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Employment (2)

USDA Agricultural Research Service: Ames, Iowa, US

2021-10-10 to present | Coordinator (USDA Midwest Climate Hub)
Source: Self-asserted source
Laurie Nowatzke

Iowa State University: Ames, Iowa, US

2015-12-07 to 2021-09 | Data Analyst
Source: Self-asserted source
Laurie Nowatzke

Works (5)

Delivering and Evaluating Climate Services: The North Central U.S. Climate and Drought Webinar Series

Weather, Climate, and Society
2024-07 | Journal article | Formal analysis, Writing - review & editing
Part of ISSN: 1948-8327
Part of ISSN: 1948-8335
Contributors: Tonya Haigh; Douglas R. Kluck; Dennis P. Todey; Laurie Nowatzke; Laurie Nowatzke
Source: Self-asserted source
Laurie Nowatzke

Global warming’s “Six Americas” among Iowa farmers: Exploring differential attitudes towards climate change and agriculture

2024-05-16 | Preprint
Contributors: Laurie Nowatzke; J. Arbuckle
Source: check_circle

Measuring and Predicting Iowa Farmers’ Current and Potential Future Use of Cover Crops

Society & Natural Resources
2023-07-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Laurie W. Nowatzke; J. G. Arbuckle
Source: check_circle

Conditional Causal Mediation Analysis of Factors Associated With Cover Crop Adoption in Iowa, USA

Water Resources Research
2018-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Danhyang Lee; J. Gordon Arbuckle; Zhengyuan Zhu; Laurie Nowatzke
Source: check_circle

Novel approaches for understanding Iowa farmers’ perspectives on conservation and climate change to inform extension and outreach

Dissertation or Thesis
Contributors: Laurie Wissler Nowatzke; Laurie Nowatzke
Source: Self-asserted source
Laurie Nowatzke