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Works (50 of 81)

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Sequential in vivo labeling of insulin secretory granule pools in INS - SNAP transgenic pigs

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
2021-09-14 | Journal article
Contributors: Elisabeth Kemter; Andreas Müller; Martin Neukam; Anna Ivanova; Nikolai Klymiuk; Simone Renner; Kaiyuan Yang; Johannes Broichhagen; Mayuko Kurome; Valeri Zakhartchenko et al.
Source: check_circle

Hypoblast Formation in Bovine Embryos Does Not Depend on NANOG

2021-08 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Claudia Springer; Valeri Zakhartchenko; Eckhard Wolf; Kilian Simmet
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Sequentialin vivolabeling of insulin secretory granule pools in INS-SNAP transgenic pigs

2021-04-23 | Preprint
Contributors: Elisabeth Kemter; Andreas Müller; Martin Neukam; Anna Ivanova; Nikolai Klymiuk; Simone Renner; Kaiyuan Yang; Johannes Broichhagen; Mayuko Kurome; Valerie Zakhartchenko et al.
Source: check_circle

Growth hormone receptor knockout to reduce the size of donor pigs for preclinical xenotransplantation studies

2021-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Arne Hinrichs; Evamaria O. Riedel; Nikolai Klymiuk; Andreas Blutke; Elisabeth Kemter; Matthias Längin; Maik Dahlhoff; Barbara Keßler; Mayuko Kurome; Valeri Zakhartchenko et al.
Source: check_circle

Manipulating the Epigenome in Nuclear Transfer Cloning: Where, When and How

International Journal of Molecular Sciences
2020-12 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Kilian Simmet; Eckhard Wolf; Valeri Zakhartchenko
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Initiation of Conceptus Elongation Coincides with an Endometrium Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF2) Protein Increase in Heifers

International Journal of Molecular Sciences
2020-02-26 | Journal article
Contributors: Daniel Chiumia; Katy Schulke; Anna E. Groebner; Nadine Waldschmitt; Horst-Dieter Reichenbach; Valeri Zakhartchenko; Stefan Bauersachs; Susanne E. Ulbrich
Source: check_circle

Stage-dependent remodeling of the nuclear envelope and lamina during rabbit early embryonic development.

2016-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Popken J; Schmid VJ; Strauss A; Guengoer T; Wolf E; Zakhartchenko V
Source: Self-asserted source
Valeri Zakhartchenko via Europe PubMed Central

3D structured illumination microscopy of mammalian embryos and spermatozoa.

2015 | Journal article
Contributors: Popken J; Dahlhoff M; Guengoer T; Wolf E; Zakhartchenko V
Source: Self-asserted source
Valeri Zakhartchenko via Europe PubMed Central

Remodeling of the Nuclear Envelope and Lamina during Bovine Preimplantation Development and Its Functional Implications.

2015 | Journal article
Contributors: Popken J; Graf A; Krebs S; Blum H; Schmid VJ; Strauss A; Guengoer T; Zakhartchenko V; Wolf E; Cremer T
Source: Self-asserted source
Valeri Zakhartchenko via Europe PubMed Central

Ultra-Structural Alterations in In Vitro Produced Four-Cell Bovine Embryos Following Controlled Slow Freezing or Vitrification.

2015-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Cavusoglu T; Popken J; Guengoer T; Yilmaz O; Uyanikgil Y; Ates U; Baka M; Oztas E; Zakhartchenko V
Source: Self-asserted source
Valeri Zakhartchenko via Europe PubMed Central

Viable pigs with a conditionally-activated oncogenic KRAS mutation.

2015-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Li S; Edlinger M; Saalfrank A; Flisikowski K; Tschukes A; Kurome M; Zakhartchenko V; Kessler B; Saur D; Kind A et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Valeri Zakhartchenko via Europe PubMed Central

Dual fluorescent reporter pig for Cre recombination: transgene placement at the ROSA26 locus.

2014 | Journal article
Contributors: Li S; Flisikowska T; Kurome M; Zakhartchenko V; Kessler B; Saur D; Kind A; Wolf E; Flisikowski K; Schnieke A
Source: Self-asserted source
Valeri Zakhartchenko via Europe PubMed Central

Positional changes of a pluripotency marker gene during structural reorganization of fibroblast nuclei in cloned early bovine embryos.

