Personal information


A BSc in Biotechnology graduate with first-class honours (1:1) having recently begun an EMJMD in Infectious Disease and One Health (IDOH) last September. I have studied at UT, UAB and now I am studying at MHH to become an Infectious Disease Expert in the hope to aid in the prevention of the next global Pandemic.

In January, I will begin a six-month internship at BioMérieux in Lyon, France, where I will be working on the generation of recombinant monoclonal antibodies via the latest generation of single cell analysis system allowing sorting of antigen-specific IgG memory B cells. There, I hope to develop extensive experience in antibody production and cell culturing/manipulation

Career Objective:
High achieving student that is exceptionally hardworking and organised with over 6 years’ customer service and 5 years’ leadership experience. Highly sociable and developed communication skills, totalling over 1200 hours volunteering since beginning University.

Future Prospects:
I hope to work with intergovernmental agencies like the WHO in vaccination campaigns and public health research. Especially in the developing world, where resources are limited to prevent the spread of treatable diseases and novel zoonoses. A world where everyone is given the opportunity to be vaccinated is a happier and healthier world for all global citizens.

This is a huge aspect of my life outside work and through 1200+ hours it has taught me to be highly organised, communicative, timely and motivated. I have and continue to volunteer with societies and charities from all over the world. These include the arts (GUMS, SUPB), science (SAVA, Cell Explorers), politics (Students Union) and charities (LABRE). I aim to continue to devote my time to organisations like this in my MSc.

Awarded 4 different scholarships in several countries alongside several awards, which are all detailed below.


Employment (1)

Johns Hopkins University: Baltimore, US

2022-12 to present | Student Researcher (International Vaccine Access Centre)
Source: Self-asserted source
Robert Naughton

Education and qualifications (2)

Université de Tours: Tours, Centre-Val de Loire, FR

2021-09 to 2023-08 | EMJMD in Infectious Disease and One Health (IDOH) (Pharmacology )
Source: Self-asserted source
Robert Naughton

National University of Ireland Galway: Galway, Galway, IE

2017-09 to 2021-07 | BSc in Biotechnology (Life Sciences )
Source: Self-asserted source
Robert Naughton

Works (3)

Evaluating the Quality of Studies Assessing COVID-19 Vaccine Neutralizing Antibody Immunogenicity

2024-10-30 | Journal article
Contributors: Maeva Katzmarzyk; Robert Naughton; Ioannis Sitaras; Henning Jacobsen; Melissa M. Higdon; Maria Deloria Knoll
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Systematic review and meta-analysis of the factors affecting waning of post-vaccination neutralizing antibody responses against SARS-CoV-2

npj Vaccines
2023-10-20 | Journal article
Contributors: Henning Jacobsen; Ioannis Sitaras; Maeva Katzmarzyk; Viviana Cobos Jiménez; Robert Naughton; Melissa M. Higdon; Maria Deloria Knoll
Source: check_circle

Modelling the Interactions Between SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein and Monoclonal Antibodies to Inform Translational Approaches to Treat COVID-19 Infection

Youth STEM Matters
2022-03-29 | Journal article
Contributors: Robert Naughton
Source: check_circle