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Employment (4)

National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment: Versailles, FR

2022-02-01 to present | Researcher (UMR EcoSys)
Source: Self-asserted source
Raphaël Royauté

Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre: Frankfurt am Main, DE

2021-01-01 to 2022-01-31 (Movement Ecology Group)
Source: Self-asserted source
Raphaël Royauté

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen: Munchen, Bayern, DE

2019-10-14 to 2020-12-31 | Visiting Researcher (Biology II)
Source: Self-asserted source
Raphaël Royauté

North Dakota State University: Fargo, ND, US

2014-05-16 to 2019-08-31 | Postdoctoral Fellow (Biological Sciences)
Source: Self-asserted source
Raphaël Royauté

Education and qualifications (1)

McGill University: Montreal, QC, CA

2009-01-01 to 2014-04-01 | Ph.D. Entomology (Natural Resource Sciences)
Source: Self-asserted source
Raphaël Royauté

Works (30)

Individual flexibility in group foraging behaviour of reef manta rays (Mobula alfredi)

Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
2024-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Annie Murray; Raphaël Royauté; Guy M. W. Stevens; Callum Roberts; Kathryn E. Arnold
Source: check_circle

Drift on holey landscapes as a dominant evolutionary process

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
2023-12-26 | Journal article
Contributors: Ned A. Dochtermann; Brady Klock; Derek A. Roff; Raphaël Royauté
Source: check_circle

Implementing code review in the scientific workflow: Insights from ecology and evolutionary biology

Journal of Evolutionary Biology
2023-10-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Edward R. Ivimey-Cook; Joel L. Pick; Kevin R. Bairos-Novak; Antica Culina; Elliot Gould; Matthew Grainger; Benjamin M. Marshall; David Moreau; Matthieu Paquet; Raphaël Royauté et al.
Source: check_circle

Fencing amplifies individual differences in movement with implications on survival for two migratory ungulates

Journal of Animal Ecology
2023-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Wenjing Xu; Laura C. Gigliotti; Raphaël Royauté; Hall Sawyer; Arthur D. Middleton
Source: check_circle

Classifying the activity states of small vertebrates using automated VHF telemetry

Methods in Ecology and Evolution
2023-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Jannis Gottwald; Raphaël Royauté; Marcel Becker; Tobias Geitz; Jonas Höchst; Patrick Lampe; Lea Leister; Kim Lindner; Julia Maier; Sascha Rösner et al.
Source: check_circle

Moving away from repeatability: a comment on Stuber et al.

Behavioral Ecology
2022-05-13 | Journal article
Contributors: Niels J Dingemanse; Anne G Hertel; Raphael Royauté; Leigh Simmons
Source: check_circle

Classifying the activity states of small vertebrates using automated VHF telemetry

2022-03-23 | Preprint
Contributors: Jannis Gottwald; Raphaël Royauté; Marcel Becker; Tobias Geitz; Jonas Höchst; Patrick Lampe; Lea Leister; Kim Lindner; Julia Maier; Sascha Rösner et al.
Source: check_circle

Phylogenetic conservation of behavioural variation and behavioural syndromes

Journal of Evolutionary Biology
2022-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Jeremy Dalos; Raphaël Royauté; Ann V. Hedrick; Ned A. Dochtermann
Source: check_circle

Drift on holey landscapes as a dominant evolutionary process

2021-10 | Preprint
Contributors: Dochtermann NA; Klock B; Roff DA; Royauté R
Source: Self-asserted source
Raphaël Royauté via Europe PubMed Central
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Comparing ecological and evolutionary variability within datasets

Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
2021-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Raphaël Royauté; Ned A. Dochtermann
Source: check_circle

Species comparison of among- and within-individual variation and correlations

2021-05-18 | Preprint
Contributors: Jeremy Dalos; Raphaël Royauté; Ann Hedrick; Ned Dochtermann
Source: check_circle

Sex-specific behavioral syndromes allow the independent evolution of behavioral dimorphism

2021-04-27 | Preprint
Contributors: Raphaël Royauté; Ann Hedrick; Ned Dochtermann
Source: check_circle

Biologging reveals individual variation in behavioural predictability in the wild

Journal of Animal Ecology
2021-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Anne G. Hertel; Raphaël Royauté; Andreas Zedrosser; Thomas Mueller; Allert Bijleveld
Source: check_circle