2014 | Journal article
Contributors: Popken J; Koehler D; Brero A; Wuensch A; Guengoer T; Thormeyer T; Wolf E; Cremer T; Zakhartchenko V
Source: Self-asserted source
Valeri Zakhartchenko via Europe PubMed Central

Reprogramming of fibroblast nuclei in cloned bovine embryos involves major structural remodeling with both striking similarities and differences to nuclear phenotypes of in vitro fertilized embryos.

2014 | Journal article
Contributors: Popken J; Brero A; Koehler D; Schmid VJ; Strauss A; Wuensch A; Guengoer T; Graf A; Krebs S; Blum H et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Valeri Zakhartchenko via Europe PubMed Central

Genome activation in bovine embryos: review of the literature and new insights from RNA sequencing experiments.

2014-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Graf A; Krebs S; Heininen-Brown M; Zakhartchenko V; Blum H; Wolf E
Source: Self-asserted source
Valeri Zakhartchenko via Europe PubMed Central

Fine mapping of genome activation in bovine embryos by RNA sequencing.

2014-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Graf A; Krebs S; Zakhartchenko V; Schwalb B; Blum H; Wolf E
Source: Self-asserted source
Valeri Zakhartchenko via Europe PubMed Central

Regulatory sequences of the porcine THBD gene facilitate endothelial-specific expression of bioactive human thrombomodulin in single- and multitransgenic pigs.

2014-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Wuensch A; Baehr A; Bongoni AK; Kemter E; Blutke A; Baars W; Haertle S; Zakhartchenko V; Kurome M; Kessler B et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Valeri Zakhartchenko via Europe PubMed Central

Factors influencing the efficiency of generating genetically engineered pigs by nuclear transfer: multi-factorial analysis of a large data set.

2013 | Journal article
Contributors: Kurome M; Geistlinger L; Kessler B; Zakhartchenko V; Klymiuk N; Wuensch A; Richter A; Baehr A; Kraehe K; Burkhardt K et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Valeri Zakhartchenko via Europe PubMed Central

Dystrophin-deficient pigs provide new insights into the hierarchy of physiological derangements of dystrophic muscle.

2013-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Klymiuk N; Blutke A; Graf A; Krause S; Burkhardt K; Wuensch A; Krebs S; Kessler B; Zakhartchenko V; Kurome M et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Valeri Zakhartchenko via Europe PubMed Central

Inactivation and inducible oncogenic mutation of p53 in gene targeted pigs.

2012 | Journal article
Contributors: Leuchs S; Saalfrank A; Merkl C; Flisikowska T; Edlinger M; Durkovic M; Rezaei N; Kurome M; Zakhartchenko V; Kessler B et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Valeri Zakhartchenko via Europe PubMed Central

Potential of primary kidney cells for somatic cell nuclear transfer mediated transgenesis in pig.

2012 | Journal article
Contributors: Richter A; Kurome M; Kessler B; Zakhartchenko V; Klymiuk N; Nagashima H; Wolf E; Wuensch A
Source: Self-asserted source
Valeri Zakhartchenko via Europe PubMed Central

A porcine model of familial adenomatous polyposis.

2012-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Flisikowska T; Merkl C; Landmann M; Eser S; Rezaei N; Cui X; Kurome M; Zakhartchenko V; Kessler B; Wieland H et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Valeri Zakhartchenko via Europe PubMed Central

5-Hydroxymethylcytosine in the mammalian zygote is linked with epigenetic reprogramming.

2011 | Journal article
Contributors: Wossidlo M; Nakamura T; Lepikhov K; Marques CJ; Zakhartchenko V; Boiani M; Arand J; Nakano T; Reik W; Walter J
Source: Self-asserted source
Valeri Zakhartchenko via Europe PubMed Central

Nuclear architecture in developmental biology and cell specialisation.

2011 | Journal article
Contributors: Cremer T; Zakhartchenko V
Source: Self-asserted source
Valeri Zakhartchenko via Europe PubMed Central

Reduced amino acids in the bovine uterine lumen of cloned versus in vitro fertilized pregnancies prior to implantation.

2011-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Groebner AE; Zakhartchenko V; Bauersachs S; Rubio-Aliaga I; Daniel H; Büttner M; Reichenbach HD; Meyer HH; Wolf E; Ulbrich SE
Source: Self-asserted source
Valeri Zakhartchenko via Europe PubMed Central

Formation of nucleoli in interspecies nuclear transfer embryos derived from bovine, porcine, and rabbit oocytes and nuclear donor cells of various species.

