Personal information
Dr. Antonio Segura Carretero is Full Professor of Analytical Chemistry at the University of Granada since 2009 and Head of the Bioactive Ingredients Research Group. Founder and head of CIDAF (Research and Development of Functional Food Technological Centre, from the beginning of 2009 until 2022 is, actually, on the list published by Stanford University (California, United States) about the “Ranking of the World Scientists: World's Top 2% Scientists”, which identifies the most influential researchers whose works have been more cited during his scientific career. years 1996-2020 and also during the last year. Also, he has been recognized with 10 awards such as the Extraordinary PhD award, Young Researcher award in Analytical Chemistry in Spain, awards for research related to bioactive compounds from olive and bioactivity and recently a Scientific Trajectory award from the University of Granada.
Publications: International articles
Published 550 articles in indexed journals (324 in the last 10 years) with 17,000 citations, 350 of these manuscripts are in Q1 of JCR within their respective areas of knowledge and with more than 150 in the top 10%. The high citation of the articles has resulted in an h-index 66 (
My publications have been developed in 26 areas of knowledge and the 5 most prominent areas of publication in order of greatest to least have been Food Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry and Nutrition with a Category Normalized Citation Impact of 1.68.
Books and book chapters
Editor of 2 books and co-author of 45 chapters in various monographs in renowned international publishers (Elsevier, AOCS Press, Studium Press LLC, CRE Press Taylor and Francis Group, Wiley).
Invited presentations/conferences
Presented 425 communications in posters (250 in the last 10 years) and 30 oral or invited presentations in conferences (25 in the last 10 years). Given lectures in 40 conferences in different Master’s and national and international universities and private companies and has developed more than 600 dissemination activities.
Co-inventor of 9 registered patents and 2 of them dedicated to bioactive compounds and breast cancer and treatment of receptor tyrosine kinase related disorders.
(Post) graduate supervision
2001-ongoing: Supervisor of 32 completed PhD theses (20 have been PhDs with an International Mention, and 3 have won the San Alberto Magno Award), 10 have been with foreign students and 3 ongoing PhDs.
1997-ongoing: Primary supervisor of 46 dissertations (including Diploma for Advanced Studies and Master’s) and 8 work plans in Chemistry, Food Technology and Biochemistry Master’s programme.
Major collaborations
More than 250 collaborations with other national and international researchers that are reflected in different projects and publications highlighting the collaboration in the publication of articles with 50 % of them in collaboration with other universities or centres with a total of 72 institutions.
Visiting professor
From 1996 stays as visiting professor in several Spanish universities (Universidad de Córdoba-Prof. M. Valcárcel and Oviedo-Prof. A. Sanz-Medel), European (University of Plymouth-Prof. Paul J. Worsfold, Università di Bologna-Prof. G. Dinelli and University of Novi Sad-Prof. J. Svarc-Gajic), American (UC Davis Olive Center-Prof. E. Frankel) and in other countries for a total duration of three years.
Organization of scientific meetings
Participated in the organization of 12 meetings dedicated to bioactive compounds from vegetable samples and related to the different pathologies, in the organization of 4 congresses related to Analytical Chemistry and its application in Metabolomics.
Self-funding ID: Projects and research contracts
Participated in 5 European projects such as Molecular Reclassification to Find Clinically Useful Biomarkers for Systemic Autoimmune Diseases funded by European Framework Innovative Medicine Initiative (PRECISESADS, EU, Grant Agreement nr°115565) with a budget of 10 million euros in the European Framework: Capacity building of personnel in Jordanian olive industry Acronym: CBPJOI", Tempus, Join Project (EU) EACEA N° 543820-TEMPUS-1-2013-1 JO-TEMPUS-JPHES with a budget of 1 million euros. Also participated in international networks such as the Ibero-American Network of Comprehensive Use of Native Foods (CYTED Program, code P117RT0220)
Led 10 national projects (1.2 million euros total funding; average per project: €120,000). Has also led 39 other R&D complementary projects (€800,000 total funding; 5 regional projects (1.4 million euros total funding).
Leadership in industrial innovation
Participated from 2010 in the creation of the Functional Food Technological Centre (CIDAF) associated to the University of Granada as Head of R&D and has led several projects dedicated to the purchase of equipment with a value of 5 million euros that have allowed the start up of a lab and a pilot plant