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Academic and Professional profile:
Degree in Pharmacy from the Coimbra Health School (ESTeSC-IPC) in 2011. Master in Pharmacy with specialization in Applied Pharmacotherapy from ESTeSC-IPC in 2014. Doctorate in Pharmacy from Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Seville, in 2020. Postgraduate degree in Herbal Medicines and Natural Health Products from the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Coimbra, in 2020. Master in Medical Statistics at the Mathematics Department of the University of Aveiro, in 2022. Adjunct Invited Professor at ESTeSC-IPC since 2018, with teaching activity in the Degree in Pharmacy and Master's in Pharmacy - Pharmacoepidemiology, Analytical Chemistry, General Toxicology, Phytotherapy and Food Supplements, Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety, Drug Toxicology, Drug Utilization Studies.
Most relevant results of scientific activity and professional experience: 25 scientific articles in indexed journals (JCR Scimago / Scopus); 25 Oral Presentations and over 80 posters presented at national and international congresses and conferences; Reviewer of Indexed International Journals; Review Editor of Frontiers and Drug Safety and Regulation; Member of the International Society of Pharmacovigilance (ISOP) and International Federation of Pharmacy (FIP) and Portuguese Statistical Society (SPE)