Personal information

No personal information available


Employment (2)

University of Cambridge: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, GB

2020-09-01 to present | Research Associate (Materials Science and Metallurgy)
Source: Self-asserted source
Markus Hellenbrand

Lund University: Lund, SE

2015-09-01 to 2020-08-31 | PhD Student (Electrical and Information Technology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Markus Hellenbrand

Education and qualifications (2)

Lund University: Lund, SE

2013-08 to 2015-06 | Master of Science, Physics - Nanoscience
Source: Self-asserted source
Markus Hellenbrand

Heidelberg University: Heidelberg, DE

2010-09 to 2013-07 | Bachelor of Science, Physics
Source: Self-asserted source
Markus Hellenbrand

Works (25)

Growth of emergent simple pseudo-binary ferroelectrics and their potential in neuromorphic computing devices

Materials Horizons
2024 | Journal article
Contributors: Ampattu R. Jayakrishnan; Ji S. Kim; Markus Hellenbrand; Luís S. Marques; Judith L. MacManus-Driscoll; José P. B. Silva
Source: check_circle

Na+-doped WO3 double-layer resistive switching device for biomimetic applications

Applied Materials Today
2024-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Barbara Salonikidou; Benedetta Gaggio; Atif Jan; Megan O. Hill; Giulio I. Lampronti; Simon Fairclough; Giuliana Di Martino; Markus Hellenbrand; Judith L. MacManus-Driscoll
Source: check_circle

Progress of emerging non-volatile memory technologies in industry

MRS Communications
2024-11-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Markus Hellenbrand; Isabella Teck; Judith L. MacManus-Driscoll
Source: check_circle

Sodium-Controlled Interfacial Resistive Switching in Thin Film Niobium Oxide for Neuromorphic Applications

Chemistry of Materials
2024-06-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Benedetta Gaggio; Atif Jan; Moritz Muller; Barbara Salonikidou; Babak Bakhit; Markus Hellenbrand; Giuliana Di Martino; Bilge Yildiz; Judith L. MacManus-Driscoll
Source: check_circle

Multi-level resistive switching in hafnium-oxide-based devices for neuromorphic computing

Nano Convergence
2023-09-14 | Journal article
Contributors: Markus Hellenbrand; Judith MacManus-Driscoll
Source: check_circle

Thin film design of amorphous hafnium oxide nanocomposites enabling strong interfacial resistive switching uniformity

Science Advances
2023-06-23 | Journal article
Contributors: Markus Hellenbrand; Babak Bakhit; Hongyi Dou; Ming Xiao; Megan O. Hill; Zhuotong Sun; Adnan Mehonic; Aiping Chen; Quanxi Jia; Haiyan Wang et al.
Source: check_circle

Engineering of Grain Boundaries in CeO2 Enabling Tailorable Resistive Switching Properties

Advanced Electronic Materials
2023-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Hongyi Dou; Markus Hellenbrand; Ming Xiao; Zedong Hu; Sundar Kunwar; Aiping Chen; Judith L. MacManus‐Driscoll; Quanxi Jia; Haiyan Wang
Source: check_circle

High performance, electroforming-free, thin film memristors using ionic Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3

Journal of Materials Chemistry C
2021 | Journal article
Contributors: Chao Yun; Matthew Webb; Weiwei Li; Rui Wu; Ming Xiao; Markus Hellenbrand; Ahmed Kursumovic; Hongyi Dou; Xingyao Gao; Samyak Dhole et al.
Source: check_circle

Doping Profiles in Ultrathin Vertical VLS-Grown InAs Nanowire MOSFETs with High Performance

ACS Applied Electronic Materials
2021-12-28 | Journal article
Contributors: Adam Jönsson; Johannes Svensson; Elisabetta Maria Fiordaliso; Erik Lind; Markus Hellenbrand; Lars-Erik Wernersson
Source: check_circle

Electroforming-Free HfO2:CeO2 Vertically Aligned Nanocomposite Memristors with Anisotropic Dielectric Response

ACS Applied Electronic Materials
2021-12-28 | Journal article
Contributors: Hongyi Dou; Xingyao Gao; Di Zhang; Samyak Dhole; Zhimin Qi; Bo Yang; Md Nazmul Hasan; Jung-Hun Seo; Quanxi Jia; Markus Hellenbrand et al.
Source: check_circle

