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Human Rights, Counter-Terrorism, Public International Law


Dr. Rumyana Grozdanova van Ark is a Senior Researcher in International Law and (Counter-)Terrorism at the Asser Institute of the University of Amsterdam. She is a senior member and coordinator of the Implementing Partner Team on a range of GCTF Initiatives including the US and Norway led Initiative on Racially and Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremism (REMVE), the US and UK led Initiative on Countering UAS (C-UAS) and the US and UNOCT led initiative on Border Security Management (BSM). In 2021, she was part of the consortium team of experts within the European Commission funded Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN) as well as part of the team evaluating the operation of EU Directive 2017/541 on Combatting Terrorism. Between 2021 and 2023, she was a member of the Advisory Board of the PREPARE Project (

Her research focuses on the evolving relationship between the individual (terror suspect) and the state following acts of terrorism. Her academic and professional experience on this topic spans over 7 years. Her first peer-reviewed works were published in 2013. Since then, her work has been published in various academic and professional journals, as part of edited book collections and within governmental reports. She is currently co-authoring a book on ‘Children’s Rights, ‘Foreign Fighters’ and Counter-Terrorism: The Children of Nowhere’ to be published within the Elgar Studies in Human Rights collection in late 2024.


Employment (1)

University of Liverpool Law School: Liverpool, Liverpool, GB

2014-09-01 to 2018-04-30 | Lecturer in Law (Law School)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rumyana van Ark

Works (11)

Counter-Terrorism, ‘Foreign Fighters’ and Children’s Rights: Children of Nowhere

Elgar Studies in Human Rights
2024-09-09 | Book | Author


Contributors: Rumyana van Ark; Devyani Prabhat; Faith Gordon
Source: check_circle
University of Amsterdam - PURE

Family Courts as part of the States’ Counter-Terrorism Toolkit: A Welcome Development for Children of FTFs?

Returning Foreign Fighters: Responses, Legal Challenges and Ways Forward
2023 | Book chapter | Author


Part of ISBN: 9789462655713
Part of ISBN: 9789462655706
Contributors: Rumyana van Ark
Source: check_circle
University of Amsterdam - PURE

Individual Terrorist Suspects as the New Folk Devil: New Labour, Rights Tokenism and Security Compulsions

The New Labour Constitution
2022 | Conference paper | Author


Part of ISBN: 9781509924677
Part of ISBN: 9781509924660
Part of ISBN: 9781509924646
Contributors: Rumyana van Ark
Source: check_circle
University of Amsterdam - PURE

The "War on Terror"

International Conflict and Security Law
2022-07-21 | Book chapter | Author


Part of ISBN: 9789462655157
Part of ISBN: 9789462655140
Contributors: Rumyana van Ark
Source: check_circle
University of Amsterdam - PURE

Forgotten Children’s Rights: Australian trends towards statelessness of children of foreign fighters

2020-07-30 | Website | Author


Contributors: Rumyana van Ark; F. Gordon; D. Prabhat
Source: check_circle
University of Amsterdam - PURE

Repatriation of Dutch children in Syria now unlikely – but it shouldn’t be a political choice

2020-05 | Website | Author


Contributors: Rumyana van Ark; Devyani Prabhat; Faith Gordon
Source: check_circle
University of Amsterdam - PURE

Coronavirus crisis, and the urgent need to revisit repatriation of foreign fighters’ children

2020-05-21 | Website | Author


Contributors: F. Gordon; Rumyana van Ark; D. Prabhat
Source: check_circle
University of Amsterdam - PURE

Repatriating the forgotten children of ISIS fighters: A matter of urgency

2020-05-08 | Website | Author


Contributors: Rumyana van Ark; F. Gordon; D. Prabhat
Source: check_circle
University of Amsterdam - PURE

The Normalisation of Secrecy in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands: Individuals, the Courts and the Counter-Terrorism Framework

Human Dignity and Human Security in Times of Terrorism
2020-01-02 | Conference paper | Author


Part of ISBN: 978-94-6265-355-9
Part of ISBN: 978-94-6265-354-2
Contributors: Rumyana van Ark; Charlotte Renckens
Source: check_circle
University of Amsterdam - PURE

'Terrorism' - Too elusive a term for an international legal definition?

Netherlands International Law Review
2015 | Journal article


Contributors: Grozdanova, R.
Source: Self-asserted source
Rumyana van Ark via Scopus - Elsevier

The United Kingdom and Diplomatic Assurances: A Minimalist Approach towards the Anti-torture Norm

International Criminal Law Review
2015 | Journal article


Contributors: Grozdanova, R.
Source: Self-asserted source
Rumyana van Ark via Scopus - Elsevier