2011-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Lagutina I; Zakhartchenko V; Fulka H; Colleoni S; Wolf E; Fulka J Jr; Lazzari G; Galli C
Source: Self-asserted source
Valeri Zakhartchenko via Europe PubMed Central

Cell-mediated transgenesis in rabbits: chimeric and nuclear transfer animals.

2011-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Zakhartchenko V; Flisikowska T; Li S; Richter T; Wieland H; Durkovic M; Rottmann O; Kessler B; Gungor T; Brem G et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Valeri Zakhartchenko via Europe PubMed Central

FISH on 3D preserved bovine and murine preimplantation embryos.

2010 | Journal article
Contributors: Koehler D; Zakhartchenko V; Ketterl N; Wolf E; Cremer T; Brero A
Source: Self-asserted source
Valeri Zakhartchenko via Europe PubMed Central

Quantification of leukocyte genomic 5-methylcytosine levels reveals epigenetic plasticity in healthy adult cloned cattle.

2010-04 | Journal article
Contributors: de Montera B; El Zeihery D; Müller S; Jammes H; Brem G; Reichenbach HD; Scheipl F; Chavatte-Palmer P; Zakhartchenko V; Schmitz OJ et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Valeri Zakhartchenko via Europe PubMed Central

Changes of higher order chromatin arrangements during major genome activation in bovine preimplantation embryos.

2009-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Koehler D; Zakhartchenko V; Froenicke L; Stone G; Stanyon R; Wolf E; Cremer T; Brero A
Source: Self-asserted source
Valeri Zakhartchenko via Europe PubMed Central

Reprogramming of active and repressive histone modifications following nuclear transfer with rabbit mesenchymal stem cells and adult fibroblasts.

2009-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Brero A; Hao R; Schieker M; Wierer M; Wolf E; Cremer T; Zakhartchenko V
Source: Self-asserted source
Valeri Zakhartchenko via Europe PubMed Central

The endometrium responds differently to cloned versus fertilized embryos.

2009-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Bauersachs S; Ulbrich SE; Zakhartchenko V; Minten M; Reichenbach M; Reichenbach HD; Blum H; Spencer TE; Wolf E
Source: Self-asserted source
Valeri Zakhartchenko via Europe PubMed Central

Evidence for conserved DNA and histone H3 methylation reprogramming in mouse, bovine and rabbit zygotes.

2008 | Journal article
Contributors: Lepikhov K; Zakhartchenko V; Hao R; Yang F; Wrenzycki C; Niemann H; Wolf E; Walter J
Source: Self-asserted source
Valeri Zakhartchenko via Europe PubMed Central

Quantitative monitoring of pluripotency gene activation after somatic cloning in cattle.

2007-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Wuensch A; Habermann FA; Kurosaka S; Klose R; Zakhartchenko V; Reichenbach HD; Sinowatz F; McLaughlin KJ; Wolf E
Source: Self-asserted source
Valeri Zakhartchenko via Europe PubMed Central

Rabbit somatic cell cloning: effects of donor cell type, histone acetylation status and chimeric embryo complementation.

2007-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Yang F; Hao R; Kessler B; Brem G; Wolf E; Zakhartchenko V
Source: Self-asserted source
Valeri Zakhartchenko via Europe PubMed Central

Oncolytic capacity of attenuated replicative semliki forest virus in human melanoma xenografts in severe combined immunodeficient mice.

2006-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Vähä-Koskela MJ; Kallio JP; Jansson LC; Heikkilä JE; Zakhartchenko VA; Kallajoki MA; Kähäri VM; Hinkkanen AE
Source: Self-asserted source
Valeri Zakhartchenko via Europe PubMed Central

Mitochondria and the success of somatic cell nuclear transfer cloning: from nuclear-mitochondrial interactions to mitochondrial complementation and mitochondrial DNA recombination.

2005 | Journal article
Contributors: Hiendleder S; Zakhartchenko V; Wolf E
Source: Self-asserted source
Valeri Zakhartchenko via Europe PubMed Central

Maternal-fetal transplacental leakage of mitochondrial DNA in bovine nuclear transfer pregnancies: potential implications for offspring and recipients.

