Personal information


Employment (3)

University College London: London, GB

Source: check_circle
University College London

University College London : London, GB

2021-04-06 to present | Lecturer (Department of Targeted Intervention )
Source: Self-asserted source
Madi Davies

University of Bath: Bath, GB

Source: check_circle
University of Bath

Education and qualifications (1)

University of Oxford: Oxford, GB

2013-10-07 to 2017-08-25 | DPhil Musculoskeletal Science (Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Madi Davies

Professional activities (1)

International Journal of Sports Medicine: Stuttgarrt, DE

2020-03-01 to present | Crowd Review Editor
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Madi Davies

Works (18)

Musculoskeletal complaints in English law enforcement officers: a cross-sectional study

International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics
2024 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 10803548
Contributors: Kasem, J.; Davies, M.A.M.; Chainey, S.; Ronca, F.
Source: Self-asserted source
Madi Davies via Scopus - Elsevier

Sport-related major trauma incidence in young people and adults in England and Wales: a national registry-based study

Injury Prevention
2023 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 14755785 13538047
Contributors: Davies, M.; Lawrence, T.; Edwards, A.; Mckay, C.; Lecky, F.E.; Stokes, K.A.; Williams, S.
Source: Self-asserted source
Madi Davies via Scopus - Elsevier
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Concussion and long-term cognitive function among rugby players—The BRAIN Study

Alzheimer's and Dementia
2022 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 15525279 15525260
Contributors: Gallo, V.; McElvenny, D.M.; Seghezzo, G.; Kemp, S.; Williamson, E.; Lu, K.; Mian, S.; James, L.; Hobbs, C.; Davoren, D. et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Madi Davies via Scopus - Elsevier

Epidemiology of race day injury in young professional jockeys in Great Britain from 2007 to 2018: a retrospective cohort study

2021 | Journal article
Contributors: Julia L Newton; Jerry Hill; Alison Turner; Madeleine Davies; Kate A Jackson; Anna Louise Mackinnon; Kerry Kuznik; Maria Sanchez Santos
Source: Self-asserted source
Madi Davies via BASE - Bielefeld Academic Search Engine
Preferred source (of 3)‎

The BRAIN-Q, a tool for assessing self-reported sport-related concussions for epidemiological studies

Epidemiology and Health
2021-10-19 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2092-7193
Source: Self-asserted source
Madi Davies
Preferred source (of 2)‎

‘Pilot’ spectator events in British horseracing during COVID‐19: post‐event SMS COVID‐19 reporting

Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports
2021-10-16 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0905-7188
Part of ISSN: 1600-0838
Source: Self-asserted source
Madi Davies
Preferred source (of 3)‎

Serious sports-related injury in England and Wales from 2012-2017: A study protocol

Injury Epidemiology
2020 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 21971714
Contributors: Davies, M.A.M.; Lawrence, T.; Edwards, A.; Lecky, F.; McKay, C.D.; Stokes, K.A.; Williams, S.
Source: Self-asserted source
Madi Davies via Scopus - Elsevier
Preferred source (of 2)‎

The Clinical Burden of Severe Sports Injuries in England and Wales

IOC World Conference on Prevention of Injury and Illness in Sport, Monaco, Monaco, 12/03/20
2020-03-14 | Conference poster | Author


Contributors: Madi Davies; Tom Lawrence; Antoinette Edwards; Fiona Lecky; Carly McKay; Keith Stokes; Sean Williams
Source: check_circle
University of Bath

Increased Risk of Musculoskeletal Disorders and Mental Health Problems in Retired Professional Jockeys: A Cross-Sectional Study

International Journal of Sports Medicine
2019 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 14393964 01724622
Contributors: MacKinnon, A.-L.; Jackson, K.; Kuznik, K.; Turner, A.; Hill, J.; Davies, M.A.M.; Jones, M.E.; Delmestri, A.; Sanchez-Santos, M.T.; Newton, J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Madi Davies via Scopus - Elsevier
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Prevalence of and Risk Factors for Total Hip and Knee Replacement in Retired National Football League Athletes

