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Works (4)

A concept analysis of nurses in conflicts after World War II

Journal of Advanced Nursing
2023-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Anne M. Fink; Gwyneth R. Milbrath
Source: check_circle

The Emergency Nurses Association: 50 Years of Advocacy and Advancement

Journal of Emergency Nursing
2021-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Gwyneth Milbrath; Audrey Snyder
Source: check_circle

Comparing Two Early Child Development Assessment Tools in Rural Limpopo, South Africa

BMC Pediatrics
2020-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Gwyneth Milbrath; Claire Constance; Audrey Ogendi; James Plews-Ogan
Source: check_circle

The perspective of doctoral nursing students engaged in mentored international research

Journal of Nursing Education and Practice
2020-09-15 | Journal article
Contributors: Audrey Snyder; Gwyneth Milbrath; Tiffany Lee Hood; Raiden Gaul; Kyler Hijmans; Nancy Leahy; Stephanie Matthew
Source: check_circle