2004 | Journal article
Contributors: Hiendleder S; Bebbere D; Zakhartchenko V; Reichenbach HD; Wenigerkind H; Ledda S; Wolf E
Source: Self-asserted source
Valeri Zakhartchenko via Europe PubMed Central

Generation of transgenic cattle by lentiviral gene transfer into oocytes.

2004-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Hofmann A; Zakhartchenko V; Weppert M; Sebald H; Wenigerkind H; Brem G; Wolf E; Pfeifer A
Source: Self-asserted source
Valeri Zakhartchenko via Europe PubMed Central

Methylation reprogramming and chromosomal aneuploidy in in vivo fertilized and cloned rabbit preimplantation embryos.

2004-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Shi W; Dirim F; Wolf E; Zakhartchenko V; Haaf T
Source: Self-asserted source
Valeri Zakhartchenko via Europe PubMed Central

Tissue-specific elevated genomic cytosine methylation levels are associated with an overgrowth phenotype of bovine fetuses derived by in vitro techniques.

2004-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Hiendleder S; Mund C; Reichenbach HD; Wenigerkind H; Brem G; Zakhartchenko V; Lyko F; Wolf E
Source: Self-asserted source
Valeri Zakhartchenko via Europe PubMed Central

Cloned transgenic farm animals produce a bispecific antibody for T cell-mediated tumor cell killing.

2004-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Grosse-Hovest L; Müller S; Minoia R; Wolf E; Zakhartchenko V; Wenigerkind H; Lassnig C; Besenfelder U; Müller M; Lytton SD et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Valeri Zakhartchenko via Europe PubMed Central

Nuclear-cytoplasmic interactions affect in utero developmental capacity, phenotype, and cellular metabolism of bovine nuclear transfer fetuses.

2004-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Hiendleder S; Prelle K; Brüggerhoff K; Reichenbach HD; Wenigerkind H; Bebbere D; Stojkovic M; Müller S; Brem G; Zakhartchenko V et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Valeri Zakhartchenko via Europe PubMed Central

Epigenetic marking correlates with developmental potential in cloned bovine preimplantation embryos.

2003-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Santos F; Zakhartchenko V; Stojkovic M; Peters A; Jenuwein T; Wolf E; Reik W; Dean W
Source: Self-asserted source
Valeri Zakhartchenko via Europe PubMed Central

Induction of a senescent-like phenotype does not confer the ability of bovine immortal cells to support the development of nuclear transfer embryos.

2003-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Shi W; Hoeflich A; Flaswinkel H; Stojkovic M; Wolf E; Zakhartchenko V
Source: Self-asserted source
Valeri Zakhartchenko via Europe PubMed Central

Nucleolar proteins and ultrastructure in bovine in vivo developed, in vitro produced, and parthenogenetic cleavage-stage embryos.

2003-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Laurincik J; Schmoll F; Mahabir E; Schneider H; Stojkovic M; Zakhartchenko V; Prelle K; Hendrixen PJ; Voss PL; Moeszlacher GG et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Valeri Zakhartchenko via Europe PubMed Central

Epigenetic reprogramming in mammalian nuclear transfer.

2003-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Shi W; Zakhartchenko V; Wolf E
Source: Self-asserted source
Valeri Zakhartchenko via Europe PubMed Central

Developmental regulation of hyaluronan-binding protein (RHAMM/IHABP) expression in early bovine embryos.

2003-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Stojkovic M; Krebs O; Kölle S; Prelle K; Assmann V; Zakhartchenko V; Sinowatz F; Wolf E
Source: Self-asserted source
Valeri Zakhartchenko via Europe PubMed Central

Heteroplasmy in bovine fetuses produced by intra- and inter-subspecific somatic cell nuclear transfer: neutral segregation of nuclear donor mitochondrial DNA in various tissues and evidence for recipient cow mitochondria in fetal blood.

2003-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Hiendleder S; Zakhartchenko V; Wenigerkind H; Reichenbach HD; Brüggerhoff K; Prelle K; Brem G; Stojkovic M; Wolf E
Source: Self-asserted source
Valeri Zakhartchenko via Europe PubMed Central

Effect of donor cell age on the efficiency of nuclear transfer in rabbits.

2002 | Journal article
Contributors: Galat V; Lagutina I; Mezina M; Prokofiev MI; Zakhartchenko V
Source: Self-asserted source
Valeri Zakhartchenko via Europe PubMed Central
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