Personal information

Cyclostratigraphy, Sedimentology, Paleoclimate and Paleoenvironment
China, France


My research interests mainly focus on the Paleoclimatology, quantitative stratigraphy, sedimentary geochemistry and statistics/data analysis. Recently, I conduct time series analysis and modeling of geological signals relating to past global climate change, sedimentary response, Earth’s tidal evolution and rotational history.


Employment (1)

Chengdu University of Technology: Chengdu, CN

2022-07 to present | Researcher (Institute Of Sedimentary Geology)
Source: Self-asserted source
He Huang

Education and qualifications (1)

China University of Geosciences: Beijing, CN

2018-09 to 2022-05 | Ph.D (School of Earth Science and Resource)
Source: Self-asserted source
He Huang

Professional activities (1)

Observatoire de Paris - Site de Meudon: Paris, FR

2023-01-15 to 2024-01-14 | Visiting Scholar (IMCCE)
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
He Huang

Works (15)

Rhenium-platinum group elements reveal seawater incursion induced massive lacustrine organic carbon burial

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
2024-11 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0016-7037
Contributors: Zheng Qin; Jingao Liu; Huan Cui; Kurt O. Konhauser; He Huang; Dongtao Xu; Yuan Gao; Huaichun Wu; Chengshan Wang
Source: Self-asserted source
He Huang

Geological evidence reveals a staircase pattern in Earth’s rotational deceleration evolution

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
2024-08-13 | Journal article
Contributors: He Huang; Chao Ma; Jacques Laskar; Matthias Sinnesael; Mohammad Farhat; Nam H. Hoang; Yuan Gao; Christian Zeeden; Hanting Zhong; Mingcai Hou et al.
Source: check_circle

Lacustrine varves in the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of western Liaoning, Northeast China: Implications for seasonal to sub-decadal palaeoclimate variability associated with the Jehol Biota and “Dinosaur Pompeii”

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
2024-07 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0031-0182
Contributors: Xing Tian; Yuan Gao; Jian Ma; He Huang; Jinjiang Pan; Chengshan Wang
Source: Self-asserted source
He Huang

The ∼170 kyr astronomical cycle in the Early Permian Lucaogou Formation of the Junggar Basin

Frontiers in Earth Science
2024-04-08 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2296-6463
Contributors: Yuyin Li; He Huang; Yuan Gao; Yongqiang Cao; Hu Cheng; Chenlu Hei; Shuang Liang
Source: Self-asserted source
He Huang

A new method to evaluate the power ratio distributions of astronomical signals: A case study from Upper Cretaceous terrestrial sediments

GSA Bulletin
2024-01-31 | Journal article
Contributors: He Huang
Source: Self-asserted source
He Huang

Obliquity forcing of continental aquifers during the late Paleozoic ice age

Earth and Planetary Science Letters
2023-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Ren Wei; Mingsong Li; Rui Zhang; Yongyun Hu; James G. Ogg; Guoyong Liu; He Huang; Xiangwu He; Shuai Yuan; Qifan Lin et al.
Source: check_circle

Evaluation of the terrestrial sedimentary system response to astronomical forcing

2023-05-15 | Preprint
Contributors: He Huang
Source: check_circle

Astronomical constraints on the development of alkaline lake during the Carboniferous-Permian Period in North Pangea

Global and Planetary Change
2021-12 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0921-8181
Source: Self-asserted source
He Huang

Early Cretaceous solar cycles recorded in lacustrine laminations in North China

American Journal of Science
2021-11 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0002-9599
Part of ISSN: 1945-452X
Source: Self-asserted source
He Huang

Mineralogical Evolution of the Cretaceous Strata in the Songliao Basin, Northeastern China: Implications for Thermal History and Paleoenvironmental Evolution

2021-10-08 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2075-163X
Source: Self-asserted source
He Huang

Controlling Factors for Organic Carbon Burial in the Late Cretaceous Nenjiang Formation of the Songliao Basin, NE China

2021-08-06 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1996-1073
Source: Self-asserted source
He Huang

Organic carbon burial is paced by a ~173-ka obliquity cycle in the middle to high latitudes

Science Advances
2021-07-09 | Journal article
Contributors: He Huang; Yuan Gao; Chao Ma; Matthew M. Jones; Christian Zeeden; Daniel E. Ibarra; Huaichun Wu; Chengshan Wang
Source: check_circle

Terrestrial climate in mid-latitude East Asia from the latest Cretaceous to the earliest Paleogene: A multiproxy record from the Songliao Basin in northeastern China

Earth-Science Reviews
2021-05 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0012-8252
Source: Self-asserted source
He Huang

Astronomical forcing of Middle Permian terrestrial climate recorded in a large paleolake in northwestern China

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
2020-07 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0031-0182
Source: Self-asserted source
He Huang

Paleoenvironmental setting, mechanism and consequence of massive organic carbon burial in the Permian Junggar Basin, NW China

Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
2020-06 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1367-9120
Source: Self-asserted source
He Huang