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Employment (2)

Université Paris-Saclay: Orsay, FR

2022-11-01 to present | Postdoctoral Researcher (Theoretical Physics)
Source: Self-asserted source
Christopher Alexander Flett

University of Jyväskylä: Jyvaskyla, FI

2020-11-01 to 2022-10-31 | Postdoctoral Researcher (Physics)
Source: Self-asserted source
Christopher Alexander Flett

Education and qualifications (2)

University of Liverpool: Liverpool, GB

2016-10 to 2020-11 | PhD Theoretical Particle Physics (Department of Mathematical Sciences)
Source: Self-asserted source
Christopher Alexander Flett

University of Edinburgh: Edinburgh, Edinburgh, GB

2011-09 to 2016-06 | MPhys Mathematical Physics (School of Physics and Astronomy)
Source: Self-asserted source
Christopher Alexander Flett

Works (12)

Physics case for quarkonium studies at the Electron Ion Collider

Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics
2025-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Daniël Boer; Chris A. Flett; Carlo Flore; Daniel Kikoła; Jean-Philippe Lansberg; Maxim Nefedov; Charlotte Van Hulse; Shohini Bhattacharya; Jelle Bor; Mathias Butenschoen et al.
Source: check_circle

Exclusive vector-quarkonium photoproduction at NLO in α in collinear factorisation with evolution of the generalised parton distributions and high-energy resummation

Physics Letters B
2024-12 | Journal article
Contributors: C.A. Flett; J.P. Lansberg; S. Nabeebaccus; M. Nefedov; P. Sznajder; J. Wagner
Source: check_circle

Implications of exclusive J/$\psi$ photoproduction in a tamed collinear factorisation approach to NLO

SciPost Physics Proceedings
2024-04-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Chris A. Flett; Alan D. Martin; Mikhail (Misha) G. Ryskin; Thomas Teubner
Source: check_circle

Predictions for exclusive $$\varUpsilon $$ photoproduction in ultraperipheral $${\textrm{Pb}}+{\textrm{Pb}}$$ collisions at the LHC at next-to-leading order in perturbative QCD

The European Physical Journal C
2023-08-29 | Journal article
Contributors: Kari J. Eskola; Christopher A. Flett; Vadim Guzey; Topi Löytäinen; Hannu Paukkunen
Source: check_circle

Next-to-leading order perturbative QCD predictions for exclusive J/ψ photoproduction in oxygen-oxygen and lead-lead collisions at energies available at the CERN Large Hadron Collider

Physical Review C
2023-04-28 | Journal article
Contributors: K. J. Eskola; C. A. Flett; V. Guzey; T. Löytäinen; H. Paukkunen
Source: check_circle

Exclusive J/ψ and ϒ production in high-energy pp and p -Pb collisions

Physical Review D
2022-10-20 | Journal article
Contributors: C. A. Flett; S. P. Jones; A. D. Martin; M. G. Ryskin; T. Teubner
Source: check_circle

Exclusive J/ψ photoproduction in ultraperipheral Pb+Pb collisions at the CERN Large Hadron Collider calculated at next-to-leading order perturbative QCD

Physical Review C
2022-09-15 | Journal article
Contributors: K. J. Eskola; C. A. Flett; V. Guzey; T. Löytäinen; H. Paukkunen
Source: check_circle

Predictions of exclusive ϒ photoproduction at the LHC and future colliders

Physical Review D
2022-02-10 | Journal article
Contributors: C. A. Flett; S. P. Jones; A. D. Martin; M. G. Ryskin; T. Teubner
Source: check_circle

Very low x gluon density determined by LHCb exclusive J/ψ data

Physical Review D
2020-12-11 | Journal article
Contributors: C. A. Flett; A. D. Martin; M. G. Ryskin; T. Teubner
Source: check_circle

How to include exclusive J/ψ production data in global PDF analyses

Physical Review D
2020-05-13 | Journal article
Contributors: C. A. Flett; S. P. Jones; A. D. Martin; M. G. Ryskin; T. Teubner
Source: check_circle

Towards a determination of the low $x$ gluon via exclusive $J/ψ$ production

2019-07-15 | Conference paper
Source: Self-asserted source
Christopher Alexander Flett

Exclusive heavy vector meson electroproduction to NLO in collinear factorisation

Journal of High Energy Physics
Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Christopher Alexander Flett via Crossref Metadata Search