Integration of intra- and inter-sexual selection signaling

2020 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Raphaël Royauté

Behavioural syndromes shape evolutionary trajectories via conserved genetic architecture

Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
2020-05-27 | Journal article
Contributors: Raphaël Royauté; Ann Hedrick; Ned A. Dochtermann
Source: check_circle

Comparing ecological and evolutionary variability within datasets

2020-01-28 | Preprint
Contributors: Raphaël Royauté; Ned Dochtermann
Source: check_circle

The mean matters: going beyond repeatability to interpret behavioural variation

Animal Behaviour
2019-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Ned A. Dochtermann; Raphaël Royauté
Source: check_circle

The Heritability of Behavior: A Meta-analysis

2019-05-22 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0022-1503
Part of ISSN: 1465-7333
Source: Self-asserted source
Raphaël Royauté

Behavioral syndromes shape evolutionary trajectories via conserved genetic architecture

2019-04-26 | Other
Contributors: Raphael Royauté; Ann Hedrick; Ned A. Dochtermann
Source: check_circle

Current energy state interacts with the developmental environment to influence behavioural plasticity

Animal Behaviour
2019-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Raphaël Royauté; Courtney Garrison; Jeremy Dalos; Monica A. Berdal; Ned A. Dochtermann
Source: check_circle

Paceless life? A meta-analysis of the pace-of-life syndrome hypothesis

Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
2018-03 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0340-5443
Contributors: Raphaël Royauté; Monica Anderson Berdal; Courtney R. Garrison; Ned A. Dochtermann
Source: Self-asserted source
Raphaël Royauté via Crossref Metadata Search

Phenotypic integration in an extended phenotype: among-individual variation in nest-building traits of the alfalfa leafcutting bee (Megachile rotundata)

Journal of Evolutionary Biology
2018-03-02 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1010-061X
Contributors: Raphael Royauté; Elisabeth S. Wilson; Bryan R. Helm; Rachel E. Mallinger; Jarrad Prasifka; Kendra J. Greenlee; Julia H. Bowsher
Source: Self-asserted source
Raphaël Royauté via Crossref Metadata Search
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Genetic conservation and management of the California endemic, Torrey pine (Pinus torreyana Parry): Implications of genetic rescue in a genetically depauperate species

Ecology and Evolution
2017-08-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Jill A. Hamilton; Raphaël Royauté; Jessica W. Wright; Paul Hodgskiss; F. Thomas Ledig
Source: Self-asserted source
Raphaël Royauté via Crossref Metadata Search

When the mean no longer matters: developmental diet affects behavioral variation but not population averages in the house cricket (Acheta domesticus)

Behavioral Ecology
2016 | Journal article
Contributors: Raphaël Royauté; Ned A. Dochtermann
Source: Self-asserted source
Raphaël Royauté via Crossref Metadata Search

Behaviour, metabolism and size: phenotypic modularity or integration in Acheta domesticus?

Animal Behaviour
2015 | Journal article
Contributors: Raphaël Royauté; Kendra Greenlee; Maxwell Baldwin; Ned A. Dochtermann
Source: Self-asserted source
Raphaël Royauté via Crossref Metadata Search

Varying predator personalities generates contrasting prey communities in an agroecosystem

2015-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Raphaël Royauté; Jonathan N. Pruitt
Source: Self-asserted source
Raphaël Royauté via Crossref Metadata Search

Under the influence: sublethal exposure to an insecticide affects personality expression in a jumping spider

Funct Ecol
2015-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Raphaël Royauté; Christopher M. Buddle; Charles Vincent
Source: Self-asserted source
Raphaël Royauté via Crossref Metadata Search

Interpopulation Variations in Behavioral Syndromes of a Jumping Spider from Insecticide-Treated and Insecticide-Free Orchards

2014 | Journal article


Contributors: Royauté, R.; Buddle, C.M.; Vincent, C.
Source: Self-asserted source
Raphaël Royauté via Scopus - Elsevier

Contaminants as a neglected source of behavioural variation

Animal Behaviour
2014-02 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0003-3472
Contributors: P.-O. Montiglio; Raphaël Royauté
Source: Self-asserted source
Raphaël Royauté via Crossref Metadata Search

Colonization dynamics of agroecosystem spider assemblages after snow-melt in Quebec (Canada)

Journal of Arachnology
2012-04 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0161-8202
Contributors: Raphaël Royauté; Christopher M. Buddle
Source: Self-asserted source
Raphaël Royauté via Crossref Metadata Search