(Invited) High-Speed and Low-Power Electronics – from Vertical III-V Nanowires to Oxides

ECS Meeting Abstracts
2021-05-30 | Journal article
Contributors: Markus Hellenbrand
Source: check_circle

High-Performance Vertical III-V Nanowire MOSFETs on Si With gm > 3 mS/μm

IEEE Electron Device Letters
2020-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Olli-Pekka Kilpi; Markus Hellenbrand; Johannes Svensson; Axel R. Persson; Reine Wallenberg; Erik Lind; Lars-Erik Wernersson
Source: check_circle

Vertical nanowire III–V MOSFETs with improved high‐frequency gain

Electronics Letters
2020-06 | Journal article
Contributors: O.‐P. Kilpi; M. Hellenbrand; J. Svensson; E. Lind; L.‐E. Wernersson
Source: check_circle

Low-frequency noise in nanowire and planar III-V MOSFETs

Microelectronic Engineering
2019-07-15 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0167-9317
Source: Self-asserted source
Markus Hellenbrand
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Effect of Gate Oxide Defects on Tunnel Transistor RF Performance

2018 76th Device Research Conference (DRC)
2018-06 | Conference paper
Source: Self-asserted source
Markus Hellenbrand

Capacitance Measurements in Vertical III–V Nanowire TFETs

IEEE Electron Device Letters
2018-05-04 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0741-3106
Part of ISSN: 1558-0563
Source: Self-asserted source
Markus Hellenbrand
Preferred source (of 2)‎

A Method for Determining Trap Distributions of Specific Channel Surfaces in InGaAs Tri-Gate MOSFETs

IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society
2018-02-19 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2168-6734
Source: Self-asserted source
Markus Hellenbrand
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Impact of Band-Tails on the Subthreshold Swing of III-V Tunnel Field-Effect Transistor

IEEE Electron Device Letters
2017-10-20 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0741-3106
Part of ISSN: 1558-0563
Source: Self-asserted source
Markus Hellenbrand
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Random telegraph signal noise in tunneling field-effect transistors with S below 60 mV/decade

2017 47th European Solid-State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC)
2017-09 | Conference paper
Source: Self-asserted source
Markus Hellenbrand

Low-Frequency Noise in III–V Nanowire TFETs and MOSFETs

IEEE Electron Device Letters
2017-09-28 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0741-3106
Part of ISSN: 1558-0563
Source: Self-asserted source
Markus Hellenbrand
Preferred source (of 2)‎

1/f and RTS noise in InGaAs nanowire MOSFETs

Microelectronic Engineering
2017-06-25 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0167-9317
Source: Self-asserted source
Markus Hellenbrand

Individual Defects in InAs/InGaAsSb/GaSb Nanowire Tunnel Field-Effect Transistors Operating below 60 mV/decade

Nano Letters
2017-06-14 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1530-6984
Part of ISSN: 1530-6992
Source: Self-asserted source
Markus Hellenbrand

Vertical InAs/GaAsSb/GaSb tunneling field-effect transistor on Si with S = 48 mV/decade and Ion = 10 μA/μm for Ioff = 1 nA/μm at Vds = 0.3 V

2016 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM)
2016-12 | Conference paper
Source: Self-asserted source
Markus Hellenbrand

Electrical Characterization and Modeling of Gate-Last Vertical InAs Nanowire MOSFETs on Si

IEEE Electron Device Letters
2016-06-20 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0741-3106
Part of ISSN: 1558-0563
Source: Self-asserted source
Markus Hellenbrand

Scaling of Vertical InAs–GaSb Nanowire Tunneling Field-Effect Transistors on Si

IEEE Electron Device Letters
2016-03-23 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0741-3106
Part of ISSN: 1558-0563
Source: Self-asserted source
Markus Hellenbrand

Peer review (11 reviews for 8 publications/grants)

Review activity for ACS applied electronic materials. (1)
Review activity for Advanced electronic materials (2)
Review activity for Advanced functional materials. (1)
Review activity for APL materials. (3)
Review activity for Journal of electronic materials. (1)
Review activity for Nano convergence. (1)
Review activity for Nature communications (1)
Review activity for Small. (1)