American Journal of Sports Medicine
2019 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 15523365 03635465
Contributors: Davies, M.A.M.; Kerr, Z.Y.; DeFreese, J.D.; Arden, N.K.; Marshall, S.W.; Guskiewicz, K.M.; Padua, D.A.; Pietrosimone, B.
Source: Self-asserted source
Madi Davies via Scopus - Elsevier
Preferred source (of 2)‎

The prevalence of hand and wrist osteoarthritis in elite former cricket and rugby union players

Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport
2019 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 18781861 14402440
Contributors: Jones, M.E.; Davies, M.A.M.; Shah, K.; Kemp, S.; Peirce, N.; Leyland, K.M.; Stokes, K.A.; Judge, A.D.; Newton, J.L.; Furniss, D. et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Madi Davies via Scopus - Elsevier
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Correction to: Increased Risk of Musculoskeletal Disorders and Mental Health Problems in Retired Professional Jockeys

International Journal of Sports Medicine
2019-09-03 | Journal article | Author


Contributors: Anna-Louise Mackinnon; Kate Jackson; Kerry Kuznik; Alison Turner; Jerry Hill; Madi Davies; Mary Elizabeth Jones; Antonella Delmestri; Maria T Sanchez-Santos; Julia Newton
Source: check_circle
University of Bath

Osteoarthritis and other long-term health conditions in former elite cricketers

Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport
2018 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 18781861 14402440
Contributors: Jones, M.E.; Davies, M.A.M.; Leyland, K.M.; Delmestri, A.; Porter, A.; Ratcliffe, J.; Peirce, N.; Newton, J.L.; Arden, N.K.
Source: Self-asserted source
Madi Davies via Scopus - Elsevier
Preferred source (of 3)‎

Partial mid-portion Achilles tear resulting in substantial improvement in pain and function in an amateur long-distance runner

BMJ Case Reports
2018 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 1757790X
Contributors: Woyton, M.M.; Kluzek, S.; Wedatilake, T.; Davies, M.A.M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Madi Davies via Scopus - Elsevier
Preferred source (of 2)‎

BRain health and healthy AgeINg in retired rugby union players, the BRAIN Study: Study protocol for an observational study in the UK

BMJ Open
2017 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 20446055
Contributors: Gallo, V.; McElvenny, D.; Hobbs, C.; Davoren, D.; Morris, H.; Crutch, S.; Zetterberg, H.; Fox, N.C.; Kemp, S.; Cross, M. et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Madi Davies via Scopus - Elsevier
Preferred source (of 3)‎

Confusion and abdominal symptoms following a rugby tackle

BMJ Case Reports
2017 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 1757790X
Contributors: Ioannides, D.; Davies, M.; Kluzek, S.
Source: Self-asserted source
Madi Davies via Scopus - Elsevier
Preferred source (of 3)‎

Health amongst former rugby union players: A cross-sectional study of morbidity and health-related quality of life

Scientific Reports
2017 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 20452322
Contributors: Davies, M.A.M.; Judge, D.A.; Delmestri, A.; Kemp, P.T.S.; Stokes, K.A.; Arden, N.K.; Newton, J.L.
Source: Self-asserted source
Madi Davies via Scopus - Elsevier
Preferred source (of 3)‎

The consultation of rugby players in co-developing a player health study: Feasibility and consequences of sports participants as research partners

Research Involvement and Engagement
2017 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 20567529
Contributors: Davies, M.A.M.; Balai, E.; Adams, J.; Carter, J.-H.; Judge, A.; Newton, J.L.; Arden, N.K.
Source: Self-asserted source
Madi Davies via Scopus - Elsevier
Preferred source (of 3)‎

Peer review (1 review for 1 publication/grant)

Review activity for BMC musculoskeletal disorders (1)