He is currently an executive board member of the International Business Conference (IBC) and the African Social Marketing Conference (ASMC) committee. He is currently a full professor in the Department of Management & Entrepreneurship at the University of the Western Cape in Cape Town, South Africa and is a member of the university senate at UWC.


Employment (1)

University of the Western Cape: Cape Town, Western Cape province, ZA

2024-04-01 to present | Professor of Management (Management & Entrepreneurship)
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof Mornay Roberts-Lombard

Education and qualifications (1)

North-West University: Potchefstroom, North West province, ZA

2003-02-01 to 2006-11-30 | PhD (Business Management) (Business Management)
Source: Self-asserted source
Prof Mornay Roberts-Lombard