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Philippe Lesot. Dr. Philippe Lesot, born in 1967, has been Research Director since 2007 at Institut de Chimie Moléculaire et des Materiaux d’Orsay (ICMMO) (France). He is affiliated to the french National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS). He received his Ph.D degree (cum laudae) at University of Paris-Sud (Orsay) in 1995 (supervisor: Prof. J. Courtieu), and then pursued his research activities at University of Southampton (UK) with Prof. J.W. Emsley, awarded by a grant from the Royal Society of London and the French Foreign Ministry (Lavoisier). After holding a temporary assistant professor position for one year, he joined the French National centre for the Scientific research (CNRS ) in 1997. He was a recipient of the 2001 Bronze Medal from CNRS for young scientists for his pioneering work on the NAD NMR in CLC. He has published over 130 publications (more 120 peer-reviewed paper) and given approx. 70 invited talks or seminars on the analytical and methodological developments in anisotropic NMR in collaboration with various chemists, biochemists as well as geochemists. One of his current research interests focus on the natural isotope fractionation of bioproducts by anisotropic NAD NMR and the fight against counterfeiting as well as the use of NAD NMR approach in the structural analysis.
Function : Director of Research at CNRS (ERMN Team leader)
Institution : Institut de Chimie Moléculaire et des Matériaux d’Orsay (UMR CNRS 8182)
Address : ICMMO, UMR CNRS 8182, Equipe RMN en Milieu Orienté
Bât. 410, Université de Paris Saclay, 91405 Orsay cedex, France
Contact :
E-mail :
Tel No. : +33 (0)1 69 15 47 59 / 70 17
Personal data :
Date of Birth : 07th October 1967
Family : Wife, 1 child
Nationality : French
Higher Education :
1992-95 : Ph.D of Organic Chemistry -NMR speciality- (University of Paris Sud, XI)
1991-92 : Under-officer in the french army
1990-91 : M.Sc. of Organic Chemistry (University of Paris Sud)
1989-90 : B.Sc. of Chemistry (University of Paris Sud)
1987-88 : Technological university diploma (University of Paris Sud)
Academic positions held :
2007-16 : CNRS, Director of research (Univ. of Paris Sud)
2000-07 : CNRS, Scientist researcher (Univ. of Paris Sud)
1997-00 : CNRS, Junior research scientist (University of Paris Sud)
1996-97 : University Assistant reader (University of Paris Sud)
1995-96 : Post-doctoral research associate (University of Southampton, UK)
Awards and Honours :
2011: Executive Chairman (programme) "SMASH conference 2011" (France)
2007 : Bronze medal of CNRS (Young Scientist Award of CNRS)
1996 : Scientific grant from the «ROYAL SOCIETY of London»
1996 : Scientific grant from the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Lavoisier grant)
Membership of Professional bodies :
2015-19 : Member (elected) of Academic Council of Paris-Saclay University
2012-16 : Member (elected), National Committee of the National Institute of Chemistry of CNRS (INC, S-12)
2010-19 : Member (nominated), scientific experts for the research french Ministry
2008-12 : Member (elected), scientific board of the National Institute of Chemistry of CNRS (INC, S-12)
2007-15 : Member (elected or nominated), management board of ICMMO, Orsay, France
2011-17 : Member, National Magnetic Resonance Society, India
2007-17 : Member, SFIS (French Society of Stable Isotopes), France
Invited scientist :
2017 : Karlsruhe, Institute of Technology, Germany
2010,11,12,14 : Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India
2010 : University of Padova, Italy
2007 : Weizmann Institute of Science, Israël
1999 : University of Southampton, UK
Scientific expertises :
- Expert for ANR (National agency for Reseach)
- Expert for various international peer-review journals (92 articles reviewed)
- Expert for the german research foundation -DFG- (Germany)
- Expert for french evaluation agency for research and higher education -AERES-
- Expert for national CNRS contests (Researchers and ingeniors)
- Expert for university Professor recruitment
- Expert for university Professor Assistant recruitment and university ingeniors
- Main referee or examinator of University Thesis
- Examinator for student training periods (Masters)
Scientific production :
- Total of articles : 143
- Total of peer-reviewed articles : 120
- Other articles (broad audience) : 6
- Book Chapters : 10 (two reeditions paper / online)
- Proceedings : 2
- Review articles in peer-reviewed journal : 5
- Cover of journals : 15
- Oral communications and posters (author/co-author) : 108
- Invited conferences : 54 (20, out of France)
- Invited university seminars : 21 (10, out of France)
- Articles listed ISI of Knowledge WEB database (article/review): 120
- Articles listed in Science Finder : 120
Scientific competences :
- NMR methodology in (chiral) oriented solvents
- 2H NMR and related experiments
- Isotopic fractionation analysis
- Stereochemistry/Structural analysis