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United Kingdom


Education and qualifications (4)

University of Glasgow: Glasgow, Glasgow, GB

2018-10 to present | PhD Candidate (School of Psychology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Betül Tatar

Abertay University: Dundee, GB

2019-09 to 2021-09 | Postgraduate Diploma in Counselling Studies (School of Applied Sciences)
Source: Self-asserted source
Betül Tatar

University of Glasgow: Glasgow, Glasgow, GB

2017 to 2018 | MSc Psychological Science (Psychology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Betül Tatar

University of Michigan: Ann Arbor, MI, US

2011 to 2015 | BSc Biopsychology, Cognition and Neuroscience (Psychology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Betül Tatar

Works (2)

“The thought is gonna come and the thought is gonna go”: A qualitative study on how non-meditators learn and apply brief mindfulness-based instructions for food cravings

2021-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Betül Tatar; Rebeka Pázmányová; Esther K. Papies
Source: check_circle

Honor and I: Differential relationships between honor and self-esteem in three cultural groups

Personality and Individual Differences
2015-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Sheida Novin; Betül Tatar; Lydia Krabbendam
Source: check_circle