Personal information
* PhD (Biosciences; specializing in cultural heritage; cultural landscapes; historical
landscape reconstruction (culturally/socially and environmentally and
geographically); environmental anthropology and archaeology).
University of Tokyo (Department of Integrated Biosciences).
* MA (Social sciences and humanities: anthropology, archaeology).
University of Alaska Fairbanks.
* BA (Social sciences and humanities; Department of anthropology and sociology;
minor: geography). Carleton University (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada).
* University of Toronto (Research student in the Deptartment of Anthropology).
* Georgetown University Law Center, Washington, D.C.
Certificate in Art and Cultural Heritage Law (Executive Education Program).
*British Institute of International and Comparative Law (London, UK).
Executive Certificate in Cultural Heritage Law.
Multidisciplinary researcher, university professor, academic, consultant, and mentor. Senior research professional with advanced skills and expertise in sciences and social sciences, and humanities, leadership, management, resilience, adaptability, decision making science (JDM), problem-solving, negotiation skills.
* Professional higher eduction teaching/instruction (university; and graduate level). Over two decades of higher education teaching. Taught both undergraduate and graduate level courses and supervised university students.
* Cultural heritage specialist; Cultural Landscapes; Archaeologist; Anthropologist; Environmental and ecological reconstruction; Stable isotope analysis skills and expertise; Forensic anatomy/osteology analysis; Multivariate statistic analysis. Ethnographic/anthropological/archaeological research design, recording, analysis. Data management and database processing and analysis. Museology and curator skills.
* Strong publication record in international peer-reviewed professional journals, across three different disciplines in the sciences (biological, environmental, human) and social sciences.
* Worked with top international research institutes in the USA, Canada, and Japan, such as the UNESCO Asia-Pacific Cultural Heritage Office and other institutes (such as: the National Museums of Canada; Canadian Museum of History; USA Bureau of Land Management; Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Kyoto, Japan).
* Invited presentations and workshops in Japan, Denmark, Canada, USA.
* Conference presentations and workshops in France, Japan, Jordan, Denmark, Canada, USA, Vietnam, Iran.
* Consultant and researcher with government and private sector institutes (USA; Canada; Japan).
* Professional editor with credentials; accredited member of the International Council of Science Editors.
* Over two decades of research, fieldwork, reconnaissance, survey, laboratory, in Canada; USA; France; Japan (subtropical Okinawa, Hokkaido, Honshu); Greenland; across the Canadian arctic (subarctic, high arctic); Alaska; Northwest Coast Alaska/BC; Iran, Denmark.
* Black belt martial artist and instructor: WTF Taekwondo; Kyudo (archery); Iaido (sword); Kobudo (martial arts weaponry).
* Links:
Education and qualifications (5)
Professional activities (3)
